Craniodental Morphology And Phylogeny Of Marsupials Author Beck, Robin M. D. School of Science, Engineering and Environment University of Salford, U. K. & School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences University of New South Wales, Australia & Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Mammalogy) American Museum of Natural History Author Voss, Robert S. Division of Vertebrate Zoology (Mammalogy) American Museum of Natural History Author Jansa, Sharon A. Bell Museum and Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior University of Minnesota text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2022 2022-06-28 2022 457 1 353 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090.457.1.1 0003-0090 6971356 ? Bettongia SPECIES SCORED:? Bettongia moyesi . GEOLOGICAL PROVENANCE OF SCORED SPECIMENS : Henk’s Hollow and Two Trees sites (Riversleigh Faunal Zone C), Riversleigh World Heritage Area, Queensland , Australia . AGE OF SCORED SPECIMENS: Riversleigh Faunal Zone C is interpreted to be middle Miocene based on biostratigraphy (see above). In the absence of radiometric dates, we have assumed the entire span of the middle Miocene (Langhian to Serravallian; Cohen et al., 2013 [updated]) for this terminal. ASSIGNED AGE RANGE: 15.970 –11.630 Mya. REMARKS: Flannery and Archer (1987b) referred this fossil taxon, which is represented by a partial skull and associated mandibles plus an additional left mandibular fragment, to the Recent potoroid genus Bettongia , but we consider it only questionably a member of this genus based on available evidence, which we summarize briefly here. Flannery and Archer (1987b) noted particular similarities between? B.moyesi and the living B. lesueur . The phylogenetic analysis of Kear et al. (2007) recovered a sister-group relationship between? B.moyesi and the extant potoroid Potorous tridactylus to the exclusion of other macropodiforms in their taxon sample, supporting the potoroid affinities of? B.moyesi . However, P. tridactylus was the sole Recent potoroid included by Kear et al. (2007), so the precise position of? B.moyesi within Potoroidae (and, particularly, its relationship to recent Bettongia species ) remained uncertain in this analysis. The phylogenetic analysis of Travouillon et al. (2016), meanwhile, recovered? B.moyesi within Potoroidae but outside the crown clade. Some other published analyses have failed to place? B.moyesi within Potoroidae (Travouillon et al., 2015a: fig. 5A; Butler et al., 2016, 2018; den Boer and Kear, 2018: supplemental data), or have found its relationship relative to Macropodidae and Potoroidae to be largely unresolved (Bates et al., 2014; Black et al., 2014c; Travouillon et al., 2014b, 2015a: fig. 5B; Cooke et al., 2015; den Boer and Kear, 2018: supplemental data).