Review of the Nearctic Claustropyga Hippa, Vilkamaa & Mohrig (Diptera, Sciaridae) with the description of three new species Author Vilkamaa, Pekka Author Hippa, Heikki text Zootaxa 2007 1552 53 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.178159 0dcae1cb-5d8d-436a-8b9d-52535f00cb3a 1175-5326 178159 Claustropyga auriculata Hippa, Vilkamaa & Mohrig Fig. 3 A, B Claustropyga auriculata Hippa, Vilkamaa & Mohrig, 2003 : 488 . New record. CANADA , Yukon Territory, North Fork Pass, Ogilvie Mts. 4100ā€™, 21.VI.1962 , P. J. Skitsko, 1 male (CNC). FIGURE 2 . Part of hypopygium (A, E) and gonostylus (B, F) in ventral view, and maxillary palpus in mesial (C) and in apico-dorsal (D) view. A and B: Claustropyga simplicis Hippa, Vilkamaa & Mohrig (from British Columbia). Cā€“F: C. aperta Hippa, Vilkamaa & Mohrig (from British Columbia). Scale 0.10 mm. FIGURE 3 . Part of hypopygium (A, C) and gonostylus (B, D) in ventral view. A and B: Claustropyga auriculata Hippa, Vilkamaa & Mohrig (from Alaska). C and D: C. subcortici s Mohrig & Krivosheina (from Alaska). Scale 0.10 mm. Discussion. C. auriculata was previously known only from the type material: the holotype male from Russia , Yamal Peninsula, and a paratype male from USA , Alaska. Among Nearctic species, C. auriculata ( Fig. 3 A, B) resembles C. aperta ( Fig. 2 E, F) and C. simplicis ( Fig. 2 A, B). It differs from C. aperta e.g. by having a wholly setose intercoxal lobe, without a non-setose medial stripe; by having most of the lateral setae of gonostylus longer than the gonostylar megasetae, as long as the gonostylus is wide instead of much shorter; by having a sharp tooth at the lateral margin of tegmen instead of a more rounded prominence; and by having the lateral margin of the tegmen between the base of the apodemes and the tooth straight or slightly convex and converging towards the apex of tegmen, not concave and parallel. The single Nearctic specimen has five, the Palaearctic holotype six, gonostylar megasetae. In the Nearctic specimen of C. aperta , the number is 10 and in the Palaearctic type material it is 9. C. auriculata differs from C. simplicis by having four gonostylar megasetae instead of 10; by having the megasetae much longer, nearly half the width of the gonostylus instead of only nearly one-third; by lacking a non-setose medial stripe on the intercoxal lobe; and by lacking a distinct narrow lobe medially at the posterior margin of the tegmen. In addition, the tegmen is more triangular and its lateral tooth/lobe smaller.