Two new species of Omalodes from Dominican Republic (Coleoptera: Histeridae) Author Moura, Daniel P. Author Leivas, Fernando W. T. Author Caneparo, Maria F. C. text Zootaxa 2016 4078 1 209 217 journal article 46804 10.11646/zootaxa.4078.1.19 858b7773-f0c9-4e4c-a792-753110fe4747 1175-5326 270844 E21A39C0-F1EA-487B-B828-FAE89D0F973C Omalodes ( Omalodes ) kovariki sp. nov. ( Figures 1 A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A–B, 7A–E) Material examined . Holotype (male) deposited on the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution ( USNM ) with the following labels: “DOM. REP: Pr. SanCristobal; 4kmNW Villa Altagracia; 300m . 12 APR–06 JULY 1992 ; M. A. & R. O. Ivie colr; flight intercept trap”. Eleven Paratypes with the following labels and museums: “DOM. REP: Pr. SanCristobal; 4kmNW Villa Altagracia; 300m . 12 APR–06 JULY 1992 ; M. A. & R. O. Ivie colr; flight intercept trap” 2 specimens ( 1 female ) ( MTEC ), 1 specimen ( FMNH ); “DOM. REP: Prov. Pedernales; 24km N Cabo Rojo, 612m ; 18°06’N 71°38’ W . 11 JULY ; 1993. D. S. Sikes & R. P.; Rosenfeld, carrion trap”; 2 specimens ( 1 male ) ( MTEC ); “DOM. REP: Prov. HatoMayor; Par. Nac. Los Haitises; W of Sabana de la Mar; Bosque Humido, 1–16; APR 1992 , M. A. Ivie, fit” 1 specimen (female) ( FMNH ); “DOM. REP: Prov. HatoMayor; Par. Nac. Los Haitises; W of Sabana de la Mar; Bosque Humido, 16APR–01 ; JUL1992 , M. A. Ivie, fit” 1 specimen ( MTEC ); “ DOMINICAN REPUBLIC : Pr.; Barahona, Rd to Polo S.; slope, 860m 14-VII-1996 ; Coll. M. C. Thomas” 1 specimen ( FSCA ); “DOMINICAN REP.: Prov.; Barahona, nr. Filipinas ; Larimar Mine, 20– 26-VI- ; 1992 R. E. Woodruff &; P. E. Skelley, at day” 1 specimen (female) ( CHPWK ); “DOM. REP: Prov. Pedernales; 26km N Cabo Rojo; 825m , 21 AUG 1992 -9 SEP; D. Sikes & P. Ward colrs; flight intercept trap” 1 specimen ( DZUP ); “ DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ; Barahona Province; nr. Filipinas Larimar; Mine 26.VI– 7.VII.1992 ; P. Skelley at carrion” 1 specimen ( CHPWK ). FIGURE 1. Habitus of Omalodes species in dorsal view. A. Omalodes ( Omalodes ) kovariki sp. nov. ; B. Omalodes ( Omalodes ) angelo sp. nov. Scale bars = 1mm. Diagnosis. Frons with superficial longitudinal sulcus ( Fig. 4 A); pronotum with weak lateral punctures, usually present on the entire lateral margin, sometimes completely absent ( Figs 1 A, 3A); dorsal elytral striae weak ( Fig. 1 A); apical elytral stria present, complete ( Figs 5 A, 6B); 1st visible abdominal sternite with a pair of large glandular orifices posterad the posterior coxae ( Fig. 6 A); propygidium with sparse punctures, coarser on anterior and lateral margins ( Fig. 5 A); pygidium with a smooth area on the posterior margin ( Fig. 5 A). Description. Size range : length (pronotum + elytra): 6.2–6.8 mm , width (humeral region): 5–5.7 mm . Body form : body oval, convex. Head : frons about 1.5x wider than long, covered with weak punctures, with superficial longitudinal sulcus from the middle of the frons to the epistoma; frontal stria complete, slightly curved inward. Pronotum : without foveae, anterior angles projected; lateral pronotal stria complete; lateral punctures of pronotum extremely weak, usually present on the entire lateral margin, sometimes completely absent. Elytra : outer subhumeral stria continuous, present at the posterior third; inner subhumeral stria absent; first dorsal elytral stria weakly indicated, shortened on anterior third; second dorsal elytral stria weakly indicated, shortened on anterior and posterior sixth; third dorsal elytral stria weakly indicated on anterior half; fourth and fifth dorsal elytral striae absent; sutural elytral stria absent; apical elytral stria complete. Prosternum : prosternal lobe rounded, marginal prosternal stria shortened medially; lateral punctures of prosternal keel absent; prosternal keel with weak punctures medially, carinal striae of prosternal keel absent; prosternal process rounded. Mesoventrite : marginal mesoventral stria interrupted, starting slightly before the angles medially; lateral punctures absent; mesometaventral stria slightly curved towards prosternum medially, mesometaventral suture visible along its length. Abdomen : first visible abdominal sternite with a pair of large glandular orifices posterad the posterior coxae; propygidium with sparse punctures, slightly stronger and more coarse on anterior and lateral margins; pygidial punctures strong on anterior angles, weaker towards posterior margin and medially, absent on posterior fourth, with a superficial fovea on anterior angles. Male genitalia ( Figs 7 A–E): eighth tergite subrectangular, with a pair of anterolateral projections, one on each side, posterior angles slightly angulated, posterior margin concave; eighth sternite with a superficial basal emargination; ninth tergite without apical emargination; tenth tergite with interrupted sclerotization, with one sclerotized area on each side, sides rounded; aedeagus elongated, base of parameres with a pair of projections in dorsal view, slightly emarginated in ventral view, apex truncated, parallel sided. FIGURE 2. Habitus of Omalodes species in ventral view. A. Omalodes ( Omalodes ) kovariki sp. nov. ; B. Omalodes ( Omalodes ) angelo sp. nov. Scale bars = 1 mm. FIGURE 3. Habitus of Omalodes species in lateral view. A. Omalodes ( Omalodes ) kovariki sp. nov. ; B. Omalodes ( Omalodes ) angelo sp. nov. Scale bars = 1 mm. Distribution. Dominican Republic . Etymology. This species is named after a great Histeridae researcher, Dr. Peter Kovarik, who loaned this interesting material to the corresponding author. Remarks. When compared to Omalodes angelo sp. nov. , this species has weaker punctures on the lateral margin of pronotum, a broader prosternum (mainly prosternal keel and process), punctures more sparse on the propygidium and a large glandular opening on each side, posterad to metacoxae. This species along with O. angelo sp. nov. , O. haitianus and O. ruficlavis share a unique character (complete apical stria) and a sympatric distribution, limited to a portion of the Caribbean region ( Haiti , Dominican Republic , and Cuba ). Punctures on the pygidium are variable in O. kovariki sp. nov. , most specimens possess stronger punctures on the anterior angles, weaker medially and absent posteriorly, but in a few specimens the medial punctures are slightly stronger.