New oriental Oedichirus (Staphylinidae, Paederinae, Pinophilini) Author Rougemont, Guillaume de text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2018 2018-07-27 50 1 461 536 journal article 21070 10.5281/zenodo.4004245 f3cb952d-98ae-4de8-9482-4f7a876ddf77 0253-116X 4004245 Oedichirus chapmani CAMERON (Figs 3) Oedichirus chapmani CAMERON, 1940: 250 . Oedichirus chapmani HAYASHI, 1989: 163 . Oedichirus chapmani SHIBATA et al., 2013: 161 . Material studied: Holotype : [BM Holotype label] / Hoa-Binh , Tonkin 93 / Oe. chapmani TYPE Cam. [ NHML ]. Additional material: 1♀ : FooChow / Sharp Coll. 1905.313 / standing as O. dimidiatus Epp. / Oedichirus chapmani Cam. det. 2015 G. de Rougemont [ NHML ]; 1 ex. Taiwan : Hualien [determined from photograph by Dash Huang ]; 1♀ : Dacca / Sharp Coll.1905-313 / [on large blue handwritten label]: Oedichirus dimidiatus Epp. / Oedichirus chapmani Cam. det. 2015 G. de Rougemont [ NHML ]; 1♀ : India / Bowring . 63.47* / standing as O. dimidiatus Epp. / Oedichirus chapmani Cam. det. 2015 G. de Rougemont [ NHML ]; 1♀ : N.W. THAILAND , Mae Hong Son Prov. , Nam Tok Mae Surin N.P., N19 21.31 E97 50.02 , 12.vii.2006 / BMNH(E) 2006-128, light trap on river beach, Mendel, H. & Barclay , M.V.H. / Oedichirus chapmani Cam. det. 2015 G. de Rougemont [ NHML ]; 1♂ : THAILAND , Doi Ankhang , 24.X.2010 , G. de Rougemont [ CRO ]; 1♀ [lacking head and pronotum]: MAETENG , CHIANG MAI , THAI , 12.VI.1999 , H. KONISHI / Oedichirus chapmani Cam. det. 2016 G. de Rougemont [ CIK ]; 1♀ : NE-LAOS , Hua Phan province, 25 km SE of Viengxai , Ban Kangpabang , 14.-16.V.2001 , leg. D. Hauk / Oedichirus spec. cf. alatus Nietner det. M. Schülke 2006 / Sammlung M. Schülke, Berlin / Oedichirus chapmani Cam. det 2015 G. de Rougemont [ CSB ]; 1♀ : LAOS centr., Bolikhamsai prov. , BAN NAPE , - Kaew Nua Pass , 18.4- 1.5.1998 , alt. 600± 100m , N 18º22.3 N 105º09.1 E (GPS), E. Jendek & O. Sauša leg. / Oedichirus chapmani Cam. det. 2016 G. de Rougemont [ CIK ]; 1♂ : JAPAN Ryukyus , Nakama-gawa , IRIOMOTE Is., 30.XII.1997 , I. MATOBA leg. [ CRO ]; 1♀ : TAISHO-IKE , IRIOMOTE Is., 30.XII.1997 , I. MATOBA leg. [ CIK ]; 1♀ : Hatsuno Sumiyô , Amami-ôshima Is ., Kagoshima-Pref ., 5.V.1997 ( Light ), M. Yoshida leg. [ CIK ] . Description: length: 7 mm ; length of fore-body: 3.4; length of head: 0.77; breadth of head: 1.1; length of antenna: 1.8; length of pronotum: 1.25; breadth of pronotum: 1.05; length of elytron: 1.45; breadth of elytra: 1.55. Head black, pronotum red, anterior part of elytra black, posterior part red, abdominal segments III-VI red, the following black; palpi testaceous, the terminal segment slightly infuscate; first two antennomeres testacous, the following infuscate, becoming paler distally; legs entirely testaceous. Dorsal surfaces devoid of microsculpture except on and in between basal keels of tergites. Pubescence erect, sparse and shorter on fore-body, dense and very long on abdomen. Habitus: Fig. 3h. Head strongly transverse; post-ocular border entire, in the shape of a fine carina under a punctate groove, not forming a post-ocular tooth; disc glossy, with only two small punctures on vertex and a few other scattered minute punctures. Pronotum relatively short; lateral margins not bordered; puncturation consisting of a pair of discal series of four punctures each, in front of this a pair of small punctures in a common foveate impression, and a pair of larger punctures nearer apical margin; no lateral series, the sides with only 4-5 scattered punctures, a series of four punctures on humeral angles and a single lateral puncture near base. Fully winged; elytra short, broad, convex, widest a little behind middle; puncturation sparse, consisting of a juxta-sutural series of 6-7 punctures and two irregular oblique series of ca. five punctures each. Abdominal tergites with three rows of close punctures in transverse depressions behind a row of long basal keels. Male: sternite VII unmodified; sternite VIII: Fig. 3s8; aedoeagus: Fig. 3arl. Female: sternite IX: Fig. 3vp. O. chapmani was redescribed by HAYASHI (1989) with figures of the fore-body, aedoeagus and male 8 th sternite, based on a specimen from Ishigaki Island. The figure of the male 8 th sternite given by Hayashi differs somewhat from that of the other two known males; the left apicolateral tooth of the sternite may be broken. Earlier material was determined by various curators as ‘ O. dimidiatus ’ ( O. alatus NIETNER) because both species have similar bi-coloured black and red elytra; O. chapmani is easily distinguished from typical specimens O. alatus by its black head, red abdominal segment VI and broader elytra (key 1). The only similarly coloured species is O. sihanouki nov.sp. from Cambodia , from which it differs by the characters described in Key 1. O. chapmani was described from north Vietnam and recorded from Ishigaki (Ryukyu islands); new to China , Taiwan , Thailand , Laos , Bengladesh and (?) India . Distribution: Map 2 . Keys: 1, 3.