Genus Stathmopoda Herrich-Schäffer, 1853 (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae) from China (III): Descriptions of fourteen new species Author Wang, Shuxia College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China Author Guan, Wei 0000-0002-4639-9569 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & guanwei 212 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4639 - 9569 Author Wang, Ailing 0000-0003-1372-9506 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China & w 15275767286 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 1372 - 9506 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-09-14 5039 1 71 108 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5039.1.3 1175-5326 5506318 627AC6A7-48FF-45CB-AC6C-CB0F66333B7F Stathmopoda culcitella Sinev, 1995 ( Figs 4 , 28 , 52 ) Stathmopoda culcitella Sinev, 1995: 141 . TL: Vietnam . TD: ZIN. Material examined. CHINA , Hainan : 1♂ , Mt. Diaoluo , 250 m , 19.IV.2008 , leg. BB Hu & HY Bai , slide No. WAL19182 ; 1♂ , Bawangling , 1000 m , 23.IV.2009 , leg. BB Hu & Q Jin , slide No. GW 12313 ; 1♀ , Yinggeling , 620 m , 23.V.2010 , leg. BB Hu & J Zhang ; 2♀ , Yinggeling , 620 m , 3.VI.2010 , leg. BB Hu & J Zhang , slide Nos. WAL19185, WAL19188 ; 1♀ , Yinggeling , 450 m , 19.XI.2013 , leg. ZB Wang , slide No. GW 15012 ; 42♂ 26♀ , Hon- gxin Village , Yuanmen Town , Baisha County , 460 m , 29.VI–2.VII.2014 , leg. PX Cong et al. , slide Nos. GW 15010 , GW15011 , GW15017 , GW15018 , GW15019 , GW15020 ; 1♂ , Mt. Wuzhi , 742 m , 20.V.2015 , leg. PX Cong et al. , slide No. GW 15038 . Diagnosis. This species is similar to S. brachymochla Meyrick, 1937 and S. trigonia sp. nov. in the forewing pattern. It can be distinguished in the male genitalia by the cucullus with androconia running from base to beyond middle ventrally, and the aedeagus with a banded distal process bent at distal 3/10; in the female genitalia by the antrum without tufts of scales medially and the appendix bursae without denticles basally. In S. brachymochla , the sub-rectangularly arranged androconia runs from base to basal 3/5 above ventral margin, and the spine-shaped distal process of the aedeagus is bent at distal 2/5 ( Figs. 29, 29a ); the antrum has a tuft of black scales medio-longitudinally and the appendix bursae has 2‒3 denticles basally. In S. trigonia sp. nov. , the triangularly arranged androconia runs from base to middle, and the slenderly clubbed distal process is not bent distally; the appendix bursae has 13‒14 small denticles at base in the female genitalia. Description. Adult ( Fig. 4 ). Winspan 6.0– 11.5 mm . Head with frons silvery grey; vertex dark brown, with silvery grey metallic lustre; occiput shining deep silvery grey. Labial palpus greyish white on inner surface, brown on outer surface, tinged with deep brown scales on outer surface. Antenna with scape blackish brown on dorsal surface, yellowish white on ventral surface; flagellum dark brown. Thorax and tegula shining dark brown. Forewing dark brown, with silvery grey metallic lustre; two narrow ochreous yellow fasciae not reaching costal margin, anteriorly with blackish brown scales diffused to costal margin: antemedian fascia at basal 1/4, narrower, edged with black scales; postmedian fascia at basal 2/3, obliquely outward, with more blackish brown scales on inner margin, with a blackish brown stripe extending from middle of outer margin to distal 3/10; fringe dark brown. Hindwing brown; fringe greyish brown. Foreleg blackish brown; midleg with tibia greyish white, blackish brown at base, middle and apex, with blackish brown bristles at middle and apex, tarsus greyish white except blackish brown at apex; hindleg with tibia greyish white, blackish brown and bearing blackish brown bristles at middle and apex, tarsus blackish brown except greyish white in distal two tarsomeres, with blackish brown bristles at apices of basal two tarsomeres. Abdomen with each segment dorsally blackish brown on anterior half and greyish white on posterior half, ventrally greyish white. Male genitalia ( Fig. 28 ). Uncus narrowly elongate, wide at base, narrowed to apex, with long setae laterally, apex hooked in lateral view. Gnathos wide at base, distinctly narrowed to apex, approximately half length of uncus ( Fig. 28a ). Tegumen uniformly wide, height approximately 1.5 times length of uncus, with curved process anterolaterally. Valva slightly widened toward cucullus; costa widened basally; inner process spine-shaped; cucullus subrectangular, slightly narrowed to obtuse apex, length twice of median width, straight on dorsal margin, androconia running from base to beyond middle ventrally, about 1/3 width of cucullus; sacculus narrow, 3/5 length of valva, straight on ventral margin, rounded at apex, free from valva apically. Vinculum narrowly banded; saccus extended and U-shaped, 1/3 length of uncus. Juxta ovate, obtuse on posterior margin, produced anteriorly; anellar lobes conical, with sparse setae, rounded apically.Aedeagus about same length as valva, with a sclerite at basal 1/3; large distal process banded, less than 2/5 length of aedeagus, bent at distal 3/10; cornuti consisting of a large sinuate spine more than half length of aedeagus and a tuft of numerous short spines near its base. Female genitalia ( Fig. 52 ). Intersegmental membrane between papillae anales and eighth abdominal segment approximately seven times length of papillae anales. Apophyses posteriores three times length of apophyses anteriores. Eighth segment straight on posterior margin, with long setae; eighth tergite concave in wide V-shape anterior- ly, eighth sternite rectangular. Antrum funnel-shaped, with a tuft of black scales arranged in a fan-shape on its inner wall laterally. Ductus bursae short and wrinkled, approximately 1/3 length of corpus bursae. Corpus bursae elongate oval, with membraneous process at posterior 1/3; two signa placed at anterior 2/5 of corpus bursae: larger one with a wide ridge furcate on one end, smaller one elongate elliptical, serrate on one side. Appendix bursae originating from transition of ductus bursae and corpus bursae; ductus seminalis elongate tubular, with numerous granules distally. Distribution. China ( Hainan ); Vietnam . Notes. This species is newly recorded for China .