An updated catalogue of the Histeridae (Coleoptera) of Sardinia, with faunistic, zoogeographical, ecological and conservation remarks * Author Penati, Fabio text Zootaxa 2009 2009-12-22 2318 197 280 journal article 1175-5326 Hister grandicollis Illiger Hister grandicollis Illig. var. gibbus Dahl in litt .: Gemminger & Harold 1868: 769 Literature data.Sardinia ” ( Gemminger & Harold 1868 ; Bargagli 1871 ; Bertolini 1872 –1878, 1904; Porta 1926 ; Barajon 1966 ; Vienna 1980 ; Mazur 1984 ; Audisio et al . 1995 ; Mazur 1997 , 2004 ; Yélamos & Lackner 2004 ). Notes. W-Mediterranean species very common in the Ibero-Balearic area ( Yélamos 2002 ) and present also in France and Algeria ( Mazur 2004 ). Frequently reported from Sardinia in the literature except by Luigioni (1929) , who listed it among the species of doubtful origin or doubtful identification and excluded it from the Italian beetle fauna, and Penati and Vienna (2002) , who consider its occurrence in Sicily and Sardinia as doubtful. No Sardinian specimen, however, was found in the examined collections, and it is hard to believe that H . grandicollis can have escaped the attention of entomologists given its large size ( 6–9 mm long). Most likely, the older records ( Gemminger & Harold 1868 ; Bargagli 1871 ) were based on specimens of the melanic forms of Hister quadrimaculatus (ff. pelopis Marseul and gagates Illiger) and H . pustulosus (f. nigripennis Bickhardt). In conclusion, I consider its occurrence in Sardinia as highly improbable.