Carnivorous sponges from the Australian Bathyal and Abyssal zones collected during the RV Investigator 2017 Expedition Author Ekins, Merrick Author Erpenbeck, Dirk Author Hooper, John N. A. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-05-12 4774 1 1 159 journal article 22182 10.11646/zootaxa.4774.1.1 269cf599-428d-464d-8f21-994d69110c5c 1175-5326 3825140 B0C4A2F8-F2AB-4147-BB12-63720EEF2516 Cladorhiza australis sp. nov. Figures 7 & 8 , Tables 5 & 6 5C924F06-535C-418A-9328-F418F21ADB98 Material examined : Holotype : QM G337456 off Freycinet Peninsula , Station 6, Tasmania , Australia , 41° 37’ 32.0”– 41° 41’ 21.2” S 149° 33’ 5.4”– 149° 35’ 3.5” E , 4022–4052 m , Beam Trawl , Coll. Merrick Ekins on RV Investigator , Cruise IN2017_ V03 , Samples 6-158, 6-162.1 18/v/2017 . Paratype : QM G337474 off Newcastle , Station 65, New South Wales , Australia , 33° 26’ 27.6”– 33° 26’ 6”S , 152° 42’ 7.2”– 152° 39’ 54” E , 4280– 4173 m , Beam Trawl , Coll. Merrick Ekins on RV Investigator , Cruise IN2017_ V03 , Sample 65-122.2, 30/v/2017 . Etymology : This species is named for its southern distribution. Distribution : This species is presently known only from the abyssal zone off Tasmania and New South Wales , East Coast of Australia , at abyssal depth. Description: Growth form : An erect, unbranched, pedunculate ‘crinorhizoid’, parasol-shaped sponge with filaments extending outwards, almost horizontally from the body ( Figure 7 K ). The filaments in the holotype (G337456) are 13 mm long and 0.3 mm wide. The body of the sponge is a double cone, 8 mm in diameter across the centre. The stem of the sponge is 100 mm long, but is broken. The stem is flattened and 1 x 2 mm thick and terminates in basal roots. The body of the sponge is disc-shaped with a central papillate apex. The paratype (G337474) is identical to the holotype except that it is smaller, in poorer condition, with the body 9.54 mm in diameter across the base of the cone, and the remaining bases of the filaments are only 3 mm in length. Colour : A tan coloured body with off white filaments and stem Ectosomal skeleton : The ectosomal skeleton, on the body and the filaments is covered on the external surface with tridentate ‘unguiferate’ anisochelae ( Figure 8 D ). The ‘cleistochelate’ anisochelae are uncommonly distributed in the sub-surface region of the ectosome supported by the medium sized mycalostyles. On the stem however, the outer layer of the membranous ectosome is covered by a uniform carpet of ‘cleistochelate’ anisochelae ( Figure 8 A,B ) and this is also supported by the medium sized mycalostyles forming a protective sheath of the endosome ( Figure 8 C ). Endosomal skeleton : The endosomal skeleton of the body, the filaments, the stem and the roots consisting mainly of the larger mycalostyles in concentrated longitudinal bundles ( Figure 8 C ), but also includes the rarer medium and small mycalostyles. The large mycalostyles originate in the centre of the body and radiate out to become the horizontal filaments. Megascleres: The megascleres consist of three different forms of mycalostyles varying in their terminations, but all having a larger diameter in the centre of the spicule than at the ends. The largest mycalostyles have blunt ends, occasionally sinuous and oxeote in shape. The medium-sized and smaller, thin, supporting mycalostyles both have sharp tips. Dimensions are given in Table 6 Microscleres : The microscleres consist of abundant small anchorate ‘unguiferate’anisochelae with three large alae and three smaller alae on each end, and less common larger multidentate anchorate anisochelae with upper alae overlapping lower alae (i.e. reminiscent of the ‘cleistochelate’ condition). These ‘cleistochelate’ anisochelae mostly have three upper alae, sometimes four, and three curved lower alae. Sigmas are rare, slightly contort, and consist of a single size class ( Table 6 ). Molecular data: The 28S sequence of QM G337456 is provided in the Sponge Barcoding Database under accession number SBD#2314 and the molecular difference to other congenerics displayed in Figure 3 . Remarks : In addition to the ‘unguiferate’ anchorate anisochelae common to many other species of Cladorhiza , C. australis sp. nov . has a second unique form of anisochelae that verges on the ‘cleistochelate’ morphology which is not present in any of the other species (see Table 5 ). Lopes et al. (2011) proposed that similar to the chelae transformation series in myxillids (arcuate-anchorate-birotulate) ( Hajdu et al. 1994 ), cladorhizids also appear to have a transformation series from arcuate isochelae-cleistochelae-abyssochelae. It is possible, therefore, that this ‘cleistochelate’ anchorate anisochelae condition, as demonstrated in C. australis sp. nov . , is similar through the progressive expansion of alae longitudinally until they touch or nearly touch each other ( Lopes et al. 2011 ). FIGURE 7. Cladorhiza australis nov. sp. Holotype QM G337456. A. Larger multidentate (3–4 upper alae) ‘cleistochelate’ anisochelae. B. ‘Cleistochelate’ anisochelae showing four upper alae. C. Smaller tridentate ‘unguiferate’ anisochelae. D. Sigma. E. Large mycalostyle. F. Magnified ends of the mycalostyle illustrated in E. G. Medium-sized mycalostyle. H. Magnified ends of the mycalostyle illustrated in G. I. Small mycalostyle. J. Magnified ends of the small mycalostyle illustrated in I. K. preserved holotype. L. preserved roots of the holotype. FIGURE 8 . Cladorhiza australis nov. sp. Holotype QM G337456. A. Stem of the sponge, showing the carpet of ‘cleistochelate’ anisochelae, and where they have been abraded off the underlying sheath of the ectosome. B. Close-up of the ‘cleistochelate’ anisochelae in A. C. Stem of the sponge with the ectosome peeled off the underlying mycalostyle bundle of the endosome. Note the mycalostyle contained in the ectosome. D. Two filaments, the uppermost filament has part of the ectosomal layer containing the ‘unguiferate’ anisochelae removed showing the mycalostyles in the endosome. Of the 44 known species of Cladorhiza only seven have ‘parasol’ growth form (dubbed the ‘crinorhiza’ morphological group of cladorhizids by Ridley & Dendy 1886 ): C. mirabilis ( Ridley & Dendy, 1886 ) , C. longipinna In addition to the unique anisochelae character described above, C. austalis sp. nov. differs from these in a combination of other characters (see Table 5 ). Cladorhiza australis sp. nov. differs from C. mirabilis , C. hubbsi , C. mexicana and C. poritea sp. nov. in lacking pseudoamphiasters. It differs from C. longipinna in its spicule sizes, in particular having smaller unguiferate anisochelae, larger mycalostyles in three size classes, and the possession of sigmas. Cladorhiza similis also has three size classes of mycalostyles but each with a smaller size range than those of C. australis sp. nov. , and it also lacks sigmas. Cladorhiza corona has mycalostyles of approximately the same size range as C. australis sp. nov. distributed throughout all parts of the skeleton except in the ectosome, but has in addition (sub)tylostyles and sigmancistras in the ‘crown’ (a structure that is apical to body and surrounded by the filaments), and short anisoxeas in the basal disc (which was not collected in our species). Similarly, C. kensmithi (also a parasol-shaped growth form with a ‘crown’), has three size classes of mycalostyles of more-or-less the same size range as those of C. australis sp. nov. , sigmancistras, and strongyles in its basal rhizoid holdfast. Finally, C. australis sp. nov. differs from C. poritea sp. nov. in lacking pseudamphiasters, but having sigmas in addition to unguiferate anisochelae as microscleres. TABLE 5 . Comparative morphological and distributional data for all known species of Cladorhiza .
Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza australis sp. nov. present study Pedunculate erect, unbranched, ‘crinorhizoid’ parasol- shaped sponge with filaments nearly horizontal to the discshaped body, long thin stem, basal attachment missing 75 x 2 Axis of stem and body cored by longitudinal bundles of mycalostyles of 3 size/ shape classes mycalostyles 1, 1380–4960 x 21–85 mycalostyles 2, 1000–1940 x 15–30 mycalostyles 3, 485–1080 x 15–30 undifferentiated undifferentiated unguiferate anisochelae 24–35 x 2–5 cleistochelate anisochelae 35–44 x 18–32 absent sigmas 43–100 x 2–5 E. Australia, off Tasmania and New South Wales, abyssal
Cladorhiza moniqueae sp. nov. present study Pedunculate erect, unbranched, with body a horizontally aligned teardrop- shaped cushion, 6 medusoid-like tentacular filaments, on short (broken) stem, basal attachment missing 15 x 7 Axis of stem cored by bundles of mycalostyles extending into the cushion- shaped body where they form a thick radiating mass, eventually piercing the ectosome and hispid surface mycalostyles 1, 777-(1321)-1760 x 18-(28)-37 mycalostyles 2, 569-(929)-1120 x 9-(14)-19 undifferentiated unknown tridentate unguiferate anisochelae 49-(55)-60 36-(44)-49 x sigmas 1, 1-(2)-4 165-(241)-289 x 7-(10)-15 sigmas 2, 71-(109)-166 x 2-(4)-6 E. Australia, off New South Wales, abyssal
...Continued on the next page TABLE 5 . (Continued)
Species Source Morphology Total Skeleton height x stem width (mm) Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras Sigmas (L μm) and (L μm) other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza poritea sp. nov. present study Pedunculate erect, unbranched, ‘crinorhizoid’ parasol- shaped sponge with conical acuminate body with filaments extending downwards, long thin stem, basal attachment missing 10–50 x 1–1.5 Axis of stem and body cored by longitudinal bundles of mycalostyles with variable size range, filaments 10–30 mm consisting of smaller bundles of mycalostyles mycalostyles 523–6650 x 8–75 undifferentiated unknown unguiferate anisochelae 20–36 x 1.6–4.2 absent asymmetrical pseudoamphiasters 93–168 x 6–15.3 Off Fraser Island, Queensland, and Freycinet Peninsula, Tasmania, abyssal
Cladorhiza investigator sp. nov. present study Stipitate erect, unbranched with horizontal filaments at right angles and encircling the entire stem in 9 rows, largest at base, smallest at apex, basal rhizoid rootlets 117 x 3 Axis of stem, rootlets and filaments cored by tight longitudinal bundles of mycalostyles of 3 size categories mycalostyles 1, 1240-(1509)-1880 x 18-(27)-41 mycalostyles 2, 600-(914)-1210 x 12-(16)-21 undifferentiated subtylostyles 356-(624)-905 x 3-(6)-12 unguiferate multidentate anchorate anisochelae 1, 20-(24)-28, anchorate anisochelae 2, 13-(17)-19 36-(40)-44 x 2–3 sigmas 36-(76)-152 Freycinet x 2-(3)-6 Peninsula, Tasmania, Australia, abyssal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza pentaeiros sp. nov. present study Stipitate erect sponge with fine filaments radiating in five directions projecting from the cylindrical stalk at 1 mm intervals 77 x 3 Axis of stem, rootlets and filaments cored with five tight longitudinal bundles of mycalostyles of 3 size categories mycalostyles 1, 1340-(1733)-2310 x 22-(32)-44 mycalostyle 2 552-(938)-1420 x 10-(15)-20 mycalostyles 3, 336-(568)-896 x 3-(6)-11 undifferentiated undifferentiated anchorate ‘unguiferate’ anisochelae 16-(22)-25 x 2-(2)-2 absent sigmas 27-(34)-43 x 1-(2)-2 Bermagui, New South Wales, Australia, bathyl
Cladorhiza sp. 1 Stipitate erect, unbranched, bottle-brush shaped, filaments covering whole stem forming 7 columns, long basal rhizoid rootlets 205–405 x 6 Axis of stem prominently radial with small core from which arms radiate outwards composed of mycalostyles forming the filaments, at right angles to the arms are 7 bundles of longitudinal mycalostyles Large mycalostyles 1, 1510–3110 x 22–56, small mycalostyles 2, 426–1690 x 6–24 undifferentiated undifferentiated palmate & unguiferate anchorate anisochelae 1, 42–69 x 1.5–4 unguiferate anchorate anisochelae 2, 21–31 x1–3 31–46 x 2–4 sigmas 1, 58–229 x 3–12 sigmas 2, 61–106 x 1–4 Great Australian Bight, bathyal
...Continued on the next page TABLE 5 . (Continued)
Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of Chelae (L μm) basal attachment (LxW μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas Locality/ depth (L μm) range and other microscleres
Cladorhiza abyssicola Sars, 1872 Lundbec k 1905:79; Sars, 1872 ; Hestetun, Fourt, Vacelet, Boury- Esnault & Rapp, 2015: 1330–1332, Fig. 12; Hestetun, Tompkins- Macdonald & Rapp, 2017: 22, Figs. 16–17 Arbuscular- 15–45 arborescent x 1–2 erect, tree- like branched central stem with numerous side branches in several planes, each branch bearing numerous thin filaments and terminating in a small swelling, basal stem anchored by rhizoids Axis, branches and filaments all consist of a dense core of longitudinally arranged mycalostyles/ strongyles, mycalostyles of filaments anchored into main axial skeleton mycalostyles- strongyles 270-(486)-930 x 5.2-(12.6)- 25.1 undifferentiated undifferentiated anchorate anisochelae 15.0-(20.5)- 28.6 31.4-(40.4)- 52.8 sigmas 1, 76–140 sigmas 2, 30–45 North and Mid-Atlantic, Mediterranean, North Sea and Arctic, mesophotic- bathyal
Cladorhiza acanthoxea Hestetun, Fourt, Vacelet, Boury- Esnault & Rapp, 2015 Hestetun, Fourt, Vacelet, Boury- Esnault & Rapp, 2015: 1332–1334, Fig. 13 Stipitate erect, 85 x 2–3 elongate sponge with main stem bearing numerous thin unevenly placed radiating filaments Axis of stem composed of longitudinal bundles of mycalostyles/ strongyles with acanthoxeas lining axis, projecting filaments composed of shorter thinner megascleres projecting tangential to the axis mycalostyles- strongyles 1, 710–1780 x 14.1–31.4 Acanthoxeas 162–233 x 7.9–17.3 mycalostyles- strongyles 2, 260–780 x 6.3–20.4 not present anchorate anisochelae 20.4–29.8 absent sigmas 37.7–45.5 W coast Africa off Gabon– Congo, bathyal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza arctica Koltun, 1959 Koltun 1959: 79–80 , Fig. 34; Hestetun, Tompkins- Macdonald & Rapp, 2017: 25, Fig. 18 Pedunculate erect, unbranched clavate body tapering downwards into a slender stem, root- like basal attachment, upper body with few filaments 400 x? Longitudinally arranged mycalostyles in the stem, which spread, following the tapering surface, into the body mycalostyles 728–1508 x 12–36 mycalostyles 364–873 x 6–11 acanthoxeas 135–239 x 6–8 anchorate anisochelae (tridentate) 35–40 absent absent Kara Sea near Ushakov Island, central Arctic Ocean, bathyal
Cladorhiza bathycrinoides Koltun, 1955 Koltun, 1955: 48 , Pl. VI Fig 1; Koltun 1959: 80– 81 , Fig. 35; Koltun 1970: 185 , Lopes & Hajdu 2014: 348 Pedunculate erect, long stem with large subspehrical body bearing abundant apical filaments, large basal rhizoids 20–120 x 2 unknown styles 1, 551–2150 x 10–44 styles 2, 550–1100 x 10–17 undifferentiated undifferentiated tridentate unquiferous anisochelae 33–83 33–44 sigmas 1, 33–111 sigmas 2, 33–44 NW Pacific, Okhotsk Sea, mesophotic- bathyal
...Continued on the next page TABLE 5 . (Continued)
Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of Chelae (L μm) basal attachment (LxW μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza caillieti Lundsten, Reiswig & Austin, 2014 Lundsten, Reiswig & Austin, 2014: 112 , Figs. 7–9 Stipitate erect, abundant bottle-brush filaments on most of stem, basal rhizoid attachment 70–91 x 2.1–2.6 Axis and filaments with large mycalostyles, base and filaments with 2 size classes of smaller mycalostylesstyles mycalostyles 1, 1267–1477 x 27–41 mycalostyles- styles 2, 633–981 x 12–24 mycalostyles- styles 3, 295–469 same as filaments multidentate unguiferate anisochelae 1, 32–36 unguiferate anisochelae 2, 17–21 42–46 sigmas 1, 158–162 sigmas 2, 77–116 sigmas 3, 79–11 Endeavor Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge Canada, bathyal
Cladorhiza corallophila Göcke, Hestetun, Uhlir, Freiwald, Beuck & Janussen, 2016 Göcke, Hestetun, Uhlir, Freiwald, Beuck & Janussen, 2016: 514 , Figs. 2–4 Arbuscular erect, multiple stems producing bushy colonies, lateral processes project from stems in 1 plane, covered in filaments, no distinct basal attachments 100 x 2 Axis of stems and branches cored by dense aggregation of mycalostyles, strongyles and occasional oxeas, filaments with few megascleres mycalostyles 280–420 x 8–14.4 strongyles 200–410 x 11.2–17.6 oxeas 300–440 x 6.4–9.6 undifferentiated undifferentiated Anchorate unguiferous anisochelae 17.6–24 absent sigmas 75.2–88 Mauritania, mesophotic
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza corona ( Lehnert, Watling & Stone, 2005 ) Lehnert, Watling & Stone, 2005: 1359 , Figs 1–2 Pedunculate erect, parasol ‘crinorhizoid’ morphology, long stem, two planes of different appendages, basal disk holdfast 225–325 x 1–9 Axis of stem and basal appendages with thick bundles of long mycalostyles, crown with tracts of long mycalostyles fanning out in 1 plane, with single thin subtylostyles perpendicular to the axial skeleton, basal plate with mycalostyles and short anisoxeas densely packed in one plane parallel to the substrate mycalostyles 600–4260 x 10–65 (sub-)tylostyles 510–1650 x 8–20 (in the crown) anisoxeas 140–660 x 38–43 anchorate anisochelae 30–42 35–42 absent Aleutian Islands, mesophotic- bathyal
Cladorhiza corticocancella ta Carter, 1876 Carter, 1876: 27 ; Hestetun, Tompkins- Macdona ld & Rapp, 2017: 25–27, Figs. 19–20 Arbuscular- arborescent erect, tree-like, dichotomously branched, stem covered in a large number of partly coalesced filaments with numerous cavities, connected to by an amorphous growth or plate 200 x? Axis of stem with bundles of mycalostyles forming a solid core, axis of filaments made up of tightly packed mycalostyles perpendicular to the centre of the main skeleton mycalostyles 475-(670)- 799 x 9.4-(17.5)- 25.1 undifferentiated undifferentiated anchorate anisochelae 25.3-(32.7)- 37.7 46.6-(61.3)- 95.5 112-(155)-182 Shetland and NE Atlantic, bathyal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras Sigmas (L μm) (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza depressa Kieschnick, 1896 (virtually unrecognisable) Kieschnick 1896 , Lehnert et al. 2005: 1361 , Lopes & Hajdu 2014: 348 Erect, laterally flattened, surface with numerous bushy filaments ? Skeletal fiberglass- like network with coarse branches of large styles and oxeas large styles (amphi)oxeas unknown unknown anisochelae unknown present sigmas present Ternate, Indonesia
Cladorhiza diminuta Lopes & Hajdu, 2014 Lopes & Hajdu, 2014: 347 , Fig. 10 Pedunculate erect, elongate body, conical or spherical, peduncle attached by an enlarged base 5–8.2 x 2.3–3.2 Main axis with longitudinal bundles mycalostyles and subtylostyles, smaller bundles of mycalostyles in the apical body, mycalostyles in base mycalostyles 298–595 x 8–15 undifferentiated undifferentiated unguiferate absent anisochelae 13–18 sigmas 28–53 Campos Basin, SE Brazil, SW Atlantic, mesophotic
Cladorhiza ephyrula Lévi, 1964 Lévi, 1964: 74 , Pl.II F–G Pedunculate erect, unbranched, convex cushion-like disk or vase on short stem, with apical/ lateral processes, basal attachment not recorded 18–35 x? Axis with longitudinal bundles of styles- subtylostyles styles- subtylostyles 1400–2900 x 27–35 styles 1100–1300 x 24–25 undifferentiated undifferentiated arcuate absent anisochelae 75–88 sigmas 1, 150–200 sigmas 2, 45–65 SW Indian Ocean off Cape TownDurban, abyssal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of Spicules of lateral main axis filaments or body (LxW μm) (LxW μm) Spicules of Chelae (L μm) basal attachment (LxW μm) Sigmancistras Sigmas Locality/ (L μm) (L μm) depth range and other microscleres
Cladorhiza Lundsten , evae Reiswig Lundsten, & Austin, Reiswig 2014: & Austin, 116–119, 2014 Figs. 10–12 Stipitate erect, filaments arranged in 4– 5 discreet longitudinal rows covering entire stem, rhizoid basal attachment 137–187 x 1.7– 3.4 Axis, filaments and base with 3 sizes of mycalostyles, with the smallest more abundant in filaments mycalostyles undifferentiated 1, 1783–2703 x 18–47 mycalostyles- styles 2, 792–1656 x 15–37 mycalostyles- styles 3, 692–958 x 13–35 undifferentiated multidentate unguiferate anisochelae 21–25 40–44 sigmas 1, 160–180 sigmas 2, 60–84 Alarcon Rise, Cabo Pulmo, Mexico, bathyal
Cladorhiza Topsent , flosabyssi 1909: 12; Topsent, Lehnert et 1909 al. 2005: 1361 Arbuscular erect, long thin stem, long thin flower- like bouquet of filaments at apex of stem, no basal attachment 115 x? Axis of stem and filaments cored by longitudinal bundles of mycalostyles, surrounded by tylostyles in the flesh mycalostyles undifferentiated 3000–5000 x 70 tylostyles 400–700 x 4–12 undifferentiated arcuate unquiferate anisochelae 24–41 absent sigmas 42–47 Central Atlantic, Cape Verde, bathyal
Cladorhiza Lambe , fristedtii 1900: 21; (Lambe, Lehnert et 1900) al. 2005: 1361 Stipitate erect, 65 x 2–4 unbranched, short stem, cylindrical pinnate body with many horizontal thorn- like filaments, expanded root-like basal attachment Compound axis of spiculo-fibres cored by horizontal bundles of styles, small tylostyles scattered through the body, and with small spiculo-fibres at right-angles to the axis of filaments styles- undifferentiated mycalostyles 465–1500 x 13–20 tylostyles 85–124 x 6 undifferentiated palmate anisochelae 15–20 absent absent North Pacific, W Greenland, mesophotic
...Continued on the next page TABLE 5 . (Continued)
Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of Chelae basal attachment (L μm) (LxW μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza gelida Lundbeck, 1905 Lundbeck, 1905: 83 , Pl.3, Fig. 1, Pl. 11, Fig. 3; Hestetun, Fourt, Vacelet, Boury- Esnault & Rapp 2015: 1334–1335, Fig. 14; Koltun 1959: 81–82 ; Hestetun, Tompkins-Macdonald & Rapp 2017: 27-30 , Figs 21–22 Arbuscular erect, branched tree-like with one or several main stems with numerous pinnate branches in 1 plane, branches covered in numerous filaments, short stem with basal plate or rootlets 250 x 2–4 Axis of stem, root and body with bundles of subtylostyles- mycalostyles, without differential distribution in the sponge subtylo to mycalostyles 380-(622)-1000 x 7.0-(16.6)-25.1 undifferentiated undifferentiated ancorate 37.7-(52.3)- anisochelae 85.8 22.8-(31.2)- 42.3 sigmas 86-(139)-174 North Atlantic, bathyal- abyssal
Cladorhiza grimaldii Topsent 1909 . Topsent, 1909: 9 , Pl. I, Fig. 6, Pl. II, Fig. 5 Stipitate erect, unbranched, short stem, pinnate body with filaments horizontal to axis, with small discoid basal attachment 125 x? Axis of stem with bundles of larger styles, surrounded by 2 smaller classes of styles in the flesh and filaments fusiform styles 1, 935–1005 x 27 30 fusiform styles 2, 775–650 x 20 styles 3, 580 x 13 undifferentiated anisochelae 30–34 absent sigmas 170–180 x 5 Central Atlantic, Cape Verde, bathyal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza hubbsi Lundsten, Reiswig & Austin, 2017 Lundsten, Reiswig & Austin, 2017: 255–257 , Fig. 6 Erect parasol morphology, with ‘chrinorhizoid’ filaments at base of conical body, apex flat, on thin stalk, basal attachment not recorded 110 x 1.1 3 size classes of mycalostyles, presumed undifferentiated distribution in sponge mycalostyles 1, 4298–5836 x 60–80 mycalostyles 2, 3712–4632 x 43–79 mycalostyles 3, 2097–3033 x 29–59 undifferentiated undifferentiated tridentate unguiferate anisochelae 29–33 85–103 pseudoamphiasters California, 128–144 USA, bathyal
Cladorhiza iniquidentata Lundbeck, 1905 Lundbeck, 1905:91–92 , Fig. 4, Pl. III, Fig. 6, Pl. XII Fig. 5; Hestetun, Tompkins- Macdonald & Rapp, 2017:30:00 Arbuscular erect, with central stem and side branches covered in filaments projecting in all directions 43 x 1–2 Axis of stem and branches with longitudinal bundles of mycalostyles, axis of filaments with overlapping mycalostyles anchored into the main stem mycalostyles 487-(600)-688 x 18.9-(22.4)- 26.2 undifferentiated undifferentiated anchorate anisochelae 19.6-(23.6)- 28.8 absent absent IcelandFaroe Ridge, bathyal
Cladorhiza inversa Ridley & Dendy, 1886 Ridley & Dendy, 1887: 94 , Pl. XX, Fig. 8, Pl. XXI, Fig. 3; Castello- Branco, Hestetun, Rapp & Hajdu, 2016:300–301 , Fig. 3 Pedunculate erect, with conical head bearing long filaments, unbranched long stalk, basal attachment missing 190 x 3 Axis of body and stem with longitudinal bundles of mycalostyles, filaments cored by larger mycalostyles, and flesh of body with tylostyles mycalostyles 1, 542-(975)- 1500 x 11-(19)-30 fusiform tylostyles 270-(303)- 365 x 8-(11)- 13 mycalostyles 2, 1496-(1799)-2111 x 31-(36)-48 undifferentiated tridentate anchroate anisochelae 23-(25)-27 absent absent South Atlantic, between Rio de la Plata and Tristan da Cunha, abyssal
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Species Source Morphology Total height Skeleton x stem width (mm) Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza kenchingtonae Hestetun, Tompkins- Macdonald & Rapp, 2017 Hestetun, Tompkins- Macdonald & Rapp, 2017: 30– 33, Figs. 24–25 Stipitate erect, very slender, arching, long thin branches with filamentous projections on one side only, stem attached with basal plate 2000 x 5 Axis with closely packed mycalostyles, filaments inserted into stem in an alternating pattern forming two oblique rows styles- mycalostyles 262-(1369)- 2381 x 14.5- (26.6)-42.0 acanthoxeas 139-(175)-218 x 11.6-(20.1)- 26.5 undifferentiated undifferentiated anchorate anisochelae 28.1-(31.5)-35.2 x 2.4-(3.0)-3.6 29.9-(33.4)- 36.0 x 2 absent Flemish Cap, NE of Grand Banks, N Atlantic, bathyal
Cladorhiza kensmithi Lundsten, Reiswig & Austin, 2017 Lundsten, Reiswig & Austin, 2017: 250–253 , Figs. 2–3 Crinorhizoid’ form with numerous filaments parasol- shaped, on long stem with densely branching basal rhizoid holdfast, 2–4 spermatocystbearing discs on short, slender stalks on apex of body 208–325 x 1–2.1 Axis of stem cored by mycalostyles 1–3, filaments cored by mycalostyles 1&3, basal rhizoid cored by strongyles and mycalostyles 3 mycalostyles 1, 3138–4850 x 49–75 mycalostyles 2, 1009–1501 x 15–29 mycalostyles 3, 242–452 x 13–17 mycalostyles 1 & 3 strongyles 421–1023 x 10–22 mycalostyles 3 tridentate unguiferate anisochelae 33–37 43–50 absent Off N California, bathyal- abyssal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza linearis Ridley & Dendy, 1887 Ridley & Dendy 1887: 90 , Pl. XX. Fig. 6; Pl. XXI. Figs. 2, 2a; ( Lévi 1964: 73 , Fig. 17, Pl. III Fig. F) Stipitate erect, slender axis with lateral tufts of spicules, coalesced stems with many small lateral filaments regularly spaced on apex of stems, no basal attachment recorded 80–106 x 4–5 Axis of stems with longitudinal bundles of styles, filaments cored by small bundles of spicules perpendicular to the stem styles ~3000 (styles 1, 2500–3000 x 50) (styles 2, 1100–1300 x 18) not present anisochelae 32 (unguiferate tridentate anisochelae 25–32) absent sigmas 170 x 10 (sigmas 1, 170–180 x 10 sigmas 2, 11–14) Central S Pacific, bathyal- abyssal
Cladorhiza longipinna Ridley & Dendy, 1886 Ridley & Dendy, 1887: 92 , P1. XX. Fig. 2; P1. XXI. Figs. 4,21; Koltun 1970:185– 186 , Fig. 13, Pl. VI, Figs. 3–5 Pedunculate erect, ‘crinorhizoid’ parasol morphology, long thin stem with apical suspherical body bearing long radial projections outwards and downwards, basal attachment not recorded 27 x 5 Axes of stem and lateral processes cored by bundles of long mycalostyles mycalostyles 1, 3000 x 50– 55 mycalostyles 2, 200–1000 x 10–16 undifferentiated not recorded unguiferate tridentate anisochelae 30–78 absent absent NW Pacific, bathyal -hadal
Cladorhiza mani Koltun, 1964 Koltun, 1964: 35 , Fig. 9 Pedunculate (?) erect, long stem, broadened upper body 150 x 0.5 Unknown mycalostyles 800–1550 x 38– 50 thin styles 1000 - 1850 x 12–14 (fewer) curved tylostyles 950–1100 x 6–7 undifferentiated undifferentiated unguiferate tridentate anisochelae 22–23 absent sigmas 28–70 Prince Edward & Bouvet Islands, N Atlantic, bathyal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza methanophila Vacelet & Boury- Esnault, 2002 Vacelet & Boury- Esnault: 142; Hestetun, Fourt, Vacelet, Boury- Esnault & Rapp, 2015: 1335 Arbuscular erect, branched tree-like, central stem and branches covered with numerous unbranched filaments, basal disc holdfast 44–400 x 5–6 Axis of stem and branches with bundles of mycalostyles, spirally twisted in the main axis, filaments with fewer mycalostyles embedded in and projecting from axis, basal disc with thicker mycalostyles mycalostyles 310–960 x 5–20 styles 160–320 x 1.6–4.7 undifferentiated mycalostyles 310–680 x 10–29 anchorate unguiferous anisochelae 20–25 40–55 sigmas 95–145 Barbados Trench and Mid Atlantic Ridge, bathyal- abyssal
Cladorhiza mexicana Lundsten, Reiswig & Austin, 2017 Lundsten, Reiswig & Austin, 2017: 253 , Figs. 4–5 Erect parasol- shaped, ‘crinorhizoid’ body with radiating long filaments at base of body, on long stalk, presumed basal holdfast not collected 300 x 1–3 3 size classes of mycalostyles, presumed undifferentiated distribution in sponge mycalostyles 1, 3577–4133 x 58–74 mycalostyles 2, 2650–3246 x 45–63 mycalostyles 3, 1293–1931 x 23–39 undifferentiated undifferentiated tridentate unguiferate anisochelae 33–36 47–55 asymmetrical Gulf of pseudoamphiasters California, 102–115 Mexico, bathyal
Cladorhiza microchela Lévi, 1964 Lévi, 1964: 73 , Pl. IV, Fig. F Stipitate erect, long stem with widely spaced perpendicular pinnate paired filaments on either side of stem 55 x 0.5– 0.8 Axis of stem and filaments cored by longitudinal bundles of styles styles 1, up to 3200 x 45–50 styles 2, 1 100–1400 x 12–15 undifferentiated not recorded tridentate unquiferous anisochelae 13–14 absent absent South China Sea, abyssal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza mirabilis ( Ridley & Dendy, 1886 ) Ridley & Dendy, 1887: 98 , Pl. XX, Fig. 5, Pl. XXI, Figs. 8–10; (present work from re- examination of lectotype BMNH 1887.5.2. 141); [ Koltun 1970: 187 , Fig. 13] Pedunculate erect, ‘crinorhizoid’ parasol-shaped with conical cap-shaped body with terminal papillae, perched on the end of a long slender stem, with numerous long filaments surrounding the body, basal attachment not recorded 56? (13 x 2) Axis of stem, body and filaments cored by bundles of styles- mycalostyles of a single size class, with single styles projecting on the terminal papillae, cortex encrusted with pseudoamphiasters and other microscleres styles>3500 (styles- mycalostyles 1, ~6000 x 11 styles 2, ~300 x 5) [mycalostyles ~3500 x 15–50] undifferentiated absent tridentate unguiferate anisochelae 38 (31–48) [‘anchors’ 33–38] absent sigmas 75.6 (88–114) [sigmas 76] birotules (‘amphiasters’) with 5 terminal alae 230 (pseudoamphiasters 127–295) [‘amphiasters’ 88–230] SE Pacific, off S Easter Island, & N Pacific, abyssal
Cladorhiza moruliformis Ridley & Dendy, 1886 Ridley & Dendy 1887: 90 , Pl. XX, Fig. 3, Pl. XXI, Fig. 1, 15, 19; Dressler- Allame, Göcke, Kersken, Plotkin & Janussen, 2017:197–198, Fig. 9; Hestetun, Rapp & Xavier 2017:183–184 , Fig. 13 Pedunculate erect, spherical club-shaped body covered in large projections, filaments with swollen tips, short stalk, base missing 14 x 2.5 Axis of stem with tightly packed bundles of mycalostyles that continue into the center of the body, projections composed of a thinner central core of megasclere bundles, creating a radial skeleton in the body. mycalostyles 1, 1513- (2117)-2563 x 32.1-(46.4)- 56.7 mycalostyles 2, 407-(997)- 1358 x 7.1-(19.4)- 26.4 undifferentiated absent anchorate anisochelae (tridentate) 50.3-(56.2)- 62.3 absent sigmas 1, 233-(315)-384 sigmas 2, 126-(149)-187 Wilkes Land & Weddel Sea, Antarctica, bathyal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza nematophora Lévi, 1964 Lévi 1964: 74 , Pl.4 G Pedunculate erect, with large subspherical body bearing long lateral and apical processes, on short tapering stem, no basal attachment recorded 15–12 x 1.5 Axis of stem and processes with bundles of mycalostyles mycalostyles 1, 1800–2500 x 30–35 mycalostyles 2, 900–1400 x 15–20 undifferentiated absent tridentate unguiferate anisochelae 50–60 absent sigmas 1, 195–200 x 5–6 sigmas 2, 125–150 W Indian Ocean, off Madagascar & Kenya, bathyalabyssal
Cladorhiza nicoleae Castello- Branco, Hestetun, Rapp & Hajdu, 2016 Castello- Branco, Hestetun, Rapp & Hajdu, 2016: 297–300 , Fig. 2 Pedunculate erect, globular body on long stem, body with radial filaments, basal attachment not present 26 x 4.5 Axis of stem and body with longitudinal tracts of mycalostyles in 2 sizes, filaments with similar tracts of mycalostyles projecting from axis mycalostyles 1, 939-(1252)- 1618 x 15- (21.5)-24 mycalostyles 2, 445-(659)-832 x 4.8-(9.1)-9.7 undifferentiated absent tridentate unguiferate anchorate anisochelae 34–38 x 9–44 19-(29.8)-39 sigmas 24-(32.3)-39 SE Brazil, off Quissama, mesophotic
Cladorhiza oxeata Lundbeck, 1905 Lundbeck, 1905: 97 ; Hestetun, Tompkins- Macdona ld & Rapp, 2017: 33–34, Figs. 26–27 Arbuscular erect, branched tree-like, solid branching main stem with side branches, both covered with numerous filaments, short basal attachment 300 x 5–10 Axis of stem and branches composed of tightly connected bundles of oxeas, producing a smooth rigid central skeleton oxeas 390-(615)-845 x 4.9-(22.0)- 38.9 undifferentiated undifferentiated multidentate anchorate anisochelae, 5 teeth, 22.6-(33.3)- 42.0 26.7-(43.4)- 55 sigmas 100-(125)- 153 Amphi- Atlantic, boreo-Arctic, mesophotic- bathyal
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Species Source Morphology Total height Skeleton x stem width (mm) Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza penniformis Göcke & Janussen, 2013 Göcke & Janussen, 2013: 63–65 , Fig. 12 Stipitate erect, 110 x 2 long stem, feather-like pinnate with a thin main axis and even thinner lateral filaments attached at right angles, no basal attachment recorded Axis of stem cored by several condensed tracts of styles-mycalotyles, filaments cored by slender tracts of styles with spicules fanning out at connections of filaments and main axis mycalostyles 612.5-(972)- 1375 x 13-(17)-23 undifferentiated undifferentiated anchorate anisochelae 19-(22)-25 absent sigmas 1, 42–45 sigmas 2, 100–115 Antarctica, E Weddell Sea, abyssal
Cladorhiza Dendy, pentacrinus 1887: Dendy, 1887 279, Pl. 15 Pedunculate 24 x 2 erect, long stem with subspherical apical body bearing a circlet of short thick filaments (‘pinnae’), with a rhizoid basal attachment of long slender branching rootlets Axis of stem cored by longitudinal tracts of larger mycalostyles, tracts becoming radial in the body corresponding to each filament and composed of smaller mycalostyles, with each tract supporting a filament diminishing in number at their apex, basal rhizoids cored by slender tracts of styles becoming single spicules at their termination larger mycalostyles ~1500 x 20 smaller mycalostyles and styles smaller styles ~63 arcuate tridentate anisochelae ~38 absent sigmas 110 x 4 SW Pacific, NE of New Zealand, bathyal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza pteron Reiswig & Lee, 2007 Reiswig & Lee, 2007: 518–522 , Figs. 1–21 Stipitate erect, trowel-shaped, pinnate, unbranched bilaterally symmetrical body with flattened keel, stem and body about equal in length, complete fringe of spatulate filaments, males with several reproductive frontal lobes, attached to substrate by a small basal disc 382 x 8 Axis of stem cored by tracts of larger mycalostyles with rare intermediate styles in between, filaments cored by tracts of larger mycalostyles perpendicular to axis, and smaller mycalostylesanisoxeas dominant in the basal disc mycalostyles 1042-(2569)- 3636 x 24-(51)-73 rare styles 1539–2460 x 15–18 undifferentiated smaller mycalostyles- anisoxeas 370-(788)-1333 x 24-(38)-55 anchorate- unguiferate anisochelae 24-(28)-33 32-(37)-42 absent San Juan & Rodriguez Seamounts, S California, bathyal
Cladorhiza rectangularis Ridley & Dendy, 1886 Ridley & Dendy, 1887: 88 , Pl. XX, Fig.10; ( Koltun 1959: 82 , Fig. 37); [ Koltun, 1970: 182–184 , Fig. 11] Stipitate erect, unbranched body, slender stem regularly encircled by long slender filaments in 4 rows in 2 vertical planes, stem anchored by several delicate rhizoid rootlets 50 x 1 Axis of stem cored by thick bundles of styles, filaments (“pinnae”) and rootlets cored by fewer styles styles 2000 x 19 (styles 650–2000 x 14–36) [styles 1, 2500–3000 x 24–50 styles 2, 500–1300 x 13–18] undifferentiated undifferentiated anisochelae 25 (anisochelae 18–27) [anisochelae 16–32] absent sigmas 130 x 7 (sigmas 1, 120–170 x 6–10 sigmas 2, 30–50 x 2–4) [sigmas 1, 100–180 sigmas 2, 50] Central S Pacific, N Pacific (Bering Sea) & NW Pacific, abyssal- hadal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza scanlonae Goodwin, Berman, Downey & Hendry, 2017 Goodwin, Berman, Downey & Hendry, 2017: 50–51 , Fig. 8 Branching erect, short stem with rhizoid rootlet holdfast, body (upper stem) with with short knobbly spicule column projections, terminations of branches with more pronounced nodules 80 x 3 Axis of main stem formed of columns of mycalostyles with bundles of ~15 spicules, one style in length, projecting at right angles, rootlets with columns of similar mycalostyles mycalostyles (upper branches) 1140–1495 x 24–47 undifferentiated mycalostyles (rootlets) 857–1456 x 26–50 unguiferate anisochelae 40–45 absent absent Sars Seamount, Drake Passage, Antarctica, mesophotic
Cladorhiza schistochela Lévi, 1993 Lévi, 1993: 40 , Fig. 14C, Pl. IV, Fig 2. Pl. IX, Fig. 5. Stipitate erect, unbranched, sub- cylindrical body on short stem, body with a concave face marked by a longitudinal groove, attached to substrate with a basal disc 140 x1 Axis of stem and body with longitudinal bundles of styles, peripheral skeleton made of bundles intersecting styles and other spicules near the surface styles 1, 2800–3000 x 30 styles 2, 1100–1500 x 18 styles 3, 500–700 x 8–12 tridentate arcuate anisochelae 60–100 absent sigmas 1, 100–125 sigmas 2, 50 New Caledonia, mesophotic
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Species Source Morphology Total height Skeleton x stem width (mm) Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza segonzaci Vacelet, 2006 Vacelet, 2006: 555 , Figs 2, 17F Stipitate erect, unbranched, slender spicular axis with numerous short lateral processes at right angles around entire main axis, usually arranged in two opposite series, rarely partly pinnate, stem short devoid of processes, with enlarged basal attachment 24–324 x 1–4 Axis with bundles of mycalostyles, lateral processes with mycalostyles perpendicular to axis mycalostyles (axis and processes) 380–990 × 14–23 mycalostyles (centre of axis) 3–10 thick undifferentiated undifferentiated multidentate anchorate unguiferate anisochelae 15–18 20–25 × 2 sigmas 50–80 × 1–1.5 East Pacific Rise, N of Easter Island, bathyal
Cladorhiza septemdentalis Koltun, 1970 Koltun, Arbuscular 1970: erect, 184, Fig. 12; unbranched Lopes & brushlike body, Hajdu, 2014 with pinnate filaments predominantly at apical end of long stalk, basal rhizome holdfast 10–60 x 3 unknown mycalostyles 1, 770–1210 x 21–32 styles 610–930 x 13–18 undifferentiated undifferentiated multidentate unguiferate anisochelae 33–44 28–44 sigmas 83–187 NW Pacific, off Kuril Islands and Hokkaido, abyssalhadal
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Species Source Morphology Total Skeleton height x stem width (mm) Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza similis Ridley & Dendy, 1886 Ridley & Dendy, 1886:343 ; Ridley & Dendy, 1887: 93 , Pl. XX, Fig. 7, Pl. XXI, Fig. 5, 18; ( Lévi, 1993: 40 , Fig. 14, Pl. IV, Figs. 4–6) Pedunculate erect, ‘chrinorhizoid’ parasol morphology, with cap- shaped conical body and long filaments encircling the lower body, perched on a thin stem, basal attachment missing ? Axis of stem, body and filaments cored by bundles of styles, dense close-set tylostyles mostly near surface, fewer in the axial skeleton styles ‘very long and slender’ tylostyles 210–600 x 16 (styles 1, up to 3600 x 50 styles 2, 650–700 x 30 styles 3, 250–300 x 8–10) undifferentiated undifferentiated tridentate unguiferous anisochelae 30 (anisochelae 30) absent absent Central Pacific & New Caledonia, bathyal- abyssal
Cladorhiza Lundbeck, Arbuscular tenuisigma 1905:84, erect, Lundbeck, 1905 Pl. III, Fig. branching 2–3, Pl. stem with XII, Fig. 4; side branches Koltun swollen at tips, 1959: 82, both covered in Fig. 37; long filaments Hestetun, projecting in Tompkins- all directions, Macdona basal stem ld & Rapp, anchored by 2017: rhizoid rootlets 34–37 Fig.28 150 x 1–5 Axis of stem and branches with bundles of mycalostyles forming a solid core, filaments cored by overlapping mycalostyles parallel to axial stem mycalostyles 430-(704)-918 undifferentiated undifferentiated anchorate anisochelae, 5 teeth, 16.0- (23.4)-32.0 41.8-(49.5)- 58.1 sigmas 31.4-(41.7)-53.6 IcelandFaroe Ridge up to Svalbard, mesophotic- bathyal
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Species Source Morphology Total height x stem width (mm) Skeleton Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres Locality/ depth range
Cladorhiza thomsoni Topsent, 1909 Topsent, 1909: 15 , PI. I, Fig. 7, Pl. II, Fig. 3; Hestetun, Fourt, Vacelet, Boury-Esnault & Rapp, 2015: 1337 , Fig 16 Arbuscular, branched tree-like, main axis carrying secondary filaments, filaments short, basal attachment unknown 20–90 x 0.5–7.5 Axis of stem composed of longitudinal bundles of mycalostyles in several concentric bands placed parallel to each other along the main axis, filaments with mycalostyles projecting tangentially from stem axis mycalostyles 1, undifferentiated not present 940–1230 x 15.7–29.8 mycalostyles 2, 580–880 x 12.6–28.3 anchorate anisochelae 26.7–34 absent sigmas 1, 137–174 sigmas (filaments) 41–61 Kane Fracture Zone, Mid- Atlantic Ridge & off Cape Town, SE Atlantic, bathyalabyssal
Cladorhiza tridentata Ridley & Dendy, 1886 Ridley & Dendy, 1887: 95 , Text Fig. 4, Pl. XX, Fig. 9, Pl. XXI, Fig. 16, 20; (Dressler -Allame, Göcke, Kersken, Plotkin & Janussen 2017: 198–199, Fig. 10; Hestetun, Rapp & Xavier 2017: 184–185 , Fig. 14) Small encrusting, cylindrical hemispheric dome attached directly to substrate, with cup- like apical depression 6 x 12 (17–120 x 14) Ectosomal and endosomal skeletons a loose irregular reticulation of tylostyles, without obvious fibres, hispid surface from projecting tylostyles tylostyles 700 x 15.5 (mycalostyles- subtylostyles 565–1163 x 9.5–17.0) not present not present anisochelae 76 (tridentate anchorate anisochelae 52–80 fewer unguiferous anisochelae 50–80) absent sigmas 90 x 3.2 (sigmas 32–91) Prince Edward Islands & Weddell Sea, Subantarctic- Antarctic, bathyal- abyssal
Ridley & Dendy, 1886 , C. similis ( Ridley & Dendy, 1886 ) , C. corona ( Lehnert et al. , 2005 ) , C. hubbsi Lundsten et al. , 2017 , C. kensmithi Lundsten et al. , 2017 and C. mexicana Lundsten et al. , 2017 . With the addition of the two new species described in the present work, C. australis sp. nov. and C. poritea sp. nov. , the number of parasol-species increases to nine.