Austromonticola, a new genus of broad-nosed weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) from montane areas of New Zealand
Brown, Samuel D. J.
journal article
Austromonticola postinventus Brown
sp. n.
Figs 9, 10, 25, 26, 33, 36, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 110, 111, 115
Body size large, 8 mm in length. Epifrons flat, with decumbent setae. Females with ventrite 5 emarginate and with median swelling (Fig. 110); elytra with interstriae 1 swollen at top of elytral declivity and the apex produced ventrad.
Body length 7.26 mm to 8.42 mm (X‒ = 7.84 mm, s = 0.82, n = 2). Integument black. Dorsum densely covered with fine brownish black appressed scales with purple and gold metallic reflectance, reflectance particularly pronounced laterally and posteriorly. Femora and tibiae with appressed scales dense, unicolorous, concolorous with elytral scales. Tarsi with integument strong red. Rostrum. Length 1.45 mm to 1.67 mm (X‒ = 1.56 mm, s = 0.16, n = 2), width 0.90 mm to 1.02 mm (X‒= 0.96 mm, s = 0.08, n = 2), length/width ratio 1.61 to 1.64 (X‒ = 1.62, s = 0.02, n = 2). Epifrons with appressed scales tessellate; setae piliform, decumbent, pale; median and lateral carinae not evident. Dorsal carinae arched over antennal insertions. Lateral area ventral of antennal insertions with fine setae and appressed scales. Antennae. Fig. 36. Scapes in repose reaching hind margin of eyes; covered with appressed scales and setae. Funicular segments moderately articulated; segments 1 clavate, about 1.3 times longer than 2; segments 2 clavate, about 2 times longer than 3; segments 3 clavate, slightly longer than 4; segments 4 to 6 clavate, subequal; segments 7 subconical. Pronotum. Length 1.90 mm to 2.11 mm (X‒ = 2.00 mm, s = 0.15, n = 2), width 2.85 mm to 3.53 mm (X‒ = 3.19 mm, s = 0.48, n = 2), length/width ratio 0.85 to 0.90 (X‒ = 0.88, s = 0.04, n = 2); in dorsal view widest in anterior 1/3, lateral margins evenly curved. Anterior margin entire, posterior margin straight. Disc in dorsal view evenly curved; appressed scales imbricate; setae piliform, decumbent, concolorous. Postocular lobes moderately developed. Elytra. Length 4.90 mm to 5.70 mm (X‒ = 5.30 mm, s = 0.57, n = 2), width 2.85 mm to
mm (X‒ = 3.19 mm, s = 0.48, n = 2), length/width ratio 1.61 to 1.72 (X‒ = 1.67, s = 0.07, n = 2). Anterior margin almost straight, humeral angles rounded. Appressed scales imbricate. Setae piliform, erect, pale. Striae moderately impressed; interstriae flat; interstriae 1 at elytral declivity flat in males, with small tubercle in females. Apex in lateral view square in males, produced posteriad in females. Thoracic ventrites. Mesoventral process acutely rounded in males, broadly rounded in females. Metaventrite densely covered with appressed scales. Abdomen. Ventrites densely covered with appressed scales. Apex rounded. Males with ventrite 1 depressed medially; ventrite 5 flat. Females with ventrite 1 flat; ventrite 4 posterior margin curved anteriad in middle, with narrow laminae laterally (Figs 110, 111); ventrite 5 swollen medially, posterior margin broadly emarginate. Male genitalia. Figs 76-79. Hemisternites with spiculum relictum slender. Penis with apex narrowly rounded, upturned; ostial region normally developed. Endophallus with gonoporial sclerite small, posterior lobes reduced. Temones 0.63 times as long as pedon. Female genitalia. Figs 80-84. Distal gonocoxites stout, 1.4 times longer than high. Bursa copulatrix stout; constricted anterior of proximal gonocoxite; sclerite large, pear-shaped. Sternite 8 broad, rounded at apex, membranous laterally.
DNA sequences.
No DNA sequences obtained.
Type material examined.
Holotype. Female (NZAC). Specimen pinned through right elytron; abdomen removed and mounted in DMHF on white card pinned below specimen, genitalia dissected, ventrites coated in gold for SEM; right proleg missing, broken off from trochanter. Labelled 'Mt Kirkliston / 6000 / C.J.Burrows / 5.1.65 /
[first three lines printed, last two lines handwritten, off-white card], '
taxonomy / and systematics / SDJ Brown / PhD Thesis 2012-2015 / IRE1116' [printed, off-white card], 'HOLOTYPE /
Brown 2017
' [printed, red card].
Paratypes. A total of 1 specimen (1 male) designated as paratype, bearing blue paratype label. Paratype specimen deposited in NZAC.
SC: Kirkliston Range [
, A], 8-9 Feb 1978, Johns PM, Ingerfeld MH, 1740-1770 m, Stonefield with occasional mat plants (NZAC: 1).
Fig. 115. South Island: SC: Kirkliston Range.
Elevational range.
Label data: 1755 m to 1829 m (n = 2). Georeferenced data: 1615 m to 1868 m (n = 2).
From the Latin prefix post,
, and the participle inventus,
, referring to the recognition of this species after my PhD defence; the name is a participle.
Collected in fellfield. No plant associations recorded.