Nine new species and new records of euryglossiform Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) from South Africa Author Kuhlmann, Michael B99AE0ED-FA89-4DFE-A658-1C8DF37F9FAB Zoological Museum, University of Kiel, Hegewischstrasse 3, D- 24105 Kiel, Germany Email: Author Friehs, Thyra CE708D50-8FB6-444B-90B2-4B696ADE74C9 Zoological Museum, University of Kiel, Hegewischstrasse 3, D- 24105 Kiel, Germany text European Journal of Taxonomy 2020 2020-05-18 647 1 33 journal article 39f7fe40-f980-44e4-b0cf-4ad557bbd71f 2118-9773 3836052 35836E71-F258-41CC-A4F6-37EAE851A016 Males The males of S. avontuurensis Kuhlmann sp. nov. , S. bokkeveldensis Kuhlmann sp. nov. , S. fynbosensis Kuhlmann sp. nov. , S. gessorum , S. inexpectatus , S. keiskiensis Kuhlmann sp. nov. , S. minutuloides , S. minutus , S. nigerrimus , S. nitens Kuhlmann sp. nov. , S. oubergensis Kuhlmann sp. nov. and S. pygmaeus are unknown. 1. Antennal flagellum medially broadened, entirely orange ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 12b); stigma bright yellow ( Kuhlmann 2014 : Fig. 12a); S7 and S8 as in Kuhlmann (2014 : fig. 12d, f)………………… ……………………………………………………………………… S. luteistigma Kuhlmann, 2014 Antennal flagellum not broadened, only partly yellowish; stigma darker……………………………2 2. Third hind tarsus triangular broadened ( Fig. 10E )………… S. willemstrydomi Kuhlmann sp. nov. Third hind tarsus unmodified………………………………………………………………………3 3. Antenna long, last flagellar segment about twice as long as wide ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 24e); S7 and S8 as in Kuhlmann (2014 : fig. 24d, f)………………………… S. punctulatus Kuhlmann nom. nov. Antenna shorter, last flagellar segment at most 1.5 times as long as wide……………………4 4. Hind tibia inside apically broadened, pointed ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 22e) or forming either a spine ( Fig. 7E ; Kuhlmann 2014 : figs 2e, 31e) or a ± right angle ( Fig. 4G ; Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 27g )……5 Hind tibia unmodified, if apically broadened then without spine or ± sharp edge……………10 5. Hind tibia inside apically forming a ± right angle ( Fig. 4G ; Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 27g )……………6 Hind tibia inside apically pointed ( Kuhlmann 2014 : Fig. 22e) or forming a spine ( Fig. 7E ; Kuhlmann 2014 : figs 2e, 31e)………………………………………………………………………7 6. Body about 5 mm long; hind tibia forming a distinct right angle ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 27g ); S7 and S8 as in Kuhlmann (2014 : fig. 27d, f)………………………… S. roggeveldi Kuhlmann, 2014 Body longer; hind tibia forming a shallow right angle ( Fig. 4G ); S7 and S8 as in Fig. 4F, H …… ………………………………………………………………………… S. hergi Kuhlmann sp. nov. 7. Hind tibia inside apically pointed ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 22e); scutum and metasomal terga finely punctate ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 22c); S7 and S8 as in Kuhlmann (2014 : fig. 22d, f)……………………………………………………………………… S. papkuilsi Kuhlmann, 2014 Hind tibia inside apically with spine ( Fig. 7E ; Kuhlmann 2014 : figs 2e, 31e)………………8 8. Scutum and metasomal terga coarsely punctate ( Kuhlmann 2014 : figs 2c, 31c)……………9 Scutum coarsely and metasomal terga finely punctate ( Fig. 7C )… S. mellonholgeri Kuhlmann sp. nov. 9. Hind tibia apically with longer spine ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 31e); metasomal terga densely punctate ( Kuhlmann2014 :Fig.31c);S7and S8as in Kuhlmann(2014 :fig.31d,f) … S. spinipes Kuhlmann, 2014 Hind tibia apically with shorter spine ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 2e); metasomal terga sparsely punctate ( Kuhlmann2014 :fig.2c);S7and S8 as in Kuhlmann(2014 :fig.2d,f)… S.acanthophorus Davies, 2005 10. Hind basitarsus brown to blackish………………………………………………………………11 Hind basitarsus yellowish…………………………………………………………………………14 11. Hind tibia apically slightly swollen and curved ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 29e); scutum between punctures smooth and shiny; S7 and S8 as in Kuhlmann (2014 : fig. 29d, f)… S. sittybon Davies, 2005 Hind tibia unmodified; scutum between punctures sculptured and matt………………………12 12. Basal half of T2–T4 densely covered with short, silverish hair ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 33c); S7 and S8 as in Kuhlmann (2014 : fig. 33d–e)…………………… S. ulrikae Kuhlmann, 2014 Basal half of T2–T4 almost hairless ( Kuhlmann 2014 : figs 17c, e, 20c)…………………………13 13. Discs of metasomal terga impunctate, very finely and regularly sculptured ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 20c); S7 and S8 as in Kuhlmann (2014 : fig. 20d–e)………………………… S. nigritarsis Kuhlmann, 2014 Discs of metasomal terga partly punctate, strongly to heavily and irregularly sculptured ( Kuhlmann 2014 :fig.17c,e);S7 and S8as in Kuhlmann(2014 :fig.17d,f)……………… S. nanus Kuhlmann, 2014 14. Hind tibia yellow with a brown spot on the back side ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 9a, c); S7 and S8 as in Kuhlmann (2014 : fig. 9d–e)…………………………………………… S. glareus Davies, 2005 Hind tibia mostly black ( Kuhlmann 2014 : figs 5a, 7a, 13a)………………………………………15 The males of the following three species are very similar and can be best separated by S7 and S8. 15. S7 without membraneous apicolateral lobes ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 13d); S8 as in Kuhlmann (2014 : fig. 13e)…………………………………………………………… S. minutissimus Kuhlmann, 2014 S7 with membraneous apicolateral lobes ( Kuhlmann 2014 : figs 5d, 7d)……………………………16 16. S7 apically with emargination slightly broader and shallower ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 5d)………… …………………………………………………………………………… S. albitarsis ( Friese, 1909 ) S7 apically with emargination slightly narrower and deeper ( Kuhlmann 2014 : fig. 7d)……………… ………………………………………………………………………… S. exiguus Kuhlmann, 2014