Genus Stathmopoda Herrich-Schäffer, 1853 (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae) from China: Descriptions of thirteen new species Author Wang, Ailing 0000-0003-1372-9506 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & w 15275767286 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 1372 - 9506 Author Guan, Wei School of Basic Medical Sciences, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan, 442000, China Author Wang, Shuxia College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China text Zootaxa 2020 2020-08-27 4838 3 358 380 journal article 8682 10.11646/zootaxa.4838.3.3 c80d3ec2-e33a-4a11-80e3-f2fafc952695 1175-5326 4404120 1905762C-8ECD-4E20-8B18-ECA20044736B Stathmopoda spinicornuta sp. nov. ( Figs 15 , 28 ) Type material. CHINA , Yunnan : Holotype , Bubang Town ( 21.60°N , 101.59°E ), Xishuangbanna , 656 m , 22.VII.2014 , leg. KJ Teng et al ., slide No. GW 14194. Diagnosis. The new species is characterized in the male genitalia by the cucullus obtusely convex at distal 1/3, and the cornutus consisting of three strong spines. It is similar to S. dolichantha sp. nov. superficially, and the differences between the two species are stated in the diagnosis of the latter species. FIGURES 16−21. Male genitalia of Stathmopoda spp. 16, S. atrifusca sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW14186, 16a, enlarged cornutus; 17, S. cellifaria sp. nov. , paratype, slide No. GW13080, 17a, enlarged cornutus; 18, S. cornuta sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW13100; 19, S. digitiprocessa sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW12175; 20, S. dolichantha sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW12245, 20a, enlarged cornutus; 21, S. falsistimulata sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW15154. Scales: 16–21 = 0.2 mm; 19a, 20a = 0.05 mm; 17a = 0.1 mm. FIGURES 22−28. Male genitalia of Stathmopoda spp. 22, S. guangxiensis sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW15157; 23, S. ingena sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW15142; 24, S. liberata sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW12221, 24a, enlarged cornutus; 25, S. purpurata sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW14035, 25a, enlarged cornutus; 26, S. serrifasciaria sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW15152; 27, S. similatridorsalis sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW13032; 28, S. spinicornuta sp. nov. , holotype, slide No. GW14194, 28a, enlarged cornutus. Scales: 22–28 = 0.2 mm; 24a = 0.1 mm; 25a, 28a = 0.05 mm. FIGURES 29−33. Female genitalia of Stathmopoda spp. 29, S. atrifusca sp. nov. , paratype, slide No. GW15145, 29a, enlarged signum; 30, S. cellifaria sp. nov. , paratype, slide No. GW12270; 31, S. cornuta sp. nov. , paratype, slide No. GW13102; 32, S. digitiprocessa sp. nov. , paratype, slide No. GW15171, 32a, enlarged signum; 33, S. falsistimulata sp. nov. , paratype, slide No. GW15174, 33a, enlarged signum. Scales: 29–33 = 0.5 mm; 29a, 32a, 33a = 0.1 mm. Description. Adult ( Fig. 15 ). Wingspan 11.5 mm . Head with frons and vertex yellowish brown, occiput brown. Labial palpus milky, second segment with a fine blackish brown line at base on outer side, third segment pale yellowish brown on outer side. Antenna with scape brown, tinged with blackish brown scales on posterior margin; flagellum yellowish brown. Thorax pale yellowish brown, with blackish brown spots laterally and apically; tegula pale yellowish brown except blackish brown at base. Forewing yellow, brown along costal margin; longitudinal wide dark brown streak from middle of cell extending to apex, widened from outer margin of cell to ventral margin; longitudinal slender dark brown streak extending along fold to ventral 3/4 where it joined with preceding streak; ventral margin with a large rounded dark brown spot at base, reaching fold anteriorly; fringe dark brown, blackish brown around apex. Hindwing greyish brown; fringe brown. Legs pale yellow dorsally, milky ventrally; foreleg with femur blackish brown on outer side, tibia with two blackish brown lines on outer side, tarsus blackish brown at apices of first and fifth tarsomeres; mid tibia with long pale yellowish brown hairs at middle and apex on dorsal surface, tarsus blackish brown at apex; hind tibia with long ochreous brown bristles at basal 1/3, 2/3 and apex on dorsal surface, first tarsomere of tarsus with a slender dark brown streak in basal half laterally, tarsus ringed with blackish brown at apex of each tarsomere, with ochreous brown bristles at apices of basal three tarsomeres. Abdomen dark brown on dorsal surface, pale brown on ventral surface. FIGURES 34−37. Female genitalia of Stathmopoda spp. 34, S. guangxiensis sp. nov. , paratype, slide No. GW15156, 34a, enlarged signum; 35, S. ingena sp. nov. , paratype, slide No. GW15143, 35a, enlarged denticles; 36, S. liberata sp. nov. , paratype, slide No. GW14168, 36a, enlarged signum; 37, S. purpurata sp. nov. , paratype, slide No. GW15146, 37a, enlarged signum. Scales: 34–37 = 0.5 mm; 35a, 37a = 0.1 mm; 34a, 36a = 0.2 mm. Male genitalia ( Fig. 28 ). Uncus wide at base, gradually narrowed to apex, with long setae laterally; apex straight, approximately 1/3 width of base. Gnathos wide at base, gradually narrowed to apex, scobinate in distal half. Tegumen bifurcate from anterior half; lateral arm uniformly wide. Valva narrow basally, parallel to cucullus; cucullus sub-elliptical, length approximately 2 times of maximum width, dorsal margin obliquely straight along basal 2/3, obtusely convex at distal 1/3, ventral margin obtuse, apex rounded; inner process short, digitate; costa roundly convex; sacculus banded, approximately 1/3 length of valva, gradually narrowed from distal 1/4 to apex, apex pointed, free from cucullus. Juxta semi-rounded, straight on posterior margin, rounded on anterior margin; anellar lobes subelliptical, approximately twice length of juxta, with short setae. Aedeagus approximately same length as valva, basal 3/4 almost evenly wide, tapered from distal 1/4 to apex, with a sclerotized plate near base, distal 1/4 produced to a thin club ventrally; cornutus consisting of three strong spines linked basally, located at middle ( Fig. 28a ). Female unknown. Distribution. China ( Yunnan ). Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin spin- and cornutus , referring to the cornutus consisting of three strong spines.