Description of a new genus and four new species of Acaricalini (Acari, Eriophyidae, Phyllocoptinae) from South China Author Li, De-Wei Guangxi Academy of Forestry, Nanning 530001, Guangxi (China) and Agricultural College, Guangxi University, Nanning 530005, Guangxi (China) ldw 11023 @ 163. com. cn Author Wang, Guo-Quan Author Wei, Sui-Gai Agricultural College, Guangxi University, Nanning 530005, Guangxi (China) weisuigai @ tom. com text Zoosystema 2010 2010-06-30 32 2 233 245 journal article 8102 10.5252/z2010n2a2 c36d2a77-91cd-4d6c-b6e2-127b31e3595a 1638-9387 4520969 Protumescoptes laurifolii n. sp. ( Fig. 2 ) TYPE MATERIAL . — Holotype : Jinzhong MT ., 37 km SW of Longlin County ( 24°8’N , 105°34’E ), Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , China , 1.XII.2004 , from Geniconthus laurifolius (Roxb.) Hook. f. ( Asclepiadaceae ), coll. Sui-Gai Wei , Guo-Quan Wang and De-Wei Li , ( CAGU ) . Paratypes : same data as holotype, 10 ♀♀ , 1 ơ ( CAGU ) ; 2 ♀♀ ( MNHN ) . ETYMOLOGY. — The specific epithet is derived from the species name of the host plant, laurifolius . RELATION TO HOST. — The mites are vagrants on the lower surface of the leaves, no visible damage. DESCRIPTION Female (n = 13) Body ( Fig. 2A, B ) spindleform, ivory-white, 181 (171-190) long, 81 (76-85) wide, 59 (55-62) thick. Gnathosoma 25 (24-26), projecting obliquely down, pedipalp coxal setae ( ep ) 2 (2-3); dorsal pedipalp genual setae ( d ) 7 (6-8); oryal stylets 25 (23-26). Prodorsal shield flat, lower than dorsal opisthosoma, with a long, thick frontal lobe; 60 (57-63) long, 70 (66-73) wide; shield lines bold, median line absent, admedian lines discontinuous, submedian undulated lines complete, anterior submedian lines rhomboid-like. Scapular tubercles set ahead of rear shield margin, 20 (20- 21) apart, scapular setae ( sc ) 3 (3-4), directed up and mediad. Coxae ( Fig. 2C ) with a sternal line, forked anteriorly and posteriorly, coxal area smooth, anterolateral setae on coxisternum I ( 1b ) 5 (5-6), apart 15 (14-16); proximal setae on coxisternum I ( 1a ) 10 (9-12), apart 9 (8-9); proximal setae on coxisternum II ( 2a ) 20 (18-23), apart 27 (24-28). Leg ( Fig. 2F, G ) segments normal. Leg I 29 (28- 30), femur 9 (9-10), basiventral femoral setae ( bv ) 6 (6-7); genu 5 (5-6), antaxial genual setae ( l’’ ) 12 (11-13); tibia 7 (7-8), paraxial tibial setae ( l’ ) absent; tarsus 6 (6-7), paraxial fastigial tarsal setae ( ft’ ) 21 (19-23), antaxial fastigial tarsal setae ( ft’’ ) 19 (17-22), paraxial unguinal tarsal setae ( u’ ) 5 (5-6); tarsal empodium, 5 (5-6), divided, each branch 4-rayed, tarsal solenidion 6 (6-7), knobbed. Leg II 27 (26-28), femur 8 (7-9), basiventral femoral setae ( bv ) 7 (7-8); genu 4 (4-5), antaxial genual setae ( l’’ ) absent; tibia 6 (6-7); tarsus 6 (6-7), paraxial fastigial tarsal setae ( ft’ ) 20 (18-24), antaxial fastigial tarsal setae ( ft’’ ) 6 (6-8), paraxial unguinal tarsal setae ( u’ ) 5 (4-6); tarsal empodium, 5 (5-6), divided, each branch 4-rayed, tarsal solenidion 6 (6-7), knobbed. Opisthosoma ( Fig. 2A, B ): dorsally with a broad furrow and 4 anterior projecting annuli form an arching transverse ridge, dorsum with 18 (17-19) annuli, with filamentous microtubercles except the part of the furrow; ventrally with 36 (35-38) annuli, with filamentous microtubercles; setae c2 18 (17- 20), on ventral annulus 6 (5-6), apart 63 (58-66); setae d and setae e absent; setae f 15 (14-16), on 5th ventral annulus from rear, apart 21 (19-22); setae h1 absent; setae h2 25 (22-28). Female genitalia ( Fig. 2C ) 21 (20-22) long, 24 (22-25) wide, coverflap with a middle transverse suture and many longitudinal ridges, proximal setae on coxisternum III ( 3a ) 9 (9-10), apart 18 (17-19). Male (n = 1) Body spindleform, ivory-white, 147 long, 66 wide. Gnathosoma 22, projecting obliquely down, pedipalp coxal setae ( ep ) 2; dorsal pedipalp genual setae ( d ) 6; oryal stylets 22. Prodorsal shield flat, lower than dorsal opisthosoma, with a long, thick frontal lobe; 55 long, 64 wide; shield lines bold, median line absent, admedian lines discontinuous, submedian undulated lines complete, anterior submedian lines rhomboidlike. Scapular tubercles set ahead of rear shield margin, 19 apart, scapular setae ( sc ) 3, directed up and mediad. Coxae with a sternal line, forked anteriorly and posteriorly, coxal area smooth, anterolateral setae on coxisternum I ( 1b ) 5, apart 13; proximal setae on coxisternum I ( 1a ) 9, apart 8; proximal setae on coxisternum II ( 2a ) 18, apart 24. Leg segments normal. Leg I 27, femur 8, basiventral femoral setae ( bv ) 6; genu 5, antaxial genual setae ( l’’ ) 11; tibia 6, paraxial tibial setae ( l’ ) absent; tarsus 6, paraxial fastigial tarsal setae ( ft’ ) 20, antaxial fastigial tarsal setae ( ft’’ ) 17, paraxial unguinal tarsal setae ( u’ ) 5; tarsal empodium, 5, divided, each branch 4-rayed, tarsal solenidion 6, knobbed. Leg II 25, femur 7, basiventral femoral setae ( bv ) 6; genu 4, antaxial genual setae ( l’’ ) absent; tibia 6; tarsus 6, paraxial fastigial tarsal setae ( ft’ ) 18, antaxial fastigial tarsal setae ( ft’’ ) 6, paraxial unguinal tarsal setae ( u’ ) 4; tarsal empodium, 5, divided, each branch 4-rayed, tarsal solenidion 5, knobbed. Opisthosoma: dorsally with a broad furrow and 4 anterior projecting annuli forming an arching transverse ridge, dorsum with 17 annuli, with filamentous microtubercles except the part of the furrow; ventrally with 35 annuli, with filamentous microtubercles; setae c2 16, on ventral annulus 6, apart 58; setae d and setae e absent; setae f 14, on 5th ventral annulus from rear, apart 18; setae h1 absent; setae h2 21. Male genitalia 16 wide, proximal setae on coxisternum III ( 3a ) 8; apart 15 ( Fig. 2D ). REMARKS This species is similar to Protumescoptes antidesmae Pandit & Chakrabarti, 2000 , but can be differentiated by female genitalia away from coxal base and tarsal empodium 4-rayed (female genitalia near coxal base and tarsal empodium 5-rayed in P. antidesmae ; see Pandit & Chakrabarti, 2000 ).