Moth flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) from Portugal with descriptions of a new genus new species and additions to the fauna of the Iberian Peninsula Author Wagner, Rüdiger University of Kassel, FB 10, Biology-Zoology, Heinrich-Plett-Strasse 40, D- 34132 Kassel, Germany & Parkstrasse 65, D- 36110 Schlitz, Germany. Author Andrade, Rui Rua Calouste Gulbenkian 237 4 H 3, 4050 - 145 Porto, Portugal. Author Gonçalves, Ana Graduate Program in Entomology, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Avenida André Araújo, 2223, Bairro Petrópolis, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil CEP 69.067 - 375. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-04-26 5129 1 37 59 journal article 55824 10.11646/zootaxa.5129.1.2 143df974-06c5-495f-a830-74faaa1d0696 1175-5326 6488081 AE8C04F9-3E5E-4A5F-BB45-20E3B58C3B53 Clytocerus ibericus sp. nov. Figures 16–20 Diagnose. A Clytocerus species with an eye bridge of four with some oblique rows with 5 facet rows; antenna with scape five times longer than wide; first flagellomere with a brush of setae; terminalia with aedeagus as in most other species of the genus; hypandrium characteristic, widened in the middle part, apical edge concave in the middle, epandrial appendages with 10 to 11 tenacula. Material: 1♂ , holotype , Portugal , Bragança , Espinhosela ( Parque Natural de Montesinho ), 41°53’08.2”N , 6°49’37.4”W , 793m a.s.l. , 9 September 2014 , leg. Andrade ; 2♂ , paratypes , Spain , Sierra Nevada , Puerto de la Ragua, 1.700m a.s.l. , 13. July 1979 , leg. Schacht. Description: Head with an eye-bridge of 4 facet rows, with 2 cross rows of 5 facets on both sides; a pair of membranous and clubbed cornicula difficult to identify because they are inserted on the lower side of the head; antenna typical of the genus with an elongate scape, globular pedicel and probably 13 flagellomeres, first flagellomere with a brush of long setae the ends of which reach the third flagellomere. Relative length of scape, pedicel and flagellomeres: 42–14–14–10–10–10–10–10–10–9–9– apical flagellomeres missing. Flagellomeres 2 and following with a pair of short digitate ascoids. Absolute length: 0.42–0.14–0.14–0.1–0.1–0.1–0.1–0.1–0.1–0.09–0.09–. Palpus with 4 segments, terminal segment striated; relative length: 18–26–23–38; absolute length: 0.18–0.26–0.23–0.38. Wing brownish transparent, length 2.8 mm ; 2.9 times longer than the greatest width. Sc apically with a small blackish spot, sc-r1 vein faint adumbrate. Wing tip between R 4 and R 5 ; radial fork basal of medial fork which is at the same level as the terminal end of CuA 1 . Abdomen with epandrium rectangular with round corners, a pair of openings near the basal edge. Epandrial appendages almost straight with 10 or 11 tenacula. Hypandrium towards the middle strongly widened, apically slightly concave. Gonocoxites bent, 1.5 times longer than wide, gonostyli almost straight, 1.8 times longer than gonocoxites. Etymology: The species is named after the Iberian Peninsula. Comment: Specimens from Spain both with 9 or 10 tenacula on epandrial appendages. Shape of the hypandrium identical.