The Pyraustinae (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae s. l.) of the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador Author Landry, Bernard text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2015 2015-03-31 122 1 55 70 journal article 24931 10.5281/zenodo.14577 b4b77777-50c4-4598-b55d-313a5141d3ba 0035-418 14577 1203AE7F-04A4-4E6A-85F6-4807023F7509 Neohelvibotys hoecki sp. n. Figs 4-6 , 18 a-b, 23 Material examined: 32 ♂ , 58 ♀ . Holotype : , ‘ ECUADOR [sideways on left side] | GALÁPAGOS | S[an]ta Crúz , littoral | zone, Tortuga Bay | 29.I.1989 , M[ercury]V[apour]L[light] | B. Landry [ leg .] ’; ‘ HOLOTYPE | Neohelvibotys | hoecki | B. Landry’ . Undissected. Deposited in the CNC . Paratypes : 31 ♂ , 58 ♀ from the Galápagos Islands , Ecuador . – Española : 4 ♂ , 13 ♀ , Punta Suarez, 10-12. ii. [19]67, trap among Lycium minimum , Prosopis doleis and Cryptocarpus pyriformis (Gubarsbia) (I. L. Wiggins) ; 2 ♂ (one dissected, slide MCZ 913), 7 ♀ , E side of peninsula at coast, N of summit, Alt. ± 2 m , 18.iv. [19]70 (R. Silberglied); 3 ♀ , Bahía Manzanillo, 25.iv.1992 , M[ercury]V[apour]L[ight] (B. Landry); 2 ♀ , same data except 27.iv.1992 ; 1 ♀ , Las Tunas Trail, 100 m elev[ation]., 30.iv.1992 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♀ , Punta Suarez, 2.v.1992 , MVL (B. Landry). – Floreana : 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Punta Cormoran, 21.iv.1992 , MVL (B. Landry). – Gardner near Española : 2 ♀ (one dissected, slide MCZ 914), Gardner near Hood, NW Side, Alt[itude]. ± 10 m , 17.iv. [19]70 (R. Silberglied). – Isabela : 1 ♂ , 11 km N Puerto Villamil, 9.iii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , 8.5 km N Puerto Villamil, 11.iii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , Alcedo, lado NE, 700 m , camp guayabillos, 16.iv.2002 , uvl (B. Landry, L. Roque); 1 ♀ , Alcedo, lado NE, low arid zone, bosq[ue]. palo santo, 18.iv.2002 , uvl (B. Landry, L. Roque); 1 ♀ (dissected, slide MHNG ENTO 8608), V[olcan]. Darwin, 300 m elev., 15.v.1992 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♀ , same data except 630 m elev., 16.v.1992 ; 1 ♂ (dissected, slide MHNG ENTO 8609), same data except 1000 m elev., 18.v.1992 . – Pinta : 1 ♂ (dissected, slide MHNG ENTO 8611), Plaja [sic] Ibbeston [sic], 13.iii.1992 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ (dissected, slide MHNG ENTO 6590), same data except 14.iii.1992 ; 1 ♀ , same data except arid zone, 15.iii.1992 ; 1 ♀ , Cabo Ibbetson, N 00°32.819’ , W 90°44.229’ , 8 m elev., 15.iii.2006 , uvl (P. Schmitz, L. Roque); 1 ♀ , 200 m elev., 16.iii.1992 , MVL (B. Landry); 2 ♀ , same data except 400 m elev., 17.iii.1992 ; 1 ♂ , same data except 18.iii.1992 . – Pinzón : 1 ♂ , plaja [sic] Escondida, u[ltra] v[iolet]l[ight], 20.iv.2002 (B. Landry, L. Roque). – San Cristóbal : 2 ♂ (one dissected, slide BL 1801), 2 km SW P[uer]to Baquarizo [sic], 11.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , 4 km SE Pto Baquarizo [sic], 12.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , 1 km S El Progreso, 14.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , pampa zone, 15.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , Pto Baquarizo [sic], 17.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , base of Cerro Pelado, 22.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♀ (dissected, slide MHNG ENTO 6589), near Loberia, GPS: elev. 14 m , S 00°55.149’ , W 89°36.897’ , 16.iii.2004 , uvl (B. Landry, P. Schmitz); 1 ♀ , Chatham Island, 18.iv. [19]32 (M. Willows Jr) (Templeton Crocker Exped[ition].); 1 ♀ , Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Wreck Bay, v.1975 (T. J. deVries, B.M. 1976–58); 1 ♀ , Sappho Cove, Chath[am. Island ]. – Santa Cruz : 1 ♂ , Los Gemelos, 31.i.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 4 ♀ , C[harles] D[arwin]R[esearch]S[tation], arid zone, 3.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 2 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Tortuga Res[erve]., W S[an]ta Rosa, 6.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , Media Luna, pampa zone, 8.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , Conway Bay, 15.ii. [19]33; 1 ♂ , Media Luna, pampa zone, 26.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , 2 km W Bella Vista, 27.ii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♀ , casa L. Roque-Albelo & V. Cruz, GPS: 137 m elev., S 00°42.595’ , W 090°19.196’ , uvl, 27.ii.2005 (B. Landry); 2 ♂ (one dissected, MHNG ENTO 8610), E[stacion].C[ientifi- ca].C[harles].D[arwin]., 4.iii.1992 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♀ (dissected, slide BL 1792), Finca S[teve]. Devine, 17.iii.1989 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♀ , Bahía Conway, 14.iv.1992 , MVL (B. Landry); 1 ♀ , CDRS , Barranco, 20 m elev., 30.iv.2002 , uvl (B. Landry); 1 ♂ , Horneman Farm, 200 m , (J. DeRoy); 1 ♀ (dissected, BM Pyr. Slide n° 21187), Indefatigable [ Island ], xii.1968 (B.M. 1969–17, Ref No. L. 44). Deposited in AMNH , BMNH , CAS , CDRS , CMNH , CNC , MCZ , and MHNG . Diagnosis: In the Galápagos this species is most similar to Loxomorpha cambogialis (Guenée) , which is also often yellow and roughly the same size, but differs externally by the conical frons and the hindwing pattern without the extra dot submedially. In details of the male genitalia this species resembles most closely Loxostege subcuprea (Dognin, 1906) , stated by Munroe (1995) to be misplaced in this genus. However, the wings of this species are orange, without pattern except for the fuscous costa and apical margin of the forewing and most of the fringes of the hindwing (see Capps, 1967: 43 , figs 61, 174). Etymology: I take great satisfaction in naming this species in honour of Dr Hendrik Hoeck, former director of the Charles Darwin Station ( 1978-1980 ), founding member and president for 17 years, until 2014, of the Swiss Friends of the Galápagos Organization, for his exceptional dedicated work and devotion to the preservation of the fauna and flora of the Galápagos archipelago. Figs 9-16. Adults of Galápagos Pyraustinae . (9-12) Pyrausta galapagensis . (9) ♂ holotype, CNC. (10) ♀ paratype, Santa Cruz, NNW Bella Vista, 225 m elev., 18.ii.2005, MHNG. (11) ♀ paratype, Isabela, NE slope Alcedo, 483 m elev., 31.iii.2004, MHNG. (12) ♂ paratype, same data as Fig. 10, MHNG. (13-16) Pyrausta insolata . (13) ♂ holotype, MHNG. (14) ♂ paratype, Isabela, NE slope Alcedo, 869 m elev., 2.iv.2004, MHNG. (15) ♀ paratype, Isabela, 3 km N Sto Tómas, Agr. zone, 8.iii.1989, CNC. (16) ♀ paratype, Pinta , 400 m elev., 17.iii.1992, MHNG. Description: MALE (n=32): Head with frons projecting, conical, pale burnt orange, with white scales dorsally along margin of eye and around ocellus; antennae filiform, with flagellomeres slightly thickened, with ciliation dense, as long as 1/3 width of flagellomeres, dorsal scaling light golden, with white ventrally on scape; maxillary palpus burnt orange; labial palpus burnt orange dorsally and on whole of third segment, white ventrally on first and second segments; haustellum white. Thorax dorsally burnt orange at collar, progressively paler, yellowish gold, to yellowish white. Foreleg coxa, femur and tibia pale golden, tarsomeres paler, almost white; tibia slightly swollen, with greyish brown hair pencil from medial slit; outer spur about half as long as inner spur. Midleg pale golden, as on tarsomeres of foreleg, white laterally on tibia. Hindleg as midleg, but less evidently white on tibia laterally. Forewing length: 7.5-9.0 mm ( holotype 7.5 mm ); forewing colour ( Figs 4, 6 ) burnt orange as band along costa, otherwise yellowish gold with rest of pattern made of slightly darker convex subbasal line from slightly before 1/3 costa to almost middle of inner margin, postmedian line from 3/4 costa, convex to cubital sector, bent straight toward base for short distance, then bent at right angle and ending almost straight into inner margin, also with short dash at apex of cell connecting with costal band, and terminal shading; fringe with shorter scales concolorous with terminal area of wing, longer scales slightly paler. Hindwing pale yellowish gold, with slightly darker postmedian band nearly from costa to the first anal vein, also with terminal shading; fringe as on forewing. Abdomen dorsally pale golden, with white row at apex of most segments; ventrally paler, almost white. Male genitalia (n=6) ( Figs 18 a-b). Uncus elongate, about as long as tegumen dorsally, flattened, slightly concave, gently narrowing from base to narrowly rounded apex, with medium-sized setation dorsolaterally from 1/4 except along narrow midline; setae longer near middle and changing into thin spines, shortening toward apex. Subscaphium lightly sclerotized. Tegumen dorsally with more thickly sclerotized, H-shaped (with median bar postmedially situated) teguminal ridges projecting apically on each side of uncus base over connections with dorsolateral arms of uncus; laterally with ventral margin more thickly sclerotized, forming mediumly-rounded apical projection on each side. Valva with dorsal margin subbasally humped, after connection with transtilla, then straight; with medially bare, more thickly sclerotized band along costa narrowing to 2/3, with a few long setae and scales laterally; ventral margin straight to 1/10, then angled and shortly straight again, then only slightly projecting to broadly rounded apex, with few long setae especially toward base; clasper with ventral process simple, claw-like, at 1/3 length of valva, accompanied by short, more or less narrowly rounded basal lobe pointing toward costa of valva and set with short to long setae; sacculus a low, broadly-rounded hump set with short setae. Transtilla thin, unsclerotized medially. Diaphragma ventrad from transtilla with patch of about 60 short setae on each side; with one separate seta closer to middle on each side at level of base of setose patches. Juxta short, slightly wider than long, with broadly rounded basal margin, laterally extending into short, thin projections, with apical margin broadly concave. Vinculum narrow, with short saccus. Phallus straight, slightly longer than tegumen + uncus, more thickly sclerotized on left side on basal half, with narrow sclerotized band from middle on left side running in diagonal dorsally toward apex, enlarging to 2 X wider, twisting sheath subapically and ventrally, ending in long, narrow hook curving upward laterally on right side and reaching dorsal margin of shaft; ventrally at apex with short, down-curbed rounded ‘lip’; coecum penis short, rounded; vesica with elongate (about 1/4 length of shaft) band of 35-40 thick and short cornuti, and smaller, more rounded patch of more or less conspicuous smaller cornuti situated slightly more basad in invaginated condition; ductus ejaculatorius forming about 12 coils. FEMALE (n=58) ( Fig. 5 ): Antenna thinner and less densely ciliate than male’s. Forewing length: 7.0-9.0 mm. Female genitalia (n=5) ( Fig. 23 ). Papillae anales narrow, curved (apically projecting dorsally and ventrally), abundantly setose on whole surface, with laterobasal sclerotized narrow band about twice as wide ventrally, not connecting either dorsally or ventrally; posterior apophyses thin, pointed, with short basal projection ventrally, about 2/3 length of papillae anales. Segment VIII of medium length, 4- 5 X length of sclerotized band of papillae anales at level of apophyses, ventrally reducing in width, forming elongate triangle, not connected medially, with 6-8 short setae on each side dorsally; anterior apophyses about 1.6 X length of posterior apophyses, with short, narrowly triangular ventral projection at 1/4th of length from base. Lamella postvaginalis covered with spinules except along narrow midline, forming wide triangle across width of segment with cephalad margin slightly bent posterad; laterally and anteriorly from subbasal ventral projections of anterior apophyses with sclerotized band of medium width spinulose posteriorly. Antrum funnel-shaped, lightly sclerotized laterally, with sclerotized ridges extending into ductus bursae. Basal section of ductus bursae of medium girth, dorsally sporting flat, accessory sac about 1.5 X as long as width of ductus at its level, with sclerotized ridges ending at more heavily sclerotized, dorsally open collar of about 1/8 length of corpus bursae; subsequent section of corpus bursae a more or less triangular and thickly sclerotized widening which connects with ductus seminalis; final section of ductus bursae made of 6 coils of medium girth. Corpus bursae circular, not very large, apically (at bottom) with more or less thickly sclerotized small to medium-sized rounded signum with scobinations. Biology: Unknown except for the nocturnal habits of the moths, which are attracted to light, and the diversity of habitats in which they fly, from sea level to 1000 m in elevation. Distribution: Galápagos islands of Española, Floreana, Gardner near Española, Isabela, Pinta, Pinzón , San Cristóbal , and Santa Cruz. Remarks: The species keys out as a member of Neohelvibotys in Munroe (1976) . However, the key provided by Munroe mostly uses genitalia characters of the males, and this species does not entirely agree with the diagnosis (no formal description was given) of the genus with respect to the female genitalia. According to the diagnosis, the ostial chamber is large and the ductus seminalis does not form a broad arch with the ductus bursae as in Achyra and Hahncappsia . Also, the species of Neohelvibotys illustrated by Capps (1967) and Munroe (1976) have a small appendix bursae, absent in N. hoecki , while this species has an appendix (accessory sac) of the ductus seminalis, absent in the other species. Possibly this species is aberrant in female genitalia characters, when compared with the type species [ N. neohelvialis (Capps) ] and the other Neohelvibotys species for which the female genitalia are known, or the genera are yet improperly defined and need a phylogenetic analysis. I have checked all described species of Achyra Guenée , Hahncappsia Munroe , Helvibotys Munroe , Neohelvibotys Munroe , and species stated to be misplaced in Loxostege Hübner recorded from the Neotropical region by Munroe (1995) to make sure that this species was not already described. The dissected male and female MCZ paratypes from Española were dissected by Eugene G. Munroe in October 1983 . The labels on the slide preparation of these specimens identify them as Neohelvibotys in Munroe’s hand-writing.