Rectoris longibarbus, a new styglophic labeonine species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from South China, with a note on the taxonomy of R. mutabilis (Lin 1933) Author Zhu, Ding-Gui Author Zhang, E Author Lan, Jia-Hu text Zootaxa 2012 3586 55 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.283108 9b99bb3f-58ef-4b16-9480-7faf5596f659 1175-5326 283108 Rectoris Lin 1935 Type species : Rectoris posehensis Lin 1935 Diagnosis. Rectoris is similar to Pseudocrossocheilus ( sensu Zhang & Chen 1997 ) and Akrokolioplax ( sensu Zhang & Kottelat 2006 ) in having a frenum connecting the upper jaw and lower lip at the corner of the mouth, a character readily distinguishing them from all other Chinese garrain genera. Rectoris differs from Akrokolioplax in having a rostral cap connected with (vs. disconnected from) the lower lip around the corners of mouth, welldeveloped (vs. minute) maxillary barbels and more lateral line scales (40–46 vs. 36–37) and lacking (vs. having) pair of moveable rostral flaps on the snout tip. It is distinct from Pseudocrossocheilus in possessing tiny (vs. prominent) papillae scattered over the lower lip and regularly arranged in many transverse rows (vs. irregularly arranged) and a pair of tiny (vs. well-developed) maxillary barbels and in lacking (vs. having) a pair of mental grooves on the chin.