On the Stenus LATREILLE 1797 from Taiwan with non-spotted elytra (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) (327 Contribution to the Knowledge of Steninae) Author Puthz, V. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2012 2012-12-28 44 2 1431 1475 journal article 269966 10.5281/zenodo.5337424 7c26f212-ab38-4e92-b461-cdb7dc073af5 0253-116X 5337424 Stenus perturbator nov.sp. ( Figs 7 , 62 ) Type material: Holotype () and 1, 1 - paratypes : Taiwan : Taitung Hsien : Hsinkangshan above Chengkang , 900m , 19.IV.1998 , A. Smetana (T 184) . Paratypes : 1: ibidem, 800m , 27.IV.1995 , idem (T 168) ; 1: ibidem, 800m , 12.IV.1998 , idem (T 180) ; 2, 1: ibidem, 750m , 18.IV.1998 , idem (T 182) ; 2: ibidem, 750m , 21.IV.1998 , idem (T 185) ; 2, 3: ibidem, 550-600m , 22.IV.1998 , idem (T 187).- HT and PTT in coll. Smetana (Ottawa), PTT also in cN, cT and in cP . Description: Apterous, slightly shiny, black with brownish hue, forebody coarsely and very densely punctate, abdominal punctation moderately fine and moderately dense anteriorly, slightly finer, moderately dense posteriorly. Maxillary palpi yellowish broan. Base of antennae and legs yellowish brown, antennal club infuscate. Length: 2.5-3.1mm (forebody: 1.4-1.6mm ). PM of the HT: HW: 29.5; DE: 15; PW: 22; PL: 22; EW: 27.5; EL: 22; SL: 14. Male: Metasternum shallowly impressed, coarsely and densely punctate, interstices somewhat smaller than half diameter of punctures. Medial punctation of sternite 3-5 finer and denser than lateral punctation, sternite 6 with a shallow triangular impression posteromedially, which is extremely finely punctate and pubescent, sternite 7 with a broad oval median impression, punctation and pubescence as in sternite 6, posterior margin with a very narrow and short apicomedial excision. Sternite 8 (fig. 7). Sternite 9 with long apicolateral teeth. Aedeagus about as in S. perpastus nov.sp. (fig. 22), the apical portion of median lobe slightly longer; internal structures and parameres about as in S. perpastus . Female: Sternite 8 at posterior margin obtusely angled triangular, apex narrowly rounded. Valvifer with a ± long apicolateral tooth. Spermatheca (fig. 62), infundibulum slender, at least 4x as long as broad. Very similar to S. persubtilis nov.sp. but slightly larger, punctation of pronotum coarser, diameter of punctures about as large as apical cross section of antennal segment 3, also the elytral punctation slightly coarser, both dense but not coalescent; abdominal punctation less dense, interstices often slightly larger than punctures. Comparative notes: This new species is the sister species of S. perpastus nov.sp. , from which it is easily distinguished by distinct paratergites; from other close relatives it may be distinguished as can be seen in the key. Etymology: Since this species is very close to S. perpastus but has complete paratergites I name it " perturbator " (Lat.= the confuser).