Atlas of European millipedes 2: Order Julida (Class Diplopoda) Author Kime, Richard Desmond 847CC68F-00BF-4DAB-8E53-B7A3384D66C1 Email: deskime 2 @ aol. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 847 CC 68 F- 00 BF- 4 DAB- 8 E 53 - B 7 A 3384 D 66 C 1 Author Enghoff, Henrik FB09A817-000D-43C3-BCC4-2BC1E5373635 urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: FB 09 A 817 - 000 D- 43 C 3 - BCC 4 - 2 BC 1 E 5373635 & Corresponding author: henghoff @ snm. ku. dk text European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 2017-08-29 346 1 299 journal article 21780 10.5852/ejt.2017.346 39926986-58ae-4af8-831c-689b7c8dbbc6 2118-9773 3866525 9600FFB8-3FB9-4522-B030-D5A6B145EDEB 518. Rossiulus kessleri (Lohmander, 1927) Schizophyllum kessleri Lohmander, 1927 . Rossiulus strandi Attems, 1927 . Sarmatiulus kessleri auct. Distribution BY, RU-RUC, RU-RUE, RU-RUN, RU-RUS, UA. East European. Habitat Forest, forest-steppe and northern steppe zones of Russia and Belarus in a wide variety of habitats, e.g., primary oak forest, mixed forest, pine forest, flood-plain forest, meadows, agricultural land, limestone denudations, calciphytic Stipa steppe with Thymus , Hyssopus and Artemisia . Abundant and often predominating in diplopod communities of both natural and anthropogenic habitats ( Striganova 1996 ). Remarks This calciphilous subendemic of the Russian plain ranges from Central Belarus in the west to the regions of Bashkir and Orenburg in the east and from the Archangelsk region in the north (northernmost record: Severnaya Dvina River delta N of Archangelsk) southwards to Dagestan, beyond our European frontier. Prisnyi (2001) gave ecological details and showed a map suggesting a disjunct distribution based on the large river valley systems in the nemoral belt (Dnieper, Don, Volga). He described new varieties of the species and stated that these show increasing body miniaturisation and tegument sclerotisation towards the hotter and dryer south-east. The variety stepposa approaches Rossiulus vilnensis (Jawłowski, 1925) in the form of the opisthomerite and, as the two species occur together in Belarus , Prisnyi suggests that the status of the latter remains to be confirmed. Striganova (1996) studied the life cycle and reproductive strategy of R. kessleri .