Rissoidae gastropods of the outer continental shelf and slope off Galicia (NW Spain) Author Oliver, Joan Daniel Alcorisa 83 - 12 C, 28043 Madrid, Spain. joandanieloliver @ hotmail. com Author Gofas, Serge Departamento de Biología Animal, Universidad de Málaga, E- 29071 Málaga, Spain. Author Urgorri, Victoriano Estación de Bioloxía Mariña da Graña, REBUSC, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Author Díaz-Agras, Guillermo Estación de Bioloxía Mariña da Graña, REBUSC, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Author Templado, José Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), José Gutiérrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-10-18 5196 1 1 45 journal article 170600 10.11646/zootaxa.5196.1.1 e1042177-7e89-413a-b10b-3803d000d20d 1175-5326 7224080 1B12892E-D68F-4BFE-8E9A-7F19E220E73D Alvania subsoluta ( Aradas, 1847 ) ( Fig. 6 ) Material examined. ( 6 empty shells and 6 with soft parts in 4 samples): SPAIN 1 sh; 43° 57.030′N , 008° 54.795′W to 43° 57.248′N, 008° 54.133′W; 1191– 1132 m ; 08–15 SeP. 2002 ; DIVA-Artabria I AT-1000 1 sh; 43° 58.84′N , 008° 15.625′W to 43° 59.621′N, 008° 14.285′W; 233–237 m ; 15–24 Jul. 2008 ; A SELVA EBS-20 1 sh; 43° 32.89′N , 009° 30.88′W to 43° 33.79′N, 009° 29.60′W; 1211– 1207 m ; 15–30 SeP. 2008 ; DIVA-Artabria II EBS-10 6 sPc + 3 sh; 42° 45.9′N , 009° 41.68′W to 42° 47.00′N, 009° 42.12′W; 1499– 1373 m ; 15–30 SeP. 2008 ; DIVAArtabria II EBS-27 . Remarks. This species ranges from Norway to off Morocco , also in the Mediterranean, usually in a wide bathymetric range of 200–2000 m ( Bouchet & Warén 1993 ; Warén 1996 ). In the Mediterranean it has been recorded from 200 down to 700 m in depth, probably as a Pleistocene subfossil ( Gaglini 1991 ; Oliverio et al . 1992 ). Records from the Canaries ( Bouchet & Warén 1993 ; Hoenselaar & Goud 1998 ) are extremely scanty and need confirmation. The record from shallow water in Madeira is based ( Segers et al . 2009 ) on the misidentification of Alvania spreta ( Watson, 1873 ) . Alvania subsoluta resembles A. testae from which it mainly differs by having a paucispiral protoconch ( Figs. 6d–f ). The shells studied show some variability being characterized by their square reticulate sculpture. The interspaces bear a micropattern of very thin spiral lines ( Fig. 6h ). Paucispiral protoconch bearing also delicate spiral lines ( Figs. 6f–e ). Few shells with soft parts remains were found in a sample from muddy bottom with gravel deeper than A. testae and A. cimicoides (at 1400–1500 m ).