A new stiletto fly genus from South America (Diptera: Therevidae: Agapophytinae) Author Irwin, Michael E. Author Winterton, Shaun L. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-03-17 4751 2 276 290 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4751.2.4 e3adbec8-2861-49f8-b7a2-39f1bdcbb493 1175-5326 3713094 31F0F048-6F6E-416B-B687-4160348D6705 Sigalopella nigrofemoralis sp. n. ( Figs 6–8 , 14) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 7CAA30B2-A149-4AA0-8F69-BF3D5693A688 FIGURE 6. Sigalopella nigrofemoralis sp. n. , paratype male, lateral view, (body length ca. 7.0 mm). FIGURE 7. Sigalopella nigrofemoralis sp. n. , paratype male, oblique view, (body length ca. 7.0 mm). Type material— Holotype male, CHILE : Santiago Region : Milipilla [Melipilla], El Bollenar , 2 km N Pichi Alhue [ -33.573 , -71.022 ], 100m , 23.xi–13.xii.1998 , Malaise trap nr. wash, G. Baria ( MEI121460 , MEUC ). Paratypes : CHILE : Santiago Region : 9 males , 12 females , same data as holotype, various dates ( MEI121461–7 , 121476–82 , CSCA ; 121469–75, MEUC ) . Maule Region : 1 female , Curicó , Rio Teno , 1400–1600m , 24.i–26.i.1968 , L.E. Peña ( MEI121484 , MEUC ) ; 1 female , Curicó , Estero la Jaula , [-35.083, -70.8], i.1964 , L.E. Peña , Nothofagus ( MEI121483 , CNC ) . Common name . Black-thighed sigalopella. Diagnosis . Face with domed callus laterally; scape longer than head, barely thicker than base of flagellum; abdomen uniformly black except for pale intersegmental membranes 2–4; femora black; wing uniformly dark infuscate. Description . Body length ca . 6.5–7.5 mm . Head : Polished black; frons smooth and slightly rounded with irregular transverse furrows (female), medially divided above antennal bases in male, sparse dark setae laterally around antennal base, extending ventrally onto parafacial; parafacial domed laterally, narrow silver pubescent stripe laterally along eye margin, extending along gena; gena with sparse black setae; occiput black, overlain with silver pubescence along postocular ridge, occipital setae black, sparse dorsolaterally; maxillary palpus black with extensive black setal pile; antennal scape longer than head, barely thicker than pedicel and flagellum, yellow at base only, extensive erect, black setae, shorter in female, much longer in male. Thorax : Scutum and scutellum glossy black with dark setal pile admixed with sparse glaucous pubescence, faint dorsocentral vittae sometimes barely evident anteriorly in female; pleuron black with silver pubescence, denser on lower half; dark setae on katatergite; chaetotaxy: notopleural: 4, supra-alar: 1, post-alar 1, dorsocentral: 1, scutellar: 1; coxae polished black with glaucous pubescence, macrosetae black, more abundant on fore coxa, especially in male; femora black; fore- and mid tibia yellow; hind tibia yellow with extensive black suffusion; tarsi black, most tarsomeres yellow basally; haltere cream-white to yellow; wing dark infuscate, paler posteriorly. Abdomen : glossy black with sparse, scattered, black setae, shorter dorsally and more elongate anteroventrally; intersegmental membranes 2–4 white, more pronounced laterally. Male and female terminalia : as per genus description. Etymology . Derived from the Latin: niger— black, and femur— thigh, referring to the colouration of the legs. A noun in apposition. Comments . The uniformly black femora easily differentiate this species from others in the genus. This species is found in central Chile . FIGURE 8. Sigalopella nigrofemoralis sp. n. , paratype female, lateral view, (body length ca. 7.5 mm). Sigalopella rufifemoralis sp. n. (Figs 9–14) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: F68A3A1E-8D3C-4826-AC34-672DAF8325FD Type material— Holotype male, CHILE : Valparaiso Region : Quillota Prov. , Parque Nacional Campanas , Palmas de Ocoa [ -32.932 , -71.078 ], 215m , 2.i.2000 , malaise trap , M.E. Irwin , E.I. Schlinger , in hillside draw ( MEI121494 , MEUC ). FIGURE 11. Sigalopella rufifemoralis sp. n. , paratype male genitalia: A. epandrium; B. gonocoxites, ventral view; C. same, lateral view; D. aedeagus, lateral view; E. same, dorsal view. Abbreviations: d , distiphallus; da , dorsal apodeme of parameral sheath; ea , ejaculatory apodeme; ga , gonocoxal apodeme; gs , gonostylus; igp , inner gonocoxal process; ogp , outer gonocoxal process; lea , lateral ejaculatory apodeme; va , ventral apodeme of parameral sheath; vl , ventral lobe of gonocoxite. Scale line= 0.2 mm. FIGURE 12. Sigalopella rufifemoralis sp. n. , paratype female, lateral view, (body length ca. 7.5 mm). Paratypes : CHILE : Valparaiso Region : 20 males , 7 females , [various dates], same data as holotype ( MEI121403– 9 , 121414–9 , CSCA ; MEI121490–500 , 1214501–503 , MEUC ) . Coquimbo Region : 2 males , El Naranjo , Tilama , [ -32.083 , -71.167 ], iii.1968 , J. Molina ( MEI121504 , 121410 , MEUC ) ; 3 females , Santiago Region : Metropolitana de Santiago , La Rinconada de Maipú , Quebrada de la Plata [ -33.517 , -70.783 ], 510m , xii. 1966 [various dates], malaise trap , M.E. Irwin ( MEI127066 , 121507 , CSCA ; MEI127067 , CASC ) . Common name . Yellow-thighed sigalopella. Diagnosis . Face with domed calli laterally; scape longer than head, barely thicker than base of flagellum; abdomen uniformly black except for pale intersegmental membranes 2–4; femora yellow; wing uniformly dark infuscate. This species is found in central Chile . Description . Body length ca . 6.0– 7.5 mm . Head : Polished black; frons smooth and slightly rounded with a transverse furrow dorsally (female), medially divided above antennal bases in male, sparse dark setae laterally around antennal base, extending ventrally onto parafacial; parafacial domed laterally, narrow silver pubescent stripe laterally along eye margin, extending along gena; gena with sparse black setae; occiput black, overlain with silver pubescence along postocular ridge, occipital setae black, sparse dorso-laterally; maxillary palpus black with extensive black setal pile; antennal scape longer than head, barely thicker than pedicel and flagellum, yellow ventrally at base only, extensive erect, black setae, shorter in female, much longer in male. Thorax : Scutum and scutellum glossy black with dark setal pile admixed with sparse glaucous pubescence, faint dorsocentral vittae sometimes barely evident anteriorly in female; pleuron black with silver pubescence; dark setae on katatergite; chaetotaxy: notopleural: 4, supra-alar: 1, post-alar 1, dorsocentral: 1, scutellar: 1; coxae polished black with glaucous pubescence, macrosetae black, more abundant on fore coxa, especially in male; femora bright yellow, sometimes with dark spot dorsoapically, male with dark setae more abundant and longer in places; tibiae black, fore and mid tibiae suffused with yellow in female; tarsi black, mid basitarsus yellow basally; haltere cream-white to yellow; wing dark infuscate, paler posteriorly. Abdomen : glossy black with sparse, scattered, black setae, shorter dorsally and more elongate anteroventrally; intersegmental membranes 2–4 sometimes white, more pronounced laterally. Male and female terminalia : as per genus description. Etymology . Derived from the Latin: rufus – reddish, and femoralis – pertaining to the thigh, referring to the colouration of the legs. Comments . The domed parafacial calli, narrow scape, black abdomen and yellow femora differentiate this species from others in the genus. This species is found in central Chile (Fig. 16).