A revision of Tachyphron Brown and description of two new genera within the Ariphron group (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae) Author Brown, G. R. text Journal of Natural History 2005 2010-12-06 39 2 197 239 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0022290310001657892 journal article 10.1080/0022290310001657892 1464-5262 5214577 Deuterothynnus fulvisetatus sp. n. ( Figures 9, 10 , 14 , 59 ) Material examined. HOLOTYPE : . Indonesia : Irian Jaya : Port Freeport Concession , Wapoga camp, 3.14 ° S , 136.57 ° E , Malaise trap , montane primary rainforest, 1158 m ( 3800 ft ), 19–29 April 1998 , R . R . Snelling, in LACM . PARATYPE : 1 , same data as holotype except 19–30 April 1998 , 1128 m ( 3700 ft ), in NTM . Distribution. Known only from montane primary rainforest, Wapoga, Irian Jaya ( Figure 59 ). Etymology. The specific name is derived from Latin words fulvus meaning red-yellow and seta, and is a reference to the orange coloration of the setae. Diagnosis. Male: metasoma black with first two metasomal segments orange; setae orange. Dorsal margin of parameres sinusoidal ( Figure 9 ). Basiparameres (collectively) triangular ( Figure 10 ). Description. Male: black; apex of clypeus, mandibles, scape, pedicel, legs (except coxae and trochanters), and metasomal segments 1 and 2 orange; antennae brown; tegulae testaceous; wings suffused with orange basally and brown on apical half, veins brown; setae orange. Clypeus closely and finely punctate, apically truncate, sagittally carinate. Frons and vertex rugosely punctate. Gena finely rugosely punctate, slightly oblique, less than half length of minimum eye diameter. Occipital carina visible dorsally. Genal cavity not visible dorsally. Pronotum including anterior surface, mesoscutum and mesoscutellum rugosely punctate. Metanotum impunctate. Propodeum closely punctate. Mesopleura rugosely punctate. T1– 6 almost impunctate, shallowly punctate laterally and posteriorly; T7 closely and coarsely punctate, medially impunctate; T1 with length: width 1.8:1. S1 shallowly and sparsely punctate; S2–8 almost impunctate but becoming punctate posteriorly especially on posterior sternites. Hypopygium ( Figure 14 ) subparallel, broadly emarginate apically with large apical spine and smaller preapical spine laterad to emargination, weakly sclerotized medially. Genitalia ( Figures 9, 10 ) with parameres broad and subparallel, ventral and dorsal margins curved, apices convergent, rounded, down-turned, ending at level of apex of basal section of aedeagus; basiparameres in dorsal view triangular, extreme base slightly constricted, ending before level of apices of cuspides, apex not clearly differentiated from aedeagus, apparently acute, broad in lateral view; aedeagus with basal and apical sections, basal section ovoid without ventral lobes, apical section long, filamentous, slightly longer than length of parameres. BL: 10; FW: 8; HW: 5.