New Records On Acanthocephalans From California Sea Lions Zalophus Californianus (Pinnipedia, Otariidae) From California, Usa Author Lisitsyna, O. I. Author Kudlai, O. Author Spraker, T. R. Author Kuzmina, T. A. text Vestnik Zoologii 2018 2018-06-01 52 3 181 192 journal article 10.2478/vzoo-2018-0019 2073-2333 6454655 Andracantha phalacrocoracis ( Yamaguti, 1939 ) Schmidt, 1975 D e s c r i p t i o n ( figs 1 , D; 2 , D, K; table 2 ) General. Relatively small acanthocephalans. Trunk with discoid widening and two fields of spines in anterior part. Anterior field of spines broadest on ventral surface, narrow dorsally. Posterior field of spines broadest ventrally. Maximum width of bare zone between fields of spines 150. In anterior field of spines, length of spines decreasing from apical (38– 49), to basal (29–31). In posterior field of spines, length of spines increasing from apical (32–37) to median (39–41) and decreasing posteriorly (28). Ventral spines almost reaching posterior end of trunk. Genital spines absent. Proboscis almost cylindrical, with dilatation in posterior third, with 18 longitudinal rows of 11 hooks in each. First 7 hooks large, with strong roots directed posteriorly. Next 4 hooks spiniform, without roots. Proboscis receptacle double-walled, with cerebral ganglion in its anterior third. Neck distinct. Lemnisci sacciform, attached in neck, not reaching level of proboscis receptacle bottom. Remarks. Andracantha phalacrocoracis is a common parasite of fish-eating birds. It was initially described by Yamaguti (1939) from pelagic cormorants ( Phalacrocoracis pelagicus Pallas ) from Shikoku Islands, Japan . This species was also reported from blacklegged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla (Linnaeus) , slaty-backed gull ( Larus schistisagus Steineger ), black-throated loon ( Gavia arctica Linnaeus ), hooded crow Corvus cornix (Linnaeus) , carrion crow Corvus corone (Linnaeus) and P. pelagicus from the Far East from Chukotka to the Prymorye, Russia ( Khokhlova, 1986 ), from P. pelagicus and bald eagles ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus Linnaeus, 1766 ) from Alaska ( Schmidt, 1975 ; Richardson & Cole, 1997 ), from the great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Blumenbach) from South Moravia, Poland , on their seasonal migrations ( Okulewicz, 2014 ; Moravec & Scholz, 2016 ). Intermediate hosts for A. phalacrocoracis are unknown. However, several species from the genus Andracantha are known to use amphipods as their intermediate hosts ( Atrashkevich, 2008 ). Fishes from three families, Nototheniidae , Bathydraconidae and Channichthyidae , were reported as the paratenic hosts for these acanthocephalans ( Rocka, 2006 ; Laskowski et al., 2008 ; Laskowski & Zdzitowiecki, 2009 ).