Procladius Skuse from Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, with keys to some females and immature stages of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae) Author Saether, Ole A. text Zootaxa 2010 2726 34 58 journal article 46917 10.5281/zenodo.200030 d1b6412e-2497-4977-997d-8c0889204823 1175-5326 200030 Procladius Skuse Seven species of Procladius were found in the light traps from Lake Winnipeg. Of these, however, two species were never caught with certainty in the bottom samples. The other five belonged to the most common species of the benthos ( Fig. 1 ). Adults of all five common species were caught from the beginning of June to the middle of September ( Figs. 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 ). Pupae or first and second instars of P. culiciformis were present from early June to early October ( Fig. 5 ), in early June to early September for P. freemani ( Fig. 9 ), from early June to end of August for P. denticulatus ( Fig. 7 ), in June and July for P. sublettei ( Fig. 11 ), and in July for P. bellus ( Fig. 3 ). The individual species within the genus Procladius are among the most difficult to determine within the Tanypodinae both as imagines and as immatures. Kobayashi (1998) showed that body size and male genital structures varied seasonally in Procladius choreus (Meigen) . The smallest imagines, which were observed in summer, were reduced to about 60 % of the largest ones in wing length, while the gonostylus had a longer posterior heel in spring and fall. Since the length and shape of the gonostylus heel is used as one of the important genital characters in discriminating species of Procladius the separation of several species becomes doubtful. About 20 species of Procladius are known from the Nearctic region and more than 60 from the Palaearctic region many of them likely synonyms. The genus is in urgent need of taxonomic revision especially of species outside the Nearctic region.