Pliensbachian corals from the Western Tethys Author Vasseur, Raphaël Université de Lorraine, CNRS, lab. GeoRessources, UMR 7359, BP 70239, F- 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy cedex (France) Author Lathuilière, Bernard Université de Lorraine, CNRS, lab. GeoRessources, UMR 7359, BP 70239, F- 54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy cedex (France) text Geodiversitas 2021 2021-11-23 43 22 1187 1291 journal article 10.5252/geodiversitas2021v43a22 1638-9395 5764379 Rodinosmilia elegantula Beauvais, 1986 ( Fig. 53 ) Rodinosmilia elegantula Beauvais, 1986: 22 , pl. 4, fig. 2 and text-fig. 11-12. Vasseur 2018: 322-323 , fig. 3.87. TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype MNHN .F.R11608, by original designation. TYPE HORIZON. — Domerian ( Upper Pliensbachian ). TYPE LOCALITY. — Bou Dahar, Beni Tadjit ( Morocco ). STUDIED SAMPLES. — Seven specimens : holotype MNHN .F.R11608; CPUN AM16132-2, CPUN AM16178-12, CPUN AM16179-14, CPUN AM16188-1, CPUN AM16188-16, CPUN AM16188-30. GEOGRAPHIC AND STRATIGRAPHIC RANGES. — Pliensbachian of Amellagou and Bou Dahar ( Beni Tadjit ) in High Atlas of Morocco ; Pliensbachian of Caloveto ( Calabria , Italy ). DESCRIPTION Solitary coral, ceratoid to subcylindrical, straight or slightly curved. Septa free, compact, usually straight although a few curved septa can be locally observed in some samples. The lumen of the calice is divided in equal lobes by the six main septa, conferring at the lumen a typical flower- like shape in transverse section characterized by a radial six-folded symmetry. Lateral faces of septa are smooth or finely granulated. The six first-order septa (S1) present smooth distal and inner edges whereas the septa of higher orders show wide spines regularly arranged and oriented downward along their inner edge and each of these septa is bevelled in the higher part of the calice, making their distal and inner edge in continuity, and disappearing in the very distal views. Four geometrical orders can be distinguished (S2, S3, S4 and S5) among the septa growing into the lobes formed by the S1 with the particularity for the ones closest to the S1 to grow directly on the lateral faces of these S1. Endotheca is present in the form of rare and irregularly distributed dissepiments. Synapticulae absent. The wall seems to be parathecal. FIG. 51. — Podosmilia horologium n. gen.,n. sp. : A , lateral view of the specimen MNHN.F.R11597; B , distal view in natural section of the specimen CPUN AM16177- 3; C , transverse thin section of the specimen CPUN 2210E2; D , distal view of the specimen CPUN 2703A7; E , distal view of the specimen MNHN.F.R11597; F , detail in transverse thin section of the characteristic pattern produced by the septal bulges in depth (specimen CPUN AM16177-3); G , deep transverse section in sample CPUN PFPyr6-2; H , deep transverse thin section in sample CPUN AM16177-3. Scale bars: A, B, C, E, H, 5 mm; D, G, 1 cm; F, 2 mm. FIG. 52. — Protostylophyllum praenuntians ( Volz, 1896 ) : A , lateral view of the sectioned specimen CPUN AM16164bis4; B , distal view of the sectioned specimen CPUN AM16164bis4; C , specimen pictured in the field (Amellagou, High Atlas of Morocco); D , transverse thin section of the specimen CPUN 2303A5-1; E , proximal transverse thin section of the specimen CPUN AM16164bis4; F , deep transverse section of the specimen CPUN AM16164bis4; G , detail in transverse thin section of the septal ornamentation of the specimen CPUN AM16164bis4. Scale bars: A, B, 1 cm; C, D, 5 mm; E, 4 mm; F, 6 mm; G, 1 mm. FIG. 53. — Rodinosmilia elegantula . A , perspective view of the holotype MNHN.F.R11608; B , distal view of the specimen CPUN AM16188-1; C , transverse section of the specimen CPUN AM16188-30; D , transverse section of the specimen CPUN AM16188-1; E , drawing of septal apparatus of the specimen CPUN AM16188-1; F , detail of a single system in sample CPUN AM16188-1 septal apparatus. The different numbers correspond to the different size orders of septa that can be distinguished. Scale bars: A, 1 cm; B, D, 5 mm; C, 4 mm. Calicular diameter: 8.2 to 19.1 mm – Number of septa: 82 to 97 (129 by extrapolation) – Septal density: 10 to 12 for 5 mm . SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES In comparison to Cretaceous genera Tiarasmilia Wells, 1932 and Hexasmilia Fromentel, 1870 , apophysal septa are not developed toward internal edge of septa.