The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Ecuador including the description of five new species, a new subtribe, four new synonymies, and fifteen new records Author Sanborn, Allen F. 0000-0001-5729-7106 Department of Biology, Barry University, 11300 NE Second Avenue, Miami Shores, FL 33161 – 6695, USA text Zootaxa 2020 2020-11-17 4880 1 1 80 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4880.1.1 50f2ef69-fec5-45e5-8005-623e2cb991dc 1175-5326 4425522 33BE91BC-DC0F-4CBB-85AB-CA7BF1891C0C Proarna insignis Distant, 1881a Proarna albida var. insignis Distant 1881a: 12 . ( Nicaragua ) REMARKS.—This species can be variable in size (body lengths 20–24 mm ) even within a single population but it is the smallest of the Ecuadorian Proarna species. Body coloration is variable within the species ranging from green to brown marked with piceous forming a well-camouflaged animal in its natural habitat. Specimens often possess a longitudinal piceous or dark brown facia on the dorsal head and prothorax. Macular infuscation is almost complete on the fore wings venation. The species has been associated with grasses in cloud forest habitats within the lower levels of the Yungas floristic province in Argentina ( Sanborn et al . 1995 a; 2011a). The endothermy exhibited by the species ( Sanborn et al . 1995 a) permits activity without access to solar radiation in this habitat. Large numbers of the species are commonly collected at lights with a heavy female bias (Young & Sanborn 2015). DISTRIBUTION.—The species has an extensive range being reported from Argentina , Brazil , Colombia , Costa Rica , Ecuador , French Guiana, Guatemala , Honduras , Mexico , Nicaragua , Panamá , Peru , and Venezuela ( Metcalf 1963a ; Duffels & van der Laan 1985 ; Sanborn 2011a; 2013; 2014a; 2018c; 2019b; 2020b; Sanborn & Maes 2012 ; Maes et al. 2012 ; Sanborn & Heath 2014 ) with recent records expanding the distribution to Bolivia ( Sanborn 2019b ). Goding (1925) reported the species from Baños, Tungurahua province. MATERIAL EXAMINED .— ECUADOR : Orellana Prov. / Tiputini Biodiversity Stn. / 00 o 38.2’S 76 o 08.9’W / 29 Jul 2008 M. Gimmel / at large – by hand/sweep // LSAM / 0300474 ” one male ( LSAM ); ECUADOR : Napo / Limoncocha 32 Km. E. / Puerto Francisco / de Orellana / VII– 11–1983 (leg. R . Wells hand written on back of label)” one female ( UCDC ) ; ECUADOR : Napo / Prov. 25km .e. Puerto / Napo, 450m . ix–1997 // B.&B. Valentin coll. // Jatun Sacha / Bio/ Reserve / u-v light // Valentine / Coll’n / Rec. 2016” three females ( FSCA ) ; Puna Island / Guayas River / Ecuador 1940 / J. W. Kenny” one female ( FSCA ) ; Ecuador Orellana / Erwin transect / Onkone Gare Camp / Reserva Etnica Waorani / 00 39’ 25.7”S 076 27’ 10.8”W / 8.x.95 T . L. Erwin et al. / Fogging terre firme forest” one male ( UDCC ) ; “GUAYAQUIL / ECUADOR / 2/21/38” one female ( LACM ) ; “2000 / Agua Santa, Ecuador / Leg Bug Manic” one female ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR : Pichincha Prov. / Sto. Domingo. Tinlandia Resort / 0º 13’S , 79º 09’W / V–18–24–1997 760m / C. & K. Messenger ” three males and 11 females ( UNSM ) , two males and two females ( AFSC ); ECUADOR : Prov. Napo / 00º24’S , 76º 36’W / Limoncocha # / 11.VI.1975 / C. W. Rettenmeyer // Taken at Ultraviolet Light / Time: 8–9pm, ” one male ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR / Limon Cocha , / Napo-Pastaza Prov. / 18 July 1965 / C. R . Patrick” 32 females ( MSUC ) , three females ( AFSC ); ECUADOR : Prov. / Pichincha , Rio / Palenque Sci. Ctr. / 29 April 1987 / J.E. O’Donnell UV ” three males and one female ( UCMS ); ECUADOR / Prov. Napo / Limon Cocha / G. Dozier / 3 Sept. 1964 ” one female ( AUEM ) ; ECUADOR / Sucua / Aug. 3 1968 / Sandra G. Smith” one female ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR / Limon Cocha / June 18 1968 / Sandra G. Smith” one female ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR / Prov. Napo / Limon Cocha / 16–31 Aug. 1964 / Bowerman & Dozier” three females ( AUEM ) ; Hotel Tinlandia , 12 km . E. of Santo / Domingo de los / Colorados , Ecuador / May 21, 1985 / Clausen & Cervenka” one female ( AFSC ) ; “Hotel Tinlandia, 12 km . E. of Santo / Domingo de los / Colorados , Ecuador / May 23, 1985 / Clausen & Cervenka” one male ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR : Napo Prov. / Estación Cientifica Yasuní / 00º 40’28” S , 76º 38’50” W / IX–5–10–1999 , UV light / Coll. E.G. Riley , 215 m . ” two females ( TAMU ) , two females ( AFSC ); ECUADOR : Pichincha / Prov., Tinlandia , / 9–16– VII– 1980 / Howard V . Weems, Jr.” one male and two females ( AFSC ) ; “Rio Palenque, ECUADOR / Los Rios Prov. - D. Dodson / XI–15–1972 ” two females ( AFSC ); ECUA- DOR: Napo Province , / Limoncocha , on Rio Napo / 21 – II – 1974 / Boyce A. Drummond , III / Blacklight trap ” one female ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR : Napo Province , / Limoncocha , on Rio Napo / 13 – II – 1974 / Boyce A. Drummond, III / Blacklight trap ” one female ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR : Napo / Prov. , Limoncocha / 18–25–V–1976 / 100 m . elev. // Netted / T . E. Rogers ” one male ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR : Pichincha / Tinlandia / 8–10– VII– 1987 / H. V . Weems” one female ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR : Pichincha / Prov., Tinlandia / El. 3400’ // Charles M. Stevens / XXIV–VI–1983” one female ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR : Prov. Napo / 00º24’S , 76º 36’W / Limoncocha BL / 29. VI .1970 / Peter L. Kazan” one female ( AFSC ) ; Ecuador : V–56 / Esmereldas / Parr. San Mateo” one female ( AFSC ) ; ECUADOR , Los Rios Prov. , / Quevedo , 1–4–V–1986 / D.H. Habeck / Mercury vapor light” one male ( AFSC ) ; “Hotel Tinlandia, 12 km . E. of Santo / Domingo de los / Colorados , Ecuador / May 14, 1985 / Clausen & Cervenka” three females ( UMSP ) ; “Hotel Tinlandia, 12 km . E. of Santo / Domingo de los / Colorados , Ecuador / May 13, 1985 / Clausen & Cervenka” one female ( UMSP ) ; “Hotel Tinlandia, 12 km . E. of Santo / Domingo de los / Colorados , Ecuador / May 21, 1985 / Clausen & Cervenka” one female ( UMSP ) , one female ( AFSC ); “Hotel Tinlandia, 12 km . E. of Santo / Domingo de los / Colorados , Ecuador / May 23, 1985 / Clausen & Cervenka” one female ( UMSP ) , one male ( AFSC ); Hotel Tinlandia , 12 km . E. of Santo / Domingo de los / Colorados , Ecuador / May 22, 1985 / Clausen & Cervenka” one female ( UMSP ) ; Hotel Tinlandia , 12 km . E. of Santo / Domingo de los / Colorados , Ecuador / May 20, 1985 / Clausen & Cervenka” two females ( UMSP ) .