Revision of the Afrotropical genus Afrepipona Giordani Soika, 1965 and description of Afrepsilon gen. nov. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) Author Selis, Marco Author Carpenter, James M. 5B083A01-3066-4147-8ECA-8D27B9987F88 Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79 street, New York, NY 10024, USA. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-07-24 944 1 80 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2024.944.2607 2118-9773 12808564 D4F1EBC9-340F-4957-BCC3-27550DF0F224 Afrepipona ulterior sp. nov. 2B5C7312-5F26-4DE4-8708-96DDC20A405F Figs 19 , 27N Diagnosis Similar to Afrepipona lamptoensis , but differing as follows: clypeus narrower, 1.3 × as wide as long, apical margin truncate with projecting teeth and median longitudinal carina, more marked in male ( Fig. 19B ); vertex of female longer, 2.1 × as long as distance between posterior ocellus and inner eye margin, cephalic foveae placed in small circular depression, narrower than one ocellar diameter ( Fig. 19C ); slenderer appearance, mesosoma 1.4 × as long as wide, T1 0.5 × as long as wide; T2 as long as wide ( Fig. 13F ); T3 shortly lamellate at apex, lamella about as long as that on T2; interspaces on frons and mesoscutum shorter than half puncture diameter, punctures on mesepisternum forming longitudinal series but not touching each other; T1 and most of T2 with few indistinct punctures. Genitalia in Fig. 27N . Etymology The specific epithet derives from the Latin adjective ‘ulterior’ (= ‘ulterior’), as this new species was found after the completion of the present revision, making an ulterior addition necessary. Fig. 19. Afrepipona ulterior sp. nov. A , C , E–F . ♀, holotype from Bulawayo (AMNH). B , D . ♂, paratype (from Pretoria, MSVI). A . Habitus, dorsal view. B–C . Head, frontal view. D . Flagellum, lateral view. E . Head, dorsal view. F . T2–3. dorsal view. Scale bars = 1 mm. Type material Holotype ZIMBABWE ; Bulawayo ; 4 Dec. 1919 ; AMNH , AMNH_IZC00419254 . Paratypes SOUTH AFRICA1 ♂ ; Pretoria ; 2 Oct. 1933 ; G. van Son leg.; MSVI 1 ♀ ; Strubens V. , Florida tvl. ; 25 Jan. 1966 ; H.N. Empey leg.; MSNVE . Description Female MEASUREMENTS . Body length 8.7 mm ; fore wing length 7.0 mm. MORPHOLOGY . Head 1.2 × as wide as long in frontal view. Clypeus 1.3 × as wide as long, apical margin truncate with projecting lateral teeth, 0.25 × as wide as maximum width of clypeus, middle of apical margin with a short and dull longitudinal carina; apical teeth subtriangular and apically pointed, bluntly carinate; clypeus in lateral view almost entirely flattened. Vertex 2.1 × as long as distance from posterior ocellus to inner eye margin; cephalic foveae small and close to each other, placed in small and ill-defined depression of elliptical shape, narrower than one ocellar diameter, posterior margin carinate; gena as wide as eye at bottom of ocular sinus; occipital carina complete, very weak and almost disappearing on vertex, strong on gena and shortly lamellate ventrally, distinctly bent in lower half. F1 1.15 × as long as wide and 1.45 × as long as F2, F2–9 transverse and becoming proportionally shorter apically. Fifth tooth of mandible projecting and pointed. Mesosoma 1.4 × as long as wide. Sides of pronotum weakly convex in dorsal view; pronotal carina complete and shortly lamellate, projecting but rounded on humeri; pretegular carina dull and visible in a short portion above pronotal tubercle only; lateral faces of pronotum depressed and clearly separated from dorsal face, but without a humeral carina. Mesoscutum as long as wide, evenly convex in lateral view. Scutellum almost flattened; anterior margin crenate with barely larger median pit. Metanotum weakly and evenly convex in lateral view. Tegula equaling parategula, outer margin slightly more convex in anterior half, posterior lobe long and pointed with depressed surface; parategula small and rounded. Epicnemial carina very weak and barely visible, reaching epipleural suture and mesosternum. Propodeum falling almost vertically behind metanotum in lateral view; posterior face shallowly concave and smoothly passing into dorsal faces without any separation; lateral faces very shallowly depressed, distinctly separated from dorsal faces; propodeal valvula posterodorsally angulate. T1 more or less semicircular, 0.5 × as long as wide in dorsal view; posterior margin thickened with short translucent margin of regular length. T2 0.95 × as long as wide in dorsal view, apical margin weakly thickened, translucent and lamellate with a basal series of coarse punctures. T3 with a translucent margin about as long as that on T2. S2 almost flattened and then convex basally, with a short deep longitudinal furrow basally, apically with lamellar translucent margin. S3 slightly decolorate at apex, not forming distinct lamella. SCULPTURE AND VESTITURE . Clypeus shiny with shallow punctures, large and dense on disc and apically, becoming finer basally, interspaces with very fine micropunctures. Head with deep punctures, interspaces slightly convex and shiny, distance between punctures shorter than puncture diameter on frons and most of vertex, becoming much wider on gena. Scape silky-shiny with barely visible sculpture. Most of mesosoma sculpted like frons, punctures sparser on anterior third of scutellum and metanotum; lateral faces of pronotum with deep punctures touching each other in ventral corner; punctures on mesepisternum slightly larger than on mesoscutum, forming irregular series but never touching each other, interspaces becoming wider posteroventrally; epicnemium and mesosternum finely shagreened and shiny, with small punctures on mesosternum; dorsal faces of propodeum with small deep punctures, interspaces flattened and mostly wider than puncture diameter; posterior face shiny and almost entirely smooth, some very shallow punctures along margins; lateral faces irregularly shagreened, silky shiny with deep punctures becoming denser posteriorly. T1 finely shagreened and silky shiny, almost entirely impunctate except for few very shallow punctures on disc and sides; T2 similar to T1 on disc, punctures well-defined and deep on extreme base and sides, preapical area with series of larger and coarse punctures; T3–4 similar to apical part of T2, but punctures progressively smaller; T5–6 micropunctate with very sparse fine punctures; S1 shiny and irregularly ridged, basal petiole partly shagreened; S2 with large deep punctures sparser on disc, most interspaces as wide as several puncture diameters; S3–6 similar to respective tergite, but punctures finer. Head and mesosoma with short silvery pubescence, sparse and mostly arising from punctures, more abundant and denser on frons and mesepisternum, dust-like on epicnemium and mesosternum; clypeus with dense silvery pubescence and curved erect setae; frons with short decumbent setae; mesepisternum with erect apically bent setae; propodeum almost entirely covered in short white pubescence, angles with fine long setae; metasoma with brownish dust-like pubescence, short sub-erect setae on T3–6 and S2–6. COLORATION . Bright red with ferruginous legs; following parts black: ocellar triangle and broad bands connecting it to antennal insertions, most of mesoscutum and mesosternum, narrow lines on sutures on sides of mesosoma; following parts yellow-orange: inner eye margin, longitudinal line in middle of frons, basal margin of clypeus, basal triangle of mandible; following parts pale yellow: narrow and irregular anterior margin of pronotum, narrow apical bands on T1–3 and S2–3, regular on T1–2 and sinuate on T3 and S2–3, apical spot on fore tibia, line on outer face of mid and hind tibia. Wings hyaline with weakly infuscate apical spot. Male MEASUREMENTS . Body length 7.2 mm ; fore wing length 6.0 mm. Differing from female as follows: clypeus 1.45 × as wide as long, apical teeth more projecting, carinate and acute, median carina of apical margin pointed, surface less shiny and punctures finer; vertex 2 × as long as distance from posterior ocellus to inner eye margin; F11 more or less conical and reaching apex of F8, almond-shaped in dorsal view; punctures on metasoma deeper and larger; S7 shiny and finely punctate; clypeus ferruginous with yellow margins. Distribution South Africa : Gauteng ; Zimbabwe . Remarks The female paratype in MSNVE was labeled by Giordani Soika as the holotype of Afrepipona tridentata , a nomen nudum.