A new species of Lestica Billberg (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) from Turkey Author Can, İlyas Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat, Turkey Author Gülmez, Yaşar 0000-0002-3488-396X Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat, Turkey & yasar _ gulmez @ yahoo. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3488 - 396 X yasar_gulmez@yahoo.com text Zootaxa 2022 2022-04-12 5125 4 429 436 journal article 56048 10.11646/zootaxa.5125.4.6 6d37d2a0-2889-4344-9388-63cfe4490eab 1175-5326 6450959 1E5CB3DD-84C3-4027-87A6-359FCD819F0E Lestica anatolica Can et Gülmez , sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 1943C562-6B73-4F38-82B0-125761988EE7 ( Figs. 1–4 ) Diagnosis: Lestica anatolica is a member of the subgenus Solenius . It is very similar to L. clypeata (narrowed head, shild-like foretarsomere I, spine at the base of the forefemur, hindtrochanter with ventral spine, bidentate mandibule), but differs from it by the following characters: conspicuous spine present on apex of foretrochanter (carinate in L. clypeata ) ( Figs. 1c, 1f ); foretarsomeres II and III as broad as I (foretarsomeres II and III markedly narrower than I in L. clypeata ) ( Figs. 1a, 1d ); posterior part of midfemur not keeled, widened towards base, not tooth-like, but rounded (posterior part of midfemur carinate, tooth-like in L. clypeata ) ( Figs. 1b, 1e ). Another similar species is L. wollmanni , from which L. anatolica differs as follows: foretarsomere widened, shield-like; its width greater than length (first foretarsomeres less widened; its width clearly less than length in L. wollmanni ); posterior trochanter with spine (without spine in L. wollmanni ) and flagellomere I 1.5 × as long as wide (2.0–2.2 × in L. wollmanni ). Description: Length 7.5 mm , fore wing 5 mm . Dominant body colour black, with following parts light: scape dorsally, pedicel wholly dark yellow; flagellomeres completely brownish-yellow (darkening gradually from first to last); mandible with dark reddish apex; thorax completely black, tegula translucent pale brown; anterior surface of fore- and hindfemora longitudinally, and midfemur entirely yellow except base of midfemur lower surface; all tibiae yellow except for irregular brownish spots on mid- and hindtibiae. Shield-like foretarsomere completely yellow, apex and lateral edges of foretarsomeres II–IV and entire V light brown. Mid- and hindtarsomeres I yellow basally, turning brown towards ends. Maculae of terga I–VI ivory white, dot-like on each side of tergum I, broadly interrupted on II and III, slightly interrupted mesally on IV, and continuous band on V and VI. All sterna black except yellowish-white spot in middle of sternum II. Setae on dorsal part of clypeus and half of inner margin of the compound eyes dense, silvery, and appressed, completely covering integument; on frons, vertex, anterior and lateral sides of pronotum, pronotal lobe, upper part of mesopleuron sparse, long, silvery; on epicnemial carina, acetabular carina, lower edge of mesopleuron, posterior surfaces of forefemur and foretibia dense, erect, and silvery; on scutum, propodeum, mesopleuron and terga short, scarce and silvery. Head in dorsal view conspicuously narrowed behind eye ( Fig. 2a ). OOD (ocellocular distance): POD (postocellar distance): OCD (ocelloccipital distance)= 4:3.2:8. Ocellar triangle with width to length approximately 8:5.5 ( Fig. 2a ). Orbital fovea prominent, linear, and short ( Fig. 2b ). Clypeus not protruding, slightly carinate medially ( Fig. 2c ). Mandibule bidentate at apex, without tooth on inner margin ( Fig. 2d ). Flagellomere I 1.6 × as long as wide, apical flagellomere slightly curved ( Fig. 2e ). Collare elongate and narrowed in front; rounded laterally. Foretarsomeres I-III dilated as almost quadrangular shield ( Fig. 1a ). Forefemur ( Fig. 2f ) and foretrochanter with transparent spine ( Fig. 1c ), partly concealed by long setae on femur. Mid tibia slightly curved, slender and long. Midtarsomere I obliquely cut at apex ( Fig. 2g ). Midfemur enlarged, without clear basal tooth ( Fig. 1b ). Hindtrochanter with ventral spine ( Fig. 2h ). Tergum VII with median longitudinal groove. FIGURE 1. Lestica anatolica sp. nov. (a, b, c) and L. clypeata (d, e, f). a, d) Foretarsomeres; b, e) Midtibiae; c, f) Foretrochanters. Upper part of head finely reticulate-punctate, punctures on ocellar area finer and closer, upper frons coarsely punctate with shiny interspaces. Gena very thin, sparsely punctate; interspaces shiny. Scutal punctures large, closer anteriorly and laterally, sparser medially and posteriorly. Scutellum finely and closely punctate. Mesopleuron coarsely and sparsely punctate; punctures less than one diameter apart, with shiny interspaces ( Fig. 2i ). Mesosternum with rough appearance, punctuation fine and irregular. Metapleuron shiny and longitudinally ridged. Dorsal surface of propodeum markedly reticulate, lateral surface longitudinally ridged. Terga shiny, punctation of terga becoming gradually smaller and closer starting from first tergum, large on first three terga. Punctation of sterna small, distributed regularly throughout surface. FIGURE 2. Lestica anatolica sp. nov. ♂: a) Dorsal view of head; b) Orbital foveae; c) Clyepus; d) Mandibule; e) Antennae; f) Spine of forefemur; g) Midbasitarsomer; h) Spine of trochanter III; i) Punctuation of mesopleuron. FIGURE 3. Lestica anatolica sp. nov. a) Lateral; b) Dorsal; c) Front view of head. Type material ( Fig. 3 ). Holotype : ; Turkey : Sivas , İmranlı , Aşağıçulha village , 39.905°N 38.130°E , 1830 m , 9.VIII.2016 , 1 ♂ leg. İ. Can ( Fig. 4 ). Female unknown. Etymology: This species is named after the Anatolian region, where the type specimen was collected.