Pavetta trichardtensis (Rubiaceae) and its varieties Author Hahn, Norbert text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-02-15 533 4 216 222 journal article 20644 10.11646/phytotaxa.533.4.4 05ac27c1-06bd-4f6d-be45-2f13a9f247e9 1179-3163 6091594 Pavetta trichardtensis var. trichardtensis Pavetta zoutpansbergensis Bremekamp (1933: 260) . Type :— SOUTH AFRICA . Limpopo : Zoutpansberg Dist. [Soutpansberg], Fundudzi , 23 January 1931 , C . E . B . Bredenkamp & H . G . W . J . Schweickerdt 349 ( holotype PRE ! [barcode PRE0147921 -0]; isotype PRU ! [barcode PRU0002499 -0]) . Pavetta hirtiflora Bremekamp (1934: 161) . Type :— SOUTH AFRICA . Limpopo : Shilouvane [Shiluvane], Janvier (défleuri) [January (losing its flowers)], H . A . Junod 829 ( holotype G image! [barcode G00359392 ]; isotypes PRE !, K image! [barcode K000412389 ], M image! [barcode M-0183269]) . Distribution :—Soutpansberg through to the Wolkberg following the Great Escarpment ( Fig. 1 ). Conservation status :— Least Concern (LC ). Pavetta trichardtensis var. trichardtensis encompasses an EOO of approximately 8380 km 2 and an AOO at a 2 km cell width of 68 km 2 or AOO at a 5 km cell width of 375 km 2 . As Boon et al. (2020) pointed out, a 5 km cell width gives a more realistic estimation of the AOO than the recommended 2 km cell width ( IUCN Standards and Petitions Committee 2019 ) given a plant with few locality points. Taking into consideration the EOO and AOO, var. trichardtensis would fall under the Vulnerable category. Nonetheless it does not fulfil any of the additional criteria for such a listing and is therefore assigned a conservation status of Least Concern. FIGURE 1 .—Distribution of both varieties of Pavetta trichardtensis overlain across the geomorphic provinces of South Africa ( Partridge et al. 2010 ) also including the Blouberg, Makgabeng and Soutpansberg ( Hahn 2011 ). Specimens examined :— SOUTH AFRICA . Limpopo : Bosley (2229 DD ), 15 March 1985 , P . & G . Raal 349 ( PRE ); Fundudzi (2230 CD ), 23 January 1931 , C . E . B . Bremekamp & H . G . W . J . Schweickerdt 349 ( PRE ); Pepidi Falls (2230 CD ), 23 December 1935 , J . C . Smuts & M . C . Gillett 3205 ( PRE ); Thathe Vondo (2230 CD ), 4 February 1977 , G . Hemm 68 ( PRE ); Tshamanyatsha (2230 CD ), 2 December 1980 , A . E . Van Wyk 4277 ( PRE ); Dzamba (2230 CD ), 27 November 1993 , N . Hahn 625 ( ZPB ); Khongorori (2230 CD ), 12 December 1993 , N . Hahn 672 ( ZPB ); Louis Trichardt (2329 BB ), 1 February 1919 , H . G . Breijer TVL 19528 ( PRE ); Hanglip (2329 BB ), December 1980 , A . E . Van Wyk 4264 ( PRE ); Hanglip (2329 BB ), December 1983 , A . E . Van Wyk 6647 ( PRE ); Rossbach (2330 AA ), December 1930 , A . A . Obermeyer TVL 29068 ( PRE ); Westfalia (2330 CA ), 11 February 1956 , J .D.M. Keet 1743 ( PRE ), 22 December 1958 , J . C . Scheepers 539 ( PRE ), February 1960 , J . C . Scheepers & Haasbroek sn. ( PRE ), February 1960 , J . C . Scheepers & Haasbroek s.n. ( PRE ), 9 December 1980 , A . E . Van Wyk 4305 ( PRE ); Legat forest reserve (2330 CB ), December 1940 , H . Reynolds 9402 ( PRE ); Woodbush (2330 CC ), 1 December 1930 , J . J . Meyer 2516 ( PRE ); Cyprus Forest (2430 AA ), 12 January 1961 , A . T . Renny 146 ( PRE ); Cyprus Forest (2430 AA ), 12 January 1961 , A . T . Renny 199 ( PRE ); Lekgalameetse (2430 AA ), 9 December 1985 , M . Stalmans 823 ( PRE ); Sikorora (2430 AB ), 1 December 1922 , G . Van Dam 22937 ( PRE ); Shilouvane (2430 AB ), 1 January 1933 , H . A . Junod 829 ( PRE ) .