Revealing the diversity of ant-eating spiders in Colombia I: morphology, distribution and taxonomy of the barronus group of the genus Tenedos O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897 (Araneae: Zodariidae) Author Martínez, Leonel Author Brescovit, Antonio D. 0000-0002-1511-5324 Author Quijano, Luis G. 0000-0001-5434-8588 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-05-02 5130 1 1 154 journal article 54143 10.11646/zootaxa.5130.1.1 cb1cf563-e6fb-49fe-a5c9-bacb69eb2576 1175-5326 6520717 ABF61117-DD64-4A32-BD61-20E577F80C3D Tenedos henrardi sp. n. Figs 41–44 , 106 . Type material. Holotype : COLOMBIA . Santander : San Vicente de Chucurí , Vereda Centro, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de los Yariguíes , Finca El Llanito (S3), Secondary forest, Pitfall trap , 1352m [ 6°50′29.69″N , 73°23′13.5″W ], J. Moreno leg., 13-15.X.2015 , 1 ♂ ( ICN-Ar-12339 ) . Paratypes : COLOMBIA . Santander : San Vice-nte de Chucurí , Vereda Centro, Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de los Yariguíes , Finca El Llanito (S2), Secondary forest, Manual, 1590m [ 6°50′29.69″N , 73°23′13.5″W ], J. Moreno leg., 08-10.X.2015 , 1 ♀ ( ICN-Ar-12340 ), Vereda Centro , Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de los Yariguíes , Finca El Llanito (S3), Low shrub, Pitfall trap , 1352m [ 6°50′29.7″N , 73°23′13.5″W ], J. Moreno leg., 13-15.X.2015 , 1 ♂ ( ICN-Ar-12341 ) . Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronymic in honor of the arachnologist Arnaud Henrard by his contributions to the taxonomy and systematic of the ant-eating spiders. Diagnosis. Males of Tenedos henrardi sp. n. , are similar those of T. peckorum Jocqué & Baert, 2002 , T. quipile sp. n. , and T. mesa sp. n. by having bifid median apophysis (MA) with squared anterior branch (aMA); complex retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) (see Jocqué & Baert, 2002: 111 , fig. 29A–B; figs 34C–F; 36A–D; 37A–B; 38C–F; 40A–B; 42A–D; 43A–B; 44A–F; 46A–D; 47A–B), but can be distinguished by large median apophysis, shorter, strongly recurved posterior branch (pMA); large retrolateral tibial apophysis with laminar posterior branch (pRTA), almost as long as anterior branch (aRTA), narrowing to apex ( Figs 42A–D ; 43A–B ; 44A–F ). Females are characterized by shape of median field plate (MFP), quadrangular, wider than long; short seminal receptacles (SR) ( Figs 42E–F ; 43C–D ). Description. Male ( Holotype , ICN-Ar-12339). Coloration ( Fig. 41A–B ): carapace dark brown. Chelicerae with paturon brown, brown-reddish fangs. Endites, labium and sternum brown. Legs: Coxae I–IV white. Femora I–IV yellow on basal region, distally dark orange. Patellae-tibiae I–IV dark orange. Metatarsi-tarsi I–IV brown. Abdomen: dorsally dark gray with seven white guanine spots organized as follows: two rounded spots, anteriorly positioned; two oval spots larger than previous ones, anteromedially positioned; two rounded and larger spots with an anterior notch, medially positioned; a large and traversal spot, posteriorly positioned. Laterally dark gray with a wide and oblique stripe, decreasing in size to the posterior side. Ventrally dark gray, with two large and wide stripes on lateral sides, and several adjacent spots. Spinnerets dark gray. Measurements: total length 5.91, carapace length 3.06, width 1.93, height 1.23. Clypeus height 0.55. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.04, ALE 0.10, PME 0.12, PLE 0.14; AME–AME 0.19, AME–ALE 0.24, AME–PME 0.27, PME–PME 0.31, PME–PLE 0.41, ALE–PLE 0.25. Chelicerae 1.12 length. Sternum length 1.17, width 1.09. Legs: I—femur 2.04/ patella 0.69/ tibia 2.10/ metatarsus 2.09/ tarsus 1.33/ total 8.15; II—1.77/ 0.66/ 1.53/ 1.68/ 1.07/ 6.71; III—1.58/ 0.78/ 1.29/ 1.78/ 0.94/ 6.37; IV—2.02/ 0.89/ 1.81/ 2.58/ 1.34/ 8.63. Abdomen length 2.81. Legs spines pattern (only the differences from the general pattern): III—femur d0-0-1p, p0. Palp: retrolateral process of cymbium (RPC) long, wide; tegulum (T) large, rounded, longer than wide, retrolateral excavation very accentuated; subtegulum (St) small, almost as long as wide; conductor (C) developed, wide; appendix (ApC) short, apically sharp; embolus (E) long, filiform towards apex; base of embolus approximately as long as two times as basal tegular membrane width; basal tegular membrane (BTM) originated basally on tegulum, proximally flattened, ending as very short and sharp appendix; spermatic ducts (SD) S-shaped, both folds thin, full open; ventral tibial apophysis (VTA) short, quadrangular-shaped in ventral view; median apophysis (MA) large, bifid, anterior branch (aMA) squared, posterior branch (pMA) tubular, recurved; retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) large, longer than palpal tibia, both branches overlapping each to other, posterior branch (pRTA) very wide, anterior branch (aRTA) laminar, thin ( Figs 42A–D ; 43A–B ; 44A–F ). Female ( Paratype , ICN-Ar-12340). Coloration and abdominal pattern of spots as male, carapace brown ( Fig. 41C–D ). Measurements: total length 7.41, carapace length 3.78, width 2.38, height 1.61. Clypeus height 0.71. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.11, PME 0.15, PLE 0.14; AME–AME 0.24, AME–ALE 0.33, AME–PME 0.31, PME–PME 0.37, PME–PLE 0.55, ALE–PLE 0.31. Chelicerae 1.49 length. Sternum length 1.34, width 1.32. Legs: I—femur 2.11/ patella 0.84/ tibia 1.91/ metatarsus 1.74/ tarsus 1.19/ total 7.79; II—1.81/ 0.79/ 1.52/ 1.47/ 1.01/ 6.58; III—1.71/ 0.84/ 1.35/ 1.65/ 0.97/ 6.52; IV—2.05/ 0.86/ 1.82/ 2.51/ 1.26/ 8.50. Abdomen length 2.81. Legs spines pattern (only the differences from the general pattern): I—tibia v2-1r-2; II—tibia v1r-1r-2; III—femur p1d-0-1d, r0-0-1d; IV—femur r0-0-1d. Epigyne: lateral borders (LB) short, restricted to posterior region, forming quadrangular atrium (A); median field plate (MFP) large, rounded at basal edge; copulatory ducts (CD) short, thin; seminal receptacles (SR) short, thin, with rounded protuberance at base; spermathecae (S) large, rounded, medially positioned; fertilization ducts (FD) almost as long as spermathecae length ( Figs 42E–F ; 43C–D ). FIGURE 41. Tenedos henrardi sp. n. A–B. Male habitus (ICN-Ar-12339): A. Dorsal view. B. Ventral view. C–D. Female habitus (ICN-Ar-12340): C. Dorsal view. D. Ventral view. Scale bar: A–D: 2.5mm. FIGURE 42. Tenedos henrardi sp. n. A–D. Male palp (ICN-Ar-12339): A. Prolateral view. B. Retroventral view. C. Ventral view. D. Retrolateral view. E–F. Female epigyne (ICN-Ar-12340): C. Ventral view. D. Dorsal view. Scale bars: A–B: 300µm; C–D: 500µm E–F: 300µm. FIGURE 43. Tenedos henrardi sp. n. A–B. Male palp (ICN-Ar-12339): A. Ventral view. B. Retrolateral view (arrow indicates the aRTA). C–D. Female epigyne (ICN-Ar-12340): C. Ventral view. D. Dorsal view. Scale bars: A–B: 200µm; C–D: 500µm. Abbreviations: aMA, anterior branch of the median apophysis; aRTA, anterior branch of the retrolateral tibial apophysis; ApC, appendix of the conductor; C, conductor; FD, fertilization ducts; LB, lateral borders; pRTA, posterior branch of the retrolateral tibial apophysis; pMA, posterior branch of the median apophysis; MFP, median field plate; S, spermathecae; SD, spermatic ducts; SR, seminal receptacles; VTA, ventral tibial apophysis. Variation. Males (n=4): total length: 5.91–6.29; carapace length: 3.06–3.08; femur I length: 1.94–2.11. Distribution. Known from Santander department ( Fig. 106 ).