A catalog of Acroceridae (Diptera) from Chile Author González, Christian R. Author Elgueta, Mario Author Ramirez, Francisco text Zootaxa 2018 2018-01-19 4374 3 427 440 journal article 30958 10.11646/zootaxa.4374.3.6 20c15241-14d2-4fca-aa57-ff3919c3d9c8 1175-5326 1155465 01E73427-31C9-4E28-8169-F57E68D7C417 Genus Lasia Wiedemann, 1824 : 11 . Type species: Lasia splendens Wiedemann, 1824 ; by monotypy. Refs.: Erichson, 1840 : 142 (synonymy); Reed, 1888 : 14 (cat.); Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat.); Coquillett, 1910 : 557 (list of type species); Edwards, 1930 : 188 (in key), 193 (comments), 194 (key to species); Bequaert, 1931 : 1 (diagnostic characters, comments); Gillung & Carvalho, 2009 : 32 (in key), 38 (diagnosis); Schlinger et al., 2013 : 63 (in key). = Panops Lamarck, 1804 : 263 ; Wiedemann, 1830 : 18 (in part); Blanchard, 1852 : 375 (misidentification); Philippi, 1865 : 647 (misidentification). aenea ( Philippi, 1865 ) Panops aeneus Philippi, 1865 : 647 . Syntypes , Cerro San Cristóbal (no type specimens deposited in MNNC ). Dist. : Coquimbo ( Choapa : Los Vilos ) , Valparaíso (Marga Marga: Colliguay, Quebrada de Alvarado , Villa Alemana; Petorca: Quebrada El Tigre ; Quillota: Boco, Cuesta El Melón ; San Antonio: San Antonio; Valparaíso : El Salto , Mantagua, Peñuela, Quintero, Valparaíso , Viña del Mar); Metropolitana ( Santiago : Cerro San Cristóbal—on flowers of Sylibum marianum , Corral Quemado, Las Condes, Macul, Peñalolén, Pudahuel , Santiago ; Cordillera: El Canelo , El Manzano , Lagunillas; Talagante: Talagante) ; O’Higgins (Cardenal Caro: Quebrada El Roble ; Colchagua: Chomedahue, La Rufina ) ; Maule (Curicó: Las Jaulas; Talca: Altos de Vilches ) ; Biobío (Concepción: Tomé; Ñuble: Ciudad de Chillán , Cobquecura), La Araucanía (Malleco: Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta) ; Los Lagos (Osorno: Pilmaiquén). Argentina (without precise locality (Brèthes, 1908)) . Refs.: Rondani, 1863 : 75 (as L. rufipes Westwood, 1848 ); Rondani, 1864 : 75 (as L. rufipes Westwood, 1848 ); Schiner, 1868 : 143 (as L. rufipes ); Reed, 1888 : 14 (cat., as Lasia ); Hunter 1901 : 152 (cat., as synonym (in error) of L. rufipes Westwood, 1848 ); Brèthes, 1908 : 285 (as Panops , Argentina ); Kertész, 1909 : 8 (as Panops ); Edwards, 1930 : 194 (in key), 195–196 (synonymy, comments); Stuardo, 1946 : 102 (cat., synonymy). = Lasia cyaniventris Jaennicke, 1867 : 351 . Syntypes (SMF); Kertész, 1909 : 9 (cat. as valid species of Panops ); Edwards, 1930 : 195 (as synonym of L. aenea ). = Lasia aenea Westwood, 1876 : 509 . Syntypes: Chile (UMO). Hunter 1901 : 152 (cat., as synonym (in error) of L. rufipes Westwood, 1848 ); Edwards, 1930 : 195 (as synonym of L. aenea Philippi ). = Lasia aeneiventris Westwood, 1876 : 509 . Syntypes: Chile (UMO) Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat., as valid species); Kertész, 1909 : 9 (cat. as synonym of P. cyaniventris Jaennicke ); Edwards, 1930 : 195 (as synonym with doubt of L. aenea Philippi ); Stuardo, 1946 : 102 (as synonym of L. aenea Philippi ). Comments: Rondani (1863 , 1864 ) cited the name Lasia aenea attributed to Philippi in a handwritten label, from Chile , as synonym of L. rufipes Westwood, 1848 from Brazil and is highly improbable the presence of this species in Chile . This erroneous indication was followed by Costa (1866: 38) , Schiner (1868: 143) and Hunter (1901: 152) . On the other hand, Lasia aenea Rondani, 1863 is a nomen nudum . corvina Erichson, 1840 : 143 . Holotype: Chile (ZMHB). Dist.: Valparaíso (Marga-Marga: Colliguay, Olmué, Quebrada Alvarado; Villa Alemana; Quillota: Quillota; Valparaíso: El Granizo, El Salto; Quillota); Metropolitana (Chacabuco: Caleu; Cordillera: La Obra, El Canelo, Cta. del Cepillo, San Gabriel; Melipilla: Cuesta Zapata; Santiago: Lo Aguirre on flowers of Eccremocarpus scaber Ruiz et Pavon, Renca, Rungue ); O´Higgins (Cardenal Caro: Pichilemu; Cachapoal: Termas de Cauquenes, Rio Las Leñas, on flowers of Alstroemeria ligtu ssp simsii (Sprengel) Bayer ; Colchagua: La Rufina, San Fernando, Termas del Flaco); Maule (Curicó: Las Juntas; Talca: Altos de Vilches, Río Claro at Hacienda Las Mercedes; Linares: Villalobos); Biobío (Concepción: Concepción; Ñuble: Cordillera de Chillán, Las Trancas, Los Lleuques, Puente Marchant, Piedras Comadres). Argentina (without precise locality (Brèthes, 1908)) . Refs.: Walker, 1854 : 334 (list of species, as Lasia ); Schiner, 1868 : 143 (as Lasia ); Westwood, 1876 : 508 (as Lasia ); Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat. as Lasia ); Kertész, 1909 : 9 (cat. as Panops ); Edwards, 1930 : 194 (in key, synonymy, colour variability); Stuardo, 1946 : 102 (cat., synonymy); Stuardo, 1980 : 97 (collect and biological data); Borkent et al ., 2016 : 106 (phylogeny), 108 (collection data). = Panops carbonarius Philippi, 1865 : 648 . Syntypes (MNNC): Colchagua. Schiner, 1868 : 143 ( Lasia ); Reed, 1888 : 288 (cat., as Lasia ); Hunter, 1901 : 151 (as Panops ); Brèthes, 1908 : 285 (as Panops , Argentina ); Gazulla & Ruiz, 1928 : 293 (dist., as Lasia ); Edwards, 1930 : 194 (as synonymy of L. corvina ); Winterton et al ., 2007 : 811 (as Lasia carbonanicus , misspelling; dist., DNA), 821 (phylogeny), 823 (phylogeny), 828 (as Lasia carbonanicus , misspelling; host Theraphosidae and/or Dipluridae ); Borkent et al ., 2016 : 106 (as synonymy of L. corvina ). = Lasia superba Schiner, 1868 : 143 . Holotype: Chile (NMW). Reed, 1888 : 288 (cat., as valid species); Hunter, 1901 : 153 (cat., as valid species of Lasia ); Kertész, 1909 : 11 (cat., as valid species of Panops ); Edwards, 1930 : 194 (as synonym of L. corvina ). cuprea Rondani, 1863 : 75 –76. Syntypes : Chile ( MZUN ). Dist.: Chile . Refs.: Rondani, 1864 : 75–76 (description, as Lasia ); Costa, 1866 : 38 (list of species of the Rondani Collection); Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat., as valid species); Kertész, 1909 : 9 (cat. as Panops ); Edwards, 1930 : 195 (as possible synonym of L. nigripes ); Stuardo, 1946 : 102 (cat., as possible synonym of L. nigripes ). Comments: Lasia cuprea Rondani has been cited as possible—not definitive—synonym of L. nigripes (Philippi) by some authors ( Edwards, 1930 ; Stuardo, 1946 ). Rondani (1863 , 1864 ), in his description, stated that Philippi identified or named it as L. ocelligera . On the other hand, Philippi (1865) distinguished Lasia ocelliger (as Panops , a misidentification as this name is proper of a Brazilian species) from his Lasia nigritarsis (as Panops ). This leads to consider both as valid species, until a posterior study clarify its taxonomic status. metallica Rondani, 1863 : 75 . Syntypes: Chile (MZUN). Dist.: Coquimbo (without precise locality); Valparaíso (Los Andes: Guardia Vieja; Marga Marga: Base cuesta Colliguay, Olmué—on flowers of Chateantera moenchoides Less.; Quillota: Cuesta El Melón; Petorca: Catapilco; San Antonio: El Canelillo; Valparaíso: Casablanca, Mantagua, Peñuelas); Metropolitana (Chacabuco: Caleu; Cordillera (El Canelo—on flowers of Alstroemeria haemantha Ruiz et Pavon , A. revoluta Ruiz et Pavon and Quinchamalium majus Brogn., Lagunillas, La Obra, El Manzano ; Santiago: Cerro San Cristóbal—on flowers of Carduus pycnocephalus L., Cerro Manquehue—on flowers of Carduus pycnocephalus L.; Melipilla: Cuesta Zapata); Maule (Talca: Río Claro at Hacienda Las Mercedes, Altos de Vilches); Biobío (Biobío: Mulchén; Ñuble: Chillán, Puente Marchant); La Araucanía (Cautín: Licanray; Malleco: Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta, Pemehue); Los Ríos (Valdivia: Llancahue, Santo Domingo, Valdivia). Refs.: Rondani, 1864 : 75 (description as Lasia ); Costa, 1866 : 38 (list of species of the Rondani Collection). Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat. as Lasia ); Kertész, 1909 : 9 (cat. as Panops ); Edwards, 1930 : 194 (in key), 195 synonymy, comments); Stuardo, 1946 : 102 (cat., synonymy); Stuardo, 1980 : 97 (as Lasia metalica , misspelling). = Panops ocelliger Blanchard, 1852 : 376 (not Wiedemann, 1830 ; misidentification); Philippi, 1865 : 647 (not Wiedemann, 1830 ; misidentification); Reed, 1888 : 14 (cat., as Lasia ); Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat.); Gazulla & Ruiz, 1928 : 293 (dist., as Lasia ); Edwards, 1930 : 195 (as possible synonym of L. metallica ). nigripes ( Philippi, 1865 ) Panops nigripes Philippi, 1865 : 648 . Holotype : Valdivia , San Juan (no type specimen deposited in MNNC ) . Dist.: Los Ríos (Valdivia: San Juan ) . Refs.: Schiner, 1868 : 143 (as Lasia ); Reed, 1888 : 14 (cat., as Lasia ); Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat., as Panops ); Kertész, 1909 : 9 (cat., as Panops ); Edwards, 1930 : 194 (in key), 195 (synonymy, comments); Stuardo, 1946 : 102 (cat.). = Lasia nigripes Westwood, 1876 : 509 . Syntypes: Chile (UMO). Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat. as Lasia ); Kertész, 1909 : 9 (as synonym of Panops nigripes Philippi ); Edwards, 1930 : 195 (as synonym of L. nigripes Philippi ). nigritarsis ( Blanchard, 1852 ) Panops nigritarsis Blanchard, 1852 : 375 –376. Syntypes: Coquimbo (MNHN). Dist.: Coquimbo (without precise locality); Valparaíso (Marga Marga: Los Lagos en Quilpué— Fuchsia sp .); Metropolitana (Cordillera: El Canelo— Mutisia sp. , El Manzano, La Obra; Santiago: El Arrayán, Santiago); Maule (Linares: Laguna Amargo; Talca: Altos de Vilches); Biobío (Arauco: Isla Mocha, Lanalhue; Biobío: Mulchén); La Araucanía (Malleco: Monumento Nacional Contulmo; Cautín: Licanray); Los Ríos (Ranco: La Unión; Valdivia: Huellelhue, Llancacura, Los Lagos, without precise locality—on flowers of Alstroemeria aurantiaca , Valdivia ); Los Lagos (Osorno: Osorno—on flowers of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.; Chiloé: Ancud). Refs.: Blanchard, 1854 : Dípteros Lam. 3, fig. 4; Philippi, 1865 : 647 (biol., dist.); Costa, 1866 : 38 (list of species of the Rondani Collection, as Lasia ); Westwood, 1876 : 509 (as Lasia ); Reed, 1888 : 14 (cat., as Lasia nigritarsus sic ); Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat., as Panops ); Kertész, 1909 : 9 (cat. as Panops ); Brèthes, 1925 : 207 (dist.); Edwards, 1930 : 194 (as Lasia , in key, synonymy); Stuardo, 1946 : 102 (cat., synonymy); Stuardo, 1980 : 97 (collection data). = Lasia coerulea Rondani, 1863 : 74 ; Rondani, 1864 : 74 (description). Syntypes (SMF). Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat., as valid species); Kertész, 1909 : 10 (cat., as Panops ); Edwards, 1930 : 194 (cited erroneously as described by Rondani in Panops ; as synonym of L. nigritarsis ). pulla ( Philippi, 1865 ) Panops pullus Philippi, 1865 : 648 . Holotype : Valdivia, Corral (no type specimen deposited in MNNC ). Dist.: Los Ríos ( Valdivia : Corral ). Refs.: Schiner, 1868 : 143 (as Lasia ); Reed, 1888 : 288 (cat., as Lasia ); Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat., as Panops ); Kertész, 1909 : 10 (cat., as Panops ); Edwards, 1930 : 194 (in key), 195 (as Lasia , synonymy); Stuardo, 1946 : 102 (cat., synonymy). = Lasia bicolor Westwood, 1876 : 509 . Syntypes: Chile (UMO). Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat., as valid species); Kertész, 1909 : 9 (cat. as valid species); Edwards, 1930 : 195 (as synonym of L. pulla ). rufa ( Philippi, 1865 ) Panops rufus Philippi, 1865 : 648 . Syntypes : Colchagua (no type specimens deposited in MNNC ). Dist. : Metropolitana ( Cordillera : El Canelo ; Santiago : La Pirámide ) ; O’Higgins (Colchagua: without precise locality) ; Biobío (Ñuble: Termas de Chillán—on flowers of Alstroemeria sp .). Refs.: Walker, 1854 : 335 (list of species as Lasia ); Rondani, 1863 : 75 (as Lasia ); Schiner, 1868 : 143 (as synonym in error of Lasia rufipes Westwood ); Reed, 1888 : 288 (cat., as synonym in error of Lasia rufipes Westwood ); Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat., as synonym in error of Lasia rufipes Westwood ); Kertész, 1909 : 10 (cat., as synonym in error of Panops rufipes Westwood ); Edwards, 1930 : 194 (in key), 196 (as valid species of Lasia ); Jaffuel, 1933 : 151 (biol., dist.); Stuardo, 1946 : 102 (cat.). rufovestita ( Blanchard, 1852 ) Panops rufovestitus Blanchard, 1852 : 376 . Syntypes : Chile ( MNHN ). Dist.: Coquimbo (without precise locality) ; Los Ríos (Valdivia: Cudico—on flower of Lapageria rosea , Valdivia ). Refs.: Blanchard, 1854 : Dípteros Lam. 3, fig. 5; Philippi, 1865 : 647 (biol., dist.); Westwood, 1876 : 509 (as Lasia ); Reed, 1888 : 288 (cat.); Hunter, 1901 : 152 (cat., as Panops ); Kertész, 1909 : 10 (cat., as Panops ); Gil Collado, 1928 : 61 (probably Lasioides ); Edwards, 1930 : 194–195 (as Lasia , in key, comments); Bequaert, 1931 : 3, 4 (probably Lasioides ); Stuardo, 1946 : 102–103 (cat., as Lasia ).