Elimaea Stål (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) and its relative from China, with description of twenty-three new species Author Liu, Chun-Xiang Author Liu, Xian-Wei text Zootaxa 2011 3020 1 48 journal article 46373 10.5281/zenodo.278679 65b06173-1ac3-44ce-965a-c495e828265d 1175-5326 278679 Elimaea (Rhaebelimaea) beibengensis Liu C-X, sp. nov. (Plate 10a–c, 11a–f) Holotype : male (No. IOZ(E)360441), China : Tibet: Motuo, Beibeng, 800–900m , 1983. VI.16 , Coll. Han Yinheng ( IZAS ). Paratype : China : Tibet: Motuo, 1 male (No. 14125556), 1977. VIII.15 , Coll. Wu Jianyi ( MSIE ); 1 male (No. IOZ(E)360440), 1020m , 1983. VI.17 , Coll. Lin Zai ( IZAS ); 1 male , at light, Didong, 300m , 2006. VIII.16 , Coll. Liu Chunxiang ( IZAS ); 1 female , at light, by net, Aniqiao, 500m , 2006. VIII.28 , Coll. Liu Chunxiang ( IZAS ). Description: Holotype (male). Tegmen surpassing apex of hind femur; hind wings slightly longer than tegmen; radius sector branching slightly before middle of tegmen, emitting out 3 branches near apex. Fore coxae unarmed. Fore femur with 13 interior and 4 exterior ventral spines; mid femur with 17 exterior ventral spines; hind femur with 15 exterior ventral spines. Genicular lobe of each femur bispinose. Fore tibiae with 3 interior dorsal spines, 6 exterior dorsal spines; mid tibiae with 10 interior and 6 exterior dorsal spines; hind tibiae with 40 interior and 47 exterior dorsal spines. PLATE 11 , Color photograph of Elimaea beibengensis sp. nov. (a–f), and Elimaea brevifissa sp. nov. (g–l). a,g, lateral lobe of pronotum of male, lateral view; b,h, male left stridulatory area, dorsal view; c,i, male right stridulatory area, dorsal view; d, male abdominal apex, dorsal view; e,l, male abdominal apex, lateral view; f, male subgenital plate, ventral view; j, male abdominal apex, ventral view; k, male cerci, dorsal view. Male tenth abdominal tergum slightly produced, apical margin with slightly obtuse rounded concavity (Plate 11a). Epiproct long, widest at base, gradually narrowed at basal quarter part, and then evenly extending backwards from middle, with obtuse apex. Cerci gradually narrowed in basal half, and abruptly narrowed from middle into a sharp incurved spine at apex (Plate 10a,c, 11d). Subgenital plate with basal margin widest, then gradually narrowed to middle part and lateral margins subparallel in distal half; split from basal half, with very narrow excision and subparellel apical lateral lobes (Plate 10b, 11f). Female. Tenth abdominal tergum with subtruncated apical margin. Epiproct tongue-shaped. Cerci moderately long conical, slightly curved. Subgenital plate transverse, apical margin with a very small short triangular projection at each lateral angle and area between very wide, approximately straight. Ovipositor falcate, strongly upcurved, dorsal margin with crenulated upcurved 3/4 part and ventral margin with crenulated apical 1/6 part. Gonangulum of ovipositor without small ventro-apical appendage. Coloration. Body green. Compound eyes brown. Pronotal disc and each femur densely covered with numerous scattered brown dots. Lateral lobes of pronotum and abdomen with numerous red brown dots. Veinlets of tegminal stridulatory area and posterior margin dark brown. Hind half of tegminal costal area and area between Cu vein and posterior margin densely covered with numerous dark brown dots. Cells of tegmen between R vein and Rs vein with one brown spot. Slit of anterior tibial tympana brown. Ventral spines of each femur black, and spines of each tibia yellow. Measurement (mm): length of body: male 26.0–28.0, female 31.5; length of pronotum: male 5.5–5.8, female 5.5; length of tegmen: male 40.5–41.0, female 45.0; largest width of male stridulatory area 3.2; length of male stridulatory vein 2.9; largest width of dorsal area behind male stridulatory area 2.1; width of mirror on right tegmen 2.0; length of mirror on right tegmen 2.0; distance between basal vein of right tegmen and apex of mirror on right tegmen 3.0; width of tegmen: male 6.5–7.0, female 8.0; length of hind wing: male 50.0–51.0, female 52.0; length of fore femur: male 10.5–11.5, female 12.5; length of mid femur: male 13.5, female 14.5; length of hind femur: male 29.0–30.0, female 30.5; length of epiproct: male 2.0, female 2.0; length of cerci: male 3.5, female 2.1; length of subgenital plate: male 7.1, female 1.0; length of ovipositor 7.0. Etymology: The name refers to the type locality of this new species. Discussion: This new species differs from its congeners by the distinctly robust short male cerci, and robust lateral lobes of the male subgenital plate. It most resembles in E. (Rhaebelimaea) tenuicerca sp. nov. in the appearance, size, coloration, wings, but also differs by shape of the male cerci and the male subgenital plate. Distribution: China : Tibet.