Centaurea mozaffarianii
Centaurea karamianiae
Stem, height (cm)
100–110 |
160–180 |
Stem, ramifications
branched from lower to median parts |
usually simple |
Stem base, diameter (mm)
ca. 20 |
ca. 30 |
Stem, indumentum
lower part ± densely hirsute-articulate hairs, |
lower part glabrescent, median part sparsely |
median part subglabrous or with scattered short |
hirsute-articulate and scattered arachnoid hairs, |
hirsute hairs, upper part sparsely covered with |
upper part sparsely covered with arachnoid hairs to |
tomentose mixed with minute sessile gland hairs |
subglabrous |
Basal leaves, shape
ovate |
broadly cordate |
Median cauline leaves
oblanceolate or lanceolate, decurrent, up to 20 |
broadly oblanceolate or pandurate, winged or |
mm along stem |
broadly decurrent, up to 100 mm along stem |
10 to 12-cephalous, lower and upper peduncles ± |
24 to 26-cephalous, upper peduncles 15–23 cm |
equal, 10–17 cm long |
long, median ones with 2–3 heads |
Involucres, shape
ovoid |
globose |
Involucres, size (mm)
30–35 × (28–)30–35 |
35–40 × 35–45 |
Median appendages
8–10 × 5–8 mm, with 4–5 cilia on each side |
10–12 × 5–6 mm, with 2–3 cilia on each side, or |
entire |
Spine of median
2–4 |
4.5–6 |
appendages, length (mm)
Inner appendages
ciliate, 6–12 × 3–4 mm |
entire but sometimes fringed, 12–15 × 1.5–3.5 mm |
Flowers, length (mm)
40–42 |
ca. 55 |
Number of peripheral
3–5 |
1–3 |
florets on each capitulum
Anther tube, color
pink |
white |
Achenes, length (mm)
ca. 7.5 |
8.5–9 |