Pliensbachian corals from the Western Tethys Author Vasseur, Raphaël Université de Lorraine, CNRS, lab. GeoRessources, UMR 7359, BP 70239, F- 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy cedex (France) Author Lathuilière, Bernard Université de Lorraine, CNRS, lab. GeoRessources, UMR 7359, BP 70239, F- 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy cedex (France) text Geodiversitas 2021 2021-11-23 43 22 1187 1291 journal article 10.5252/geodiversitas2021v43a22 1638-9395 5764379 Phacelophyllia ? sp. ( Fig. 21 ) Phacelophyllia ? sp. 1 – Vasseur 2018: 282-283 , fig. 3.72. STUDIED SAMPLE. — CPUN MA0704E8-4. GEOGRAPHIC AND STRATIGRAPHIC RANGES. — Pliensbachian of Koudiat Ech Chehem (Guigou plateau, Middle Atlas of Morocco ). DESCRIPTION Phaceloid colony with close, subcylindrical and subparallel corallites multiplying by intracalicular budding with a low angle of bifurcation. Radial elements are subcompact, straight or curved, free septa with trabecular architecture. Lateral faces hold pennulae with edges curved inward. The distal edge of septa hold teeth due to trabeculae dissociation. The projection of the trabeculae in the axis of the corallite often produces a papillose columella. Endotheca made of numerous vesicular dissepiments. No synapticulae observed. Some vestiges of an epitheca s.l . seem to wrap a few corallites, but the preservation of the specimen does not allow a clear confirmation, this is the reason why we merge it with doubt under the genus Phacelophyllia . SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES This specimen is attributed to the genus Phacelophyllia provided that an epitheca effectively exists in it. It differs from P. fas- ciculata ( Beauvais, 1986 ) by its free septa and from P.termieri Beauvais, 1986 because of its smaller calices. Calicular diameter: 2 to 8 mm – Distance between calices centers: 3 to 9 mm – Number of septa: approximately 75 – Septal density: 7 for 2 mm .