Two new brackish-water species of Testudinella (Rotifera: Testudinellidae) from Qi’ao Island in the Pearl River estuary, China, with a key to marine and brackish-water Testudinella
Wei, Nan
De, Willem H.
Xu, Runlin
journal article
Key to marine and brackish-water species of
1 Foot opening circular or semi-circular.................................................................... 2
- Foot opening a more or less wide, inverted U-shaped slit..................................................... 3
2(1) Foot opening circular, situated near centre or slightly posterior to centre of lorica; lorica almost circular; antero-ventral margin with median sinus; antero-dorsal margin almost straight to weakly convex, or three more or less pronounced shallow lobes..................................................................................
T. patina
(Hermann, 1783)
- Foot opening semi-lunar, almost terminally; lorica elliptical; antero-dorsal margin convex, antero-ventral margin with broad Vshaped sinus..................................................................
T. elliptica
(Ehrenberg, 1834)
3(1) Antero-ventral margin with median sinus bordered by two more or less acute projections........................... 4
- Antero-ventral margin almost straight or with median sinus not bordered by acute projections........................ 5
4(3) Antero-dorsal margin convex without median sinus; lorica in cross-section asymmetrical dorsally and ventrally, with arched dorsal margin and smaller ventral margin delimited by rounded lateral margins, not particularly compressed.......................................................................................
T. crassa
(Levander, 1894)
sp. inq.
- Antero-dorsal margin with median sinus; lorica in cross section symmetrical both dorsally and ventrally, with rounded lateral margins, distinctly compressed dorso-ventrally............................................
T. dentata
Myers, 1934
5(3) Lorica strongly elongate, ratio length/width> 2.2; antero-ventral margin almost straight, antero-dorsal margin tripartite, with median part and two lateral parts....................................................
T. elongata
De Smet, 2009
- Lorica not strongly elongate, ratio length/width <1.8; antero-ventral margin with distinct median sinus, antero-dorsal margin convex, or with median sinus, or tripartite................................................................. 6
6(5) Both antero-dorsal and antero-ventral margin with median sinus or indentation..................................... 7
- Only antero-ventral margin with median sinus or indentation................................................... 8
7(6) Antero-dorsal and antero-ventral margin with broad median sinus; two acute antero-lateral projections...............................................................................................
T. bicorniculata
De Smet, 2009
- Antero-ventral margin with broad median sinus, antero-dorsal margin with small median indentation; antero-lateral projections absent.............................................................................
T. quadrilobata
sp. nov.
8(6) Antero-dorsal margin convex........................................................
T. clypeata
(Müller, 1786)
- Antero-dorsal margin tripartite, with median flat or slightly convex part and two lateral parts, whether or not connected by shallow folds......................................................................................... 9
9(8) Lorica more or less elliptical, weakly truncate anteriorly; in cross-section lateral edges converging to a sharp angle; major unci teeth with more or less strongly club-shaped head; minor unci teeth parallel, rake-like............
T. obscura
Althaus, 1957
- Lorica vase-shaped, distinctly truncate anteriorly; in cross section lateral edges broadly rounded; major unci teeth lanceolate; minor teeth not parallel, not rake-like..................................................................... 10
10(9) Lorica in cross-section almost symmetrical both dorsally and ventrally, more or less cruciform with broadly rounded lateral edges and rounded dorsal and ventral median part; rami with stout, quadratic alulae....................................................................................................
T. zhujiangensis
Wei, De Smet &
Xu, 2010
- Lorica in cross-section asymmetrical dorsally and ventrally, not cruciform, with arched dorsal margin, lateral edges broadly rounded delimiting a smaller, weakly convex median part ventrally; rami with weakly developed, more or less spiniform alulae.................................................................................
T. pseudobscura
sp. nov.