Australasian ants of the subfamily Heteroponerinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): (2) the species-group of Heteroponera relicta (Wheeler), with descriptions of nine new species and observations on morphology, biogeography and phylogeny of the genus
Taylor, Robert W.
journal article
Heteroponera pendergrasti
sp. n.
Figs 50–53
Type locality. AUSTRALIA
NE Lamb Range
11 km SE Mareeba
), -17 0 6, 145 34.
Type deposition.
Holotype ANIC. Paratypes in ANIC, QMBA.
Distribution, material examined. EA7 (Lamb Range):
Mt Tiptree
, -17 0 3, 145 37, (B. Halliday,, worker—900 m (RWT & JDF,, worker paratype -17 0 3, 145 38, 730 m (RWT & JDF,, worker paratype.
Mt Edith, Lamb Range
, -17 0 6, 145 37, QMBA berlesate 465, 1140 m (GBM, DKY & GIT, 11.x.1982) holotype, worker paratype.
NE Lamb Range
11 km SE of Mareeba
), -17 0 6, 145 34, QMBA berlesates 804, 822, rainforest moss, 1200 m 11.xi.1988 (GBM, GIT), holotype, 4 worker paratypes.
Upper Isley Creek
, -17 0 3, 145 41, trees & logs, pyrethrum, 750 m (GBM & Janetzki, 29.xi.1993).
FIGURES 46–49.
Heteroponera ecarinata
sp. n.
, paratype worker, standard views (HW = 1.23mm, PW = 0.91mm, WL = 1.55mm, GW = 1.04mm).
FIGURES 50–53.
Heteroponera pendergrasti
sp. n.
, holotype worker, standard views (HW = 1.23mm, PW = 0.86mm, WL = 1.54mm, GW = 0.99mm).
Worker diagnosis.
General features, conformation, color and major sculpturation as illustrated and in appropriate key couplets above. Characterized in the
H. ecarinata
species complex by heavy sculpturation, dark blackish color, with dark brown legs and antennae, and distinguished from the similar
H. ecarinata
by differences in sculpturation (particularly of the frons and second gastral tergite), coloration and structure of the petiolar node. Fore-coxae and posterior surface of node superficially microsculptured; propodeal declivity shining, with weak, superficial dorsally-directed radial striae; its sides distinctly sculpturally bordered, the posterolateral edge in profile micro-serrate as a result of minutely extended cuticular points along the sculptural border. Sculpturation of second gastral tergite more distinctly longitudinally deployed than in
H. ecarinata
(refer Figs). Dimensions: (holotype; smallest available specimen, largest available specimen (both Mt): TL (ca): 5.1, 4.8, 5.1; HW: 1.23, 1.18, 1.23; HL: 1.19, 1.17, 1.18; CI: 103, 100, 104; EL: 0.16, 0.16, 1.18; SL: 0.71, 0.69, 0.70; SI: 57, 58, 57; PW: 0.86, 0.86, 0.90;WL: 1.54, 1.49, 1.58; petH: 0.85, 0.79, 0.90; petW: 0.46, 0.47, 0.47; GW 0.99, 0.96, 1.03.
Related taxa.
See above under
H. ecarinata
In-group sympatric associations.
Heteroponera relicta
H. pendergrasti
are both present in QMBA Berlesate 804.
known only from Lamb Range, the northern rampart of the Atherton Tableland.
H. pendergrasti
is possibly endemic there. Note the frequency of accessions by various collectors, and the absence of records in the well-known, generally well collected and more frequently visited nearby EA9, Atherton Tableland and EA6 Black Mountain localities.
The apically sub-dentate petiolar node is (probably homoplasiously and convergently) similar to those of some Neotropical species (Brown 1958; Feitosa 2011).
Named for Professor J.G. (Jim) Pendergrast of Auckland, New Zealand, my first teacher in Zoology at both High School and (in a later position) at The University of Auckland, where he supervised my M.Sc. degree.