A revision of the genus Rosapha Walker (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) Author Kovac, Damir Author Rozkošný, Rudolf text Zootaxa 2012 2012-06-04 3333 1 1 23 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.3333.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3333.1.1 2ebde61e-02b9-4a46-ae7b-c09cc5dd7a47 1175-5326 210456 Rosapha umbripennis Lindner ( Figs 39 , 73 , 79 ) Rosapha umbripennis Lindner, 1957 : 188 Diagnosis . Similar to R. brevispinosa sp. nov. , and likewise, predominantly black with yellow legs but last flagellomere including pilosity cylindrical, not flattened. Medial scutellar spines about as long as scutellum at middle. Female frons with transverse whitish tomentose frontal spots touching eye-margins and fusing with facial stripes. Wing completely infuscated, especially darkened along anterior wing margin, halter blackish. Description . Male unknown. Female ( Figs 39 , 73 ): Length: body 6.3–6.5 mm , wing 5.4–5.6 mm . Head spherical in lateral view and about 1.5 times as broad as long in dorsal view. Frons broad, at narrowest point nearly twice as broad as ocellar triangle, postocular area distinct although in dorsal view narrower than scape is long. Frontal whitish tomentose spots well developed, broadly separated at middle of frons and touching eye margins laterally, fusing with relatively broad facial tomentose stripes ( Fig. 39 ). Antenna of same type as in R. bimaculata (cf. Fig. 1 ), i.e. last flagellomere densely and long pilose and thus (including pilosity) of cylindrical shape. Basal antennal segments and swollen basal part of flagellum reddish yellow, two apical flagellomeres black and black haired. Length of last flagellomere (without apical seta) about twice as long as rest of antenna. Apical seta occupying about 1/7 of last flagellomere length. Face concave, with brownish and whitish hairs, gena and postgena shining black. Labellum of proboscis yellow, palpus blackish. Thorax including scutellum black and densely punctate, only extreme top of postpronotal callus and very narrow subnotopleural line reddish brown ( Fig. 73 ). Scutellar spines yellowish, middle spines nearly as long as scutellum. Thoracic pile inconspicuous, short and mostly appressed, brown to black on scutum and scutellum, some parts of pleura with longer and partly whitish hairs. Wing brownish infuscated, anterior margin from tip of subcosta to tip of R5 intensively darkened. Calypters and knob of halter dark brown. Legs including coxae pale yellow, only fore tarsus and last three tarsomeres of hind tarsus darkened and black haired. Abdomen black dorsally, only central areas of tergites 3 and 4 slightly more reddish brown. Venter predominantly ochre yellow, only sternite 1 and broad lateral margin of rest sternites blackish. Abdominal pile short and dark dorsally, longer at base and along lateral margin where predominatly white or mixed white and black. Sternites mainly with whitish pile. Female teminalia not examined. Variation. Variation was noticed in the female frons: the minimum width varies between 0.5–0.8 times the width of the ocellar triangle and the whitish tomentose frontal spot is always narrow but differs in height. Material examined. Type material: Of three female syntypes ( Woodley 2001 ), two were examined: “Neth.- In. American New Guinea Exped. /Mist Camp 1800 m , 4.i.1939 1Ψ/ L. J. Toxopeus / Syntype Rosapha umbripennis Lindner ”, in RMNH , and the second labelled “Lower Mistcamp, 1600 m / 31.i.1939 1Ψ/ L. J. Toxopeus / Syntype Rosapha umbripennis Lindner /” in SNM . Distribution. Only three females from the type series are known, all collected in Irian Jaya [= Papua Province, Indonesia ] ( Fig. 79 ).