Hydromedusae of the Agulhas Current Author Buecher, Emmanuelle Author Goy, Jacqueline Author J, Mark Author Gibbons text African Invertebrates 2005 2005-12-31 46 27 69 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.7909936 2305-2562 7909936 Amphinema turrida (Mayer, 1900) Dissonema turrida : Mayer 1900 b : 44 , pl. 2, figs 3, 4. Amphinema turrida : H.B. Bigelow 1909: 200 , pl. 7, fig. 2, pl. 40, fig. 6, pl. 43, fig. 3, pl. 44, figs 3, 4; Kramp 1961: 95; 1968: 42, fig. 106; Bouillon 1980: 323, fig. 8. Description: Three specimens from three stations. Essentially bell-shaped umbrella, taller than broad and with pronounced, hollow apical projection; up to 4 mm in height. Exumbrella surface smooth. Mesoglea thickened apically. Velum broad. Peripheral canal and four broad radial canals present; no centripetal canals or mesenteries. Two opposite perradial tentacles arising from elongated conical bulbs on umbrella margin, long, hollow. Tentaculae absent (as H.B. Bigelow 1909 ), but with up to three marginal warts per quadrant . Manubrium pyriform , almost as long as bell cavity. Mouth simple, with four prominent, crenulated, recurved lips; without gastric peduncle. With red ocelli at base of tentacles and tentaculae . Gonads sac-like, adradial, extending from stomach wall along radial canals; extensively folded. Material examined: H5018, H5066. Comments: see A . australis . Distribution: World-wide in tropical and temperate waters, including the Mediterranean Sea. This is the first record from the west Indian Ocean. Neritic.