Brachyuran crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the remote oceanic Archipelago Trindade and Martin Vaz, South Atlantic Ocean Author In, First Published text Zootaxa 2022 2022-06-02 5146 1 129 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5146.1.1 1175­5334 7626155 52C3E5E3-80B6-49DB-BC9C-194560D491F7 Mecataleptodius gen. nov. Type species. Cancer parvulus Fabricius, 1793: 451 , by original designation [ Type locality: “Americae meridionalis insulis”]. Gender: masculine. Species included. Mecataleptodius parvulus (Fabricius, 1793), gen. nov., comb. nov. , and Mecataleptodius olsoni ( Manning & Chace, 1990 ) , gen. nov., comb. nov. ( type locality: Ascension Island ). Etymology. The name Mecataleptodius is formed from the Greek prefix “me” (not) and the masculine generic name Cataleptodius . Diagnosis. Carapace suboval ( Fig. 34A, C ), about 1.5 times broader than long, moderately convex anteriorly, flat posteriorly. Areas of carapace generally well recognizable, anterior two-thirds lobulated, but not posteriorly. Anterolateral margin cut into 5 broad teeth or lobes; posterolateral margins nearly straight, strongly convergent. Frontorbital margin (exorbital tooth included) about half of maximum carapace width, incised in middle line. Orbits suboval; eyestalks short, massive. Antennal flagellum not excluded from orbit, lodged in infraorbital notch. Chelipeds ( Fig. 34A–C, E ) slightly to moderately unequal in both sexes; tips of fingers spooned. Pleon of male with somites 3–5 fused. Gonopod as illustrated ( Fig. 35D, E ). Remarks. The two species here transferred to Mecataleptodius gen. nov. strongly differ from the species in Cataleptodius Guinot, 1968 , in the morphology of the first gonopod, as revealed by its type species, C. floridanus ( Gibbes, 1850 ) ( type locality: Key West, Florida), and the east Pacific C. occidentalis ( Stimpson, 1871b ) ( type locality: Panama and Manzanillo, Mexico ) ( Figs. 35A–C , 36C ). In Mecataleptodius gen. nov. the first gonopod ends in a rounded apical projection extending beyond the subterminal field of spines and long setae ( Fig. 35D, E ). Ng et al. (2008) suspected that Mecataleptodius parvulus gen. nov., comb. nov. , was not a member of Cataleptodius by referring to it with a question mark,? Cataleptodius parvulus . Barros-Alves et al. (2013) compared the first zoea stage of M. parvulus gen. nov., comb. nov. (as Cataleptodius parvulus ) with the first zoea of a number of other Xanthidae (including Cataleptodius floridanus ) and opined that the differences found suggested that it was not a member of Leptodius A. Milne-Edwards, 1869 , Xantho Leach, 1814 , Xanthodius Stimpson, 1859 , or Cataleptodius , as also shown herein by the morphology of the first male gonopod ( Figs. 35A–E , 36A–D ). More research is necessary to confirm as to whether or not other species currently included in Cataleptodius actually belong to Mecatalecptodius gen. nov.