Genus Promalactis Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae) from China: Descriptions of twelve new species Author Du, Zhaohui Author Wang, Shuxia text ZooKeys 2013 285 23 52 journal article 1313-2970-285-23 Promalactis ramispinea sp. n. Figs 62232 Type material. Holotype ♂ − China,Jiangxi Province: Mt. Lu ( 26°30'N , 115°58'E ), 382.8 m, 1.VIII.1975, coll. Youqiao Liu, genitalia slide No. DZH11025 (IOZ). Paratypes − 1 ♀, same data as holotype except dated 9.VII.1975; 4 ♂, 5 ♀, same data as holotype except dated 28.VII−1.VIII.1975. Jiangxi Province: 2 ♂, 1 ♀, Xingguo County ( 26°19'N , 115°20'E ), 4, 19, 21.VII.1976; 1 ♀, Mt. Wuyi, 670 m, 2.VIII.1980, genitalia slide Nos. DZH12012 ♂, DZH12013 ♀ (IOZ). Hunan Province: 3 ♀♀, Cangxi Town, Xinhua County ( 27°44'N , 111°18'E ), 8−9.VIII.2004, coll. Yunli Xiao. Fujian Province: 1 ♀, Guadun ( 27°44'N , 117°38'E ), Mt. Wuyi, 1100 m, 29.VII.2008, coll. Weichun Li, Yongling Sun & Haiyan Bai. Guangdong Province: 1 ♀, NanLing ( 23°20'N , 115°23'E ), Shaoguan City, 7−14.VII.2007, coll. Min Wang et al., genitalia slide Nos. DZH12043 ♀, DZH12044 ♀, DZH12045 ♀ (NKU). Diagnosis. This species is similar to Promalactis trapezia Wang, 2006, but can be separated by the forewing with a white spot on termen; the tongue-shaped gnathos, the valva with a thick, curved digitate dorso-apical process, and the cornutus distally bearing four to five strong spines in the male genitalia. In Promalactis trapezia , the forewing has no white spot on termen; the gnathos is somewhat trapezoidal, the valva has some strong dorso-apical spines and the cornutus is a single spine. Description. Adult (Fig. 6). Wingspan 10.0−12.0 mm. Head shining greyish brown. Labial palpus with basal and second segments yellowish grey on inner surface, dark brown on outer surface; third segment with basal 1/4 and distal 1/4 white, middle 1/2 black, about 3/5 length of second. Antenna with scape black mixed with white on dorsal surface, yellow on ventral surface, pecten dark brown; flagellum white and black on dorsal surface, yellow on ventral surface. Thorax and tegula ochreous brown. Forewing ground colour orange yellow; costal margin with an inverted triangular black blotch at basal 3/5, posteriorly crossing half wing, with a small white spot at middle within black blotch; cell with a very short, longitudinal white streak at 1/3 on upper margin, with a small white spot at 3/4 and near outer margin; fold with a short white streak at base, a rectangular spot above 1/3 sometimes connected with the white streak at 1/3 of cell, and a L-shaped white streak above 2/3; dorsal margin with three white streaks arising from basal 1/6, 1/3 and 1/2 reaching obliquely to fold respectively, median streak sometimes joined with the spot above 1/3 of fold, third streak sometimes connected with L-shaped streak, with a sinuate weak white line from distal 1/3 to end of fold; tornus with a diffused triangular black spot, extending upward to lower angle of cell; apex and termen with a white spot respectively, surrounded with dense black scales; cilia yellow, tinged with white scales at tornus. Hindwing and cilia dark grey. Male genitalia (Fig. 22). Uncus elongate triangular, broad at base, narrowed to narrowly rounded apex. Gnathos tongue shaped, about same length as uncus, distal 1/3 scobinate; apex rounded, with a small papillary process; lateral arm short, band shaped. Tegumen branched from posterior 2/5, triangularly narrowed anteriorly. Valva almost parallel dorso-ventrally; apex obliquely truncate, dorso-apical process thick digitate, curved ventrad, forming a right angle with apex, with sparse setae distally, blunt at apex; costa straight except slightly projected subapically. Sacculus about 2/5 width of valva, slightly narrowed to a short free distal process, distal 2/3 setose. Saccus broad, triangular, about same length as uncus. Juxta weakly sclerotized, extremely broad, nearly oval, reaching anterior 1/5 of tegumen, with a small saccate basal process, with digitate lateral processes at distal 2/5. Aedeagus strong, almost straight, nearly as long as valva, basal 3/5 membranous, distal 2/5 heavily sclerotized; cornutus strong and curved, about 1/2 length of aedeagus, slightly dilated near base, slender medially, distal 1/4 with four to five strong spines. Female genitalia (Fig. 32). Apophysis anterioris about 1/2 length of apophysis posterioris, apophyses anterioris and posterioris expanded distally. Eighth sternum very short, rounded posteriorly. Seventh sternum slightly concave medially on posterior margin, posterior 1/5 sclerotized, laterally produced to a sclerotized, curved, gradually narrowed band. Antrum concave at middle on posterior margin, protruded in a short triangle postero-laterally, heavily sclerotized laterally; left side with anterior half concave inward, produced to a broad folded band stretching to ductus bursae. Ductus bursae long and curved, about 2.5 times length of corpus bursae, with a sclerotized shield-like plate at middle; posterior 2/5 sclerotized, with fourteen small spines posteriorly; anterior 3/5 membranous; ductus seminalis arising from posterior 1/4 of ductus bursae. Corpus bursae membranous, nearly rounded; two signa small, irregular oval. Distribution. China (Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi). Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin prefix rami- (= ramus), and Latin spineus (= spine-like), referring to the strong spines in the distal 1/4 of the cornutus. Figures 1-6. Adults of Promalactis species. 1 Promalactis bifurciprocessa sp. n., holotype, male 2 Promalactis convexa sp. n., holotype, male 3 Promalactis papillata sp. n., paratype, female 4 Promalactis quadratitabularis sp. n., holotype, male 5 Promalactis quadriloba sp. n., holotype, male 6 Promalactis ramispinea sp. n., paratype, female. Figures 7-12. Adults of Promalactis species. 7 Promalactis scorpioidea sp. n., holotype, male 8 Promalactis serpenticapitata sp. n., paratype, female 9 Promalactis similiconvexa sp. n., holotype, male 10 Promalactis spinosicornuta sp. n., holotype, male 11 Promalactis strumifera sp. n., holotype, male 12 Promalactis uncinispinea sp. n., holotype, male.