Six new species of Hylotribus Jekel, 1860 from Brazil (Coleoptera, Anthribidae, Anthribinae, Discotenini) Author Queiroz, Fernando Luiz Cunha Avila Villar De Author Mermudes, José Ricardo M. text Zootaxa 2014 3814 2 242 258 journal article 45554 10.11646/zootaxa.3814.2.5 b7422346-4849-40f6-ab36-6a926e06e273 1175-5326 253179 8A304418-4222-4C72-B36A-ADA29140B821 Hylotribus plaumanni Queiroz & Mermudes sp. nov. ( Figs. 5–6 ) Female . Integument dark-brown; antennae and legs reddish-brown. Dorsal vestiture ( Fig. 5–6 ) with yellowishbrown pubescence, decumbent and moderately dense. Frons with oblique narrow strips, V-shaped with obtuse angle with dense white pubescence; ocular margin on each side with reddish-brown pubescence. Antennae with yellowish-white sparse pubescence and some long concolored setae. Anterior margin of pronotum with bright light-brown pubescence. Pronotum on each side of anterior third with dark, conspicuous, trapezoidal irregular spot formed by dark-brown pubescence rounded by dense yellowish-white pubescence; on posterior half with dark and narrow longitudinal strip that reaches medial tufted tubercle. Medial line transversal, with three tufts of dark-brown setae, moderately long: one tuft on each side, smaller; one central, well developed. Scutellar shield with subelongate, suberect and dense white setae, anteriorly oriented. Elytra with two dark-brown spot on middle of sutural interstria, and other two close to apex; between ante-apical tubercle with long and transverse dark-brown spot that reaches the top of tubercles; apical declivity with irregular and transverse light strips of yellowish-white pubescence. Ventral vestiture and legs with yellowish-white pubescence. Ventrites on each side with brown pubescence. Head and rostrum strongly punctate-corrugate. Rostrum moderately short, about one third as long as head; slightly depressed near to frons; with prominent longitudinal carinae. Antennae with segments I and II moderately thick; III weakly longer than II; IV–VIII shorter, club robust. Pronotum wider than long, punctate-corrugate, partially obliterated by vestiture, with three tubercles at transversal midline; central tubercle evidently more developed. Antebasal carinae, entire, clearly sinuous, 2- fragmented, lateral segment oblique, medial segment sinuous. Prosternum subplanate and punctate-corrugate. Elytra with humeral callus at interstria 7, slightly costate; basal gibbosities moderately wide and acute at top; interstria V swollen at middle, posteriorly costate; epipleura vertical and flattened; anteapical tubercles more developed, moderately acute at apex. Apical declivity at each side with two small tubercles at interstriae IV and VII. Abdomen. Ventrites I–III, at middle, subequal in length, and IV strongly narrow. Ventrite V two times longer than IV, slightly emarginate at apex. Measurements, in mm, female: TL: 2.8–3.1; RL: 0.9–0.9; RAW: 0.6–0.7; RBW: 0.5–0.5; PL: 1.2; PW: 1.2–1.3; EL: 1.6–1.9; EW: 1.4–1.6. FIGURES 5–6. Hylotribus plaumanni Queiroz & Mermudes sp. nov. , holotype female: 5, dorsal; 6, lateral. Type material . HOLOTYPE female from BRAZIL , Santa Catarina : Nova Teutônia (=Seara), 27° 11’, 52° 23’, 300–600 m , III.1954 , Fritz Plaumann col. ( MNRJ ). Paratype female, idem ( MNRJ ). Etymology . The name is in honor of Fritz Plaumann, a great entomologist, who created one of the first regional entomology collections in Brazil . Remarks . Hylotribus plaumanni ( Figs. 5–6 ) is similar to H. frontispeltastes ( Figs. 7–8 ) by the pronotum with a dark trapezoidal spot covered by dense white pubescence on the anterior third of the pronotum, frons with light V-shaped strips. Hylotribus plaumanni differs as follows from H. frontispeltastes ( characters of latter in parentheses) by: 1) V in frons with obtuse angle (acute angle); 2) scutellar shield with dense white pubescence, directed towards pronotum (black-brownish, very sparse pubescence); 3) antebasal carinae sinuous to sides (straight to sides); 4) humeri with less evident callus (humeral callus developed and with distinct tuft of setae at top); 5) apical declivity blackened with irregular and transverse strips of yellowish-white pubescence (without light and transverse strips); 6) interstria VII strongly costate at basis (slightly costate). Also, H. plaumanni differs from the two previous species by the rostrum relatively shorter and thicker (almost 1.5x) and by the lateral carinae of the pronotum less prominent.