Systematics and biogeography of the ant genus Crematogaster Lund subgenus Orthocrema Santschi in Asia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Author Hosoishi, Shingo Author Ogata, Kazuo text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2016 2016-02-10 176 3 547 606 journal article 126748 10.1111/zoj.12330 6f1d30f9-d20f-415b-a70c-a65074943adf 0024-4082 5358180 CREMATOGASTER MOATENSIS SP. NOV. ( FIG. 109 ) Holotype worker . nr. Kotamobaqu ( 1200 m ), Danau Moat , Utara , Sulawesi , INDONESIA , 11.ix.1985 (no collector’s name) ( BMNH ). Paratype . Five workers, same data as holotype ( BMNH , CASC , KUEC , MBBJ , THNHM ) . Worker measurements ( n = 6): HW 0.46–0.49; HL 0.48– 0.53; CI 92–98; SL 0.45–0.47; SI 94–100; EL 0.11– 0.12; PW 0.30–0.33; WL 0.60–0.64; PSL 0.12–0.13; PtL 0.19–0.20; PtW 0.14–0.15; PtH 0.13–0.14; PpL 0.10– 0.11; PpW 0.15–0.16; PtHI 68–70; PtWI 70–79; PpWI 136–160; WI 100–114. General description of worker: Workers monomorphic. Head subquadratic in full-face view. Mandibles with four teeth arranged at an equal distance, apical and subapical teeth large, basal two teeth smaller. Anterior clypeal margin convex in medial portion. Compound eyes distinctly projecting beyond lateral margins of head in full-face view. Scapes reaching posterolateral corners of head. Pronotal collar with weakly concave anterior margin in dorsal view, distinctly lower than pronotum in lateral view. Pronotal dorsum without ridges laterally. Mesonotal dorsum without distinct lateral ridges posteriorly. Pronotum and mesonotum in lateral view forming slightly convex, continuous dorsal outline. Metanotal groove in dorsal view transverse, almost straight in median portion, forming deep concavity that is laterally margined by ridges. Propodeal spiracles oval, situated at posterolateral corners of propodeum, apart from metapleural gland bullae. Propodeal spines developed, longer than diameter of propodeal spiracles, in dorsal view directed posteriad. Petiole in dorsal view with subparallel sides and narrow anteriorly, longer than wide. Posterior portion of petiole with short process that is slightly higher than posterior margin of petiole disc in lateral view. Subpetiolar process undeveloped. Postpetiole in lateral view with weakly convex dorsum, as high as petiole, in dorsal view as wide as petiole, globular, not bilobed. Subpostpetiolar process undeveloped. Integument essentially smooth and shining. Dorsal surface of head smooth and shining. Gena with longitudinal rugulae. Mandibles with feeble rugulae and smooth interspaces. Clypeus generally smooth and shining, but with one to two distinct pairs of longitudinal rugulae; longer rugulae extending to posterior clypeal margin. Dorsal and lateral surfaces of pronotum smooth and shining; anterolateral shoulders of pronotum without rugulae. Mesopleura generally smooth and shining. Rugula on higher portion of mesopleura extending to small pit of mesothoracic spiracles. Dorsal surface of propodeum generally smooth and shining. Dorsal surface of petiole smooth and shining. Lateral surface of petiole generally smooth, without longitudinal rugulae. Dorsal and lateral surfaces of postpetiole smooth and shining. Standing pilosity sparse. Dorsal face of head with erect to suberect setae sparsely. Clypeus with three pairs of long setae in anterior portion, one directed upward, one downward, the other laterally below antennal sockets. Anterior clypeal margin with single long setae medially and one pair of long setae laterally, and short setae laterally. Gena (malar space) with some suberect setae near mandibular insertion. Scapes with suberect to decumbent setae. Mesosoma with four pairs of long erect and stout setae (ps1PN, psaMN, pspMN, and ps1PS/ ps2PS) that are much longer than other erect setae. Posterolateral tubercles of petiole posteriorly with one pair of long setae. Postpetiole with three pairs of long setae on disc anterodorsally, anterolaterally, and posteriorly. Fourth abdominal tergite with erect to suberect setae sparsely, but no decumbent to appressed setae. Body bicolored, head and gaste with brown, mesosoma with yellow. All flagellar segments yellow. Comments: In the worker this species is very unique among the Asian Orthocrema fauna in having the propodeal spines directed posteriad and the metanotal groove laterally not defined by lamellate ridges. Distribution: This species is known only from Indonesia ( Sulawesi ) ( Fig. 49 ). Etymology: The specific name refers to the type locality, Danau Moat (Lake Moat). Material examined: INDONESIA : three workers , Dumoga-Bone N. P. , Utara , Sulawesi , 17.iv.1985 (‘Clarke’ Camp) (lower montane forest, 1140 m ) (no collector’s name) .