New species of chrysididae (Hymenoptera) from Central Asia, Russia and Iran. Part 1 Author Rosa, P. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2018 2018-11-06 371 1 27 journal article 10.25221/fee.371.1 2713-2196 7164501 Chrysis diadema Rosa , sp. n. Figs 41–44 SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Holotype , Turkmenistan : st. Akhcha-Kujma , 6.VII 1934 , leg. V . Popov [ZIN]. DIAGNOSIS. Chrysis diadema sp. n. belongs to the C. pulchella species group for its stocky habitus; TFC strongly raised, M-like; F1 elongate (l/ w 5.5 ); second metasomal tergum with fairly developed medial ridge; black spots on the second metasomal sternum large, quadrangular; male genital capsule with slender gonocoxae. It can be easily separated from all other species of this group for some unique features, namely: shape of apical margin of the third metasomal tergum, with inner blunt teeth replaced by broadly rounded undulations, separated by a slightly angulate medial space; TFC of unique shape, raised as a crown and medially bilobed; unusually elongate propodeal teeth; deep, foveate metasomal punctation, scattered on the second half of second tergum; distinctive genital capsule. DESCRIPTION. Body length 7.0 mm. Fore wing length 4.0 mm. Male . OOL = 1.5 MOD; POL = 1.9 MOD; MS = 0.9 MOD; relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1.0:2.0:1.1:0.9. Figs 41–44. Chrysis diadema Rosa , sp. n. , holotype ♂: 41 – habitus, dorsal view; 42 – habitus, lateral view; 43 – head, frontal view; 44 – metasoma, dorso-lateral view. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Head . In full face view, length 1.6 mm , width 2.1 mm . Apex of clypeus concave, medially angulate, with darkened rim; TFC sharp, raised as a crown and M-like, with elongate branches almost encircling mid ocellus; TFC medially distinctly raised and, in dorsal view, prominent, medially bilobate; mid-ocellar area, within TFC branches, largely impunctate; scapal basin distinctly hollowed, basomedially polished, laterally densely minutely punctured, with short, silvery, appressed setae covering the surface; frons and vertex with medium-sized, subcontiguous to confluent punctures. Malar spaces almost 1.0 MOD, as long as one third of F1, slightly convergent. Subantennal distance less than 1.0 MOD. Genal carina complete and extending to mandible joint, malar spaces finely punctate. Mesosoma . Length 2.9 mm ; width (PPW) 2.2 mm . Pronotum anteromedially depressed; depression deep and wide, reaching almost posterior margin, without a distinct anteromedian groove; punctation shallow and subreticulate, with tiny punctures on interstices; punctures denser laterally. Mesoscutum with small to mediumsized punctures, larger towards scutellum; punctation scattered, with large, polished, shining interstices; punctation irregular on lateral lobes, close to tegulae; notauli and parapsidal lines complete; notaular area depressed, apically with shallow pits. Mesoscutellum with punctures of different size, from small to medium-sized (0.5 MOD), the larger medially; punctures smaller and denser towards axillary trough; polished interstices. Punctation on metanotum denser, subreticulate with a row of elongate and contiguous foveae on anterior margin. Punctation on mesopleuron irregular, with small, scattered punctures, anteriorly subconfluent; episternal sulcus incomplete, formed by a few larger foveae. Propodeal teeth quite unusual, long, spike-shaped, pointing backwards and only slightly outwards. Metasoma . Length 3.0 mm. Punctation on first tergum with small and scattered punctures, 1–3 PD apart; small punctures on interstices. Second tergum anteriorly with larger punctures (0.5 MOD), markedly deep and continuous, posteriorly shallow, smaller and scattered; moderate longitudinal median carina. Third tergum with deep, medium-sized punctures, laterally subcontiguous, interspersed by small and minute punctures; longitudinal median carina; apical margin with a narrow apical hyaline rim and with inner teeth replaced by broadly rounded, separated by a concave, slightly angulate medial space, lateral angles blunt, very obtuse; pits of the pit row deep, elongate, and partially confluent, medial ones as large as midocellus; post pit row area more than 1.0 MOD long; black spots on second sternum subquadrate, smaller than other species in this group, covering about 1/3 of the sternum length, medially separated by 2.0 MOD. Coloration. Head and mesosoma brilliant green; metasoma red, on first tergum and laterally coppery to green. Body ventrally green, with coppery to reddish reflections on sterna. Mandibles light brown, with metallic green reflections at base and darkened apex. Scape, pedicel and F1 basally metallic green, the latter apically black, F2–F4 light brown, F5–F11 darkened. Legs green, with joints and tarsi yellowish, last tarsomere brown. Tegulae metallic green. Wings hyaline with light brown nervures. Vestiture . Body covered by sparse, short (1.0 MOD), whitish, erect setae; scapal basin laterally with short, whitish and appressed setae; tibiae with longer erect setae. Female . Unknown. DISTRIBUTION. Turkmenistan . ETYMOLOGY. The specific epithet diadema (= crown, feminine noun in appo- sition) refers to the distinctive transverse frontal carina, raised as a crown or diadem.