Neotropical Hemerodromia Meigen (Diptera: Empididae), a world of discovery I: new generic record and new species from Brazilian Amazon Basin Author Câmara, J. T. Author Plant, A. R. Author Rafael, J. A. text Zootaxa 2014 3893 2 209 231 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3893.2.3 6c8611b1-ea95-4ad9-a047-f6916374a063 1175-5326 252068 68C58684-BD57-4AAB-88EF-69E093AB12DA Hemerodromia jauensis sp. nov. ( Figs 40–47 ) Diagnosis. Similar to H. cercusdilatata sp. nov. , with cercus with a short finger-like process bearing a long spine and an incurved bluntly pointed subapical process ( Fig. 42 ); subepandrial sclerite with two small, median posterior finger-like processes ( Fig. 45 ); phallus complex distally with two lateral and two ventral flattened plates and a dorsal process ( Fig. 47 ). Description . Male ( Fig. 40 ). Head . Dark brown to black, antenna and mouthparts yellow with all setae whitish; ocellar triangle with 1 pair of proclinate setae; anterior ocellus larger. Eyes iridescent blackvery, narrowly separated on face which bears fine reclinate setulae. Frons with 1–2 setulae; with 3–4 distinct vertical setae, contiguous with uniseriate smaller postocular setae; occiput bearing scattered hairs. Clypeus with rather dense short downwardly directed pile. Proboscis slightly curved with setae yellow. Antenna with scape and pedicel bearing distinct short dorsal setulae; postpedicel about 1.5X as long as wide, stylus ~ 0.9X as long as postpedicel. Thorax ( Fig. 40 ). Elongate, slightly arched ventrally; dorsum yellow, brownish on prothoracic collar, narrowly behind postpronotal lobe; antepronotum with anterior margin almost straight; scutum with setae yellow, very small and fine except 1 notopleural. Legs ( Fig. 40 ). Whitish yellow. C1 ~ 1.4X longer than distance between C1 and C2, ~ 6X as long as wide. F1 ~ 1.2X as long as C1, 4.0–4.5X as long as wide; femoral formula 6–7/ 16/15/7 ; denticles confined to distal 0.7, becoming closer together distally, black, 2 rows linear, without distal discontinuity. T1 ~ 0.6X as long as F1, evenly curved, ventral face shallowly concave; with 2 rows of 13–16 sharply pointed spinose setae ventrally; dorsal ciliation of decumbent short pale setulae; without apicoventral extension on T1 but with a short apical spine. Mid and hind legs slender with fine setae but T3 with ‘comb’ of short setae posteroapically. Wing ( Fig. 41 ). Membrane slightly yellow, veins brownish; R2+3 long and straight, not strongly curved towards C apically, joining C ~ 0.7 distance between end of R1 and R4; R4+5 fork acute (~ 60°), distal to position of M1+2 fork by about same length as R4; R5 and M1 convergent distally, diverging slightly at extreme apex; vein R5 ~ 2X as long as R4; cell bm+dm short, ending at level R1, ~ 2X as long as cell br. Halter whitish yellow. Abdomen ( Figs 40, 42 ). Tergites 1–6 light brown; tergites 7–8 and sternites yellow with pale setae more conspicuous on posterior margin; tergite 8 shorter than sternite 8. Terminalia . Cercus light brown, short finger-like process bearing a long spine ( Figs 42, 44 ) and bluntly pointed subapical process incurved ( Fig. 42 ); left and right cerci closely approximated anterodorsally ( Figs 43, 44 ), distinctly setose. Epandrium yellowish, curved up distally with rounded apex ( Fig. 42 ), row of strong setae on outer face ( Fig. 45 ). Hypandrium whitish yellow, membranous, rather rectangular, not markedly inflated ( Fig. 46 ); gonocoxal apodeme confined to anterior margin of hypandrium, lacking narrow process. Subepandrial sclerite with two small, median finger-like posterior processes ( Fig. 45 ), with long setae at apex. Phallus complex distally, with two lateral and two ventral flattened plates and dorsal process and membranous area apically ( Fig. 47 ). Ejaculatory apodeme absent. Body length : 1.9 mm ; wing length : 1.7 mm . Female : Unknown. FIGURES 40–47 . Hemerodromia jauensis sp. nov. , 40 , holotype ♂. 41–47 , paratype ♂. 40 . habitus , lateral view; 41 . wing; 42 . abdomen from tergite 5 to terminalia, lateral view; 43 . cercus, epandrium and phallus, dorsal view; 44 . cercus, dorsal view; 45 . subepandrial sclerite, dorsal view; 46 . hypandrium and epandrium, ventral view; 47 . phallus and hypandrium, lateral view. Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂ “ Brasil , Amazonas, Pq[parque] N.[acional] Jaú. Ig.[arapé] Miratucu- Ig.[arapé] do Gerlei. 01º57'00''S61º49'00''w 23–28.VII [1995]. J.A. Rafael & J.F Vidal. 1995” ( INPA ). PARATYPES : Idem , Manaus, Rod. AM–010, Km 26 Res. Ducke, Ig. Acará. x.2001 , Arm, Malaise, J.F. Vidal ( 1 ♂ , MZUSP ); Idem , IG. Tinga. Arm. Malaise, iii.2003 . J.M.E. Ribeiro, J. Vidal & J. Vidal ( 3 ♂ , INPA ). Holotype condition . Good condition. Not dissected. Etymology . This is a noun referring to the place “Parque Nacional do Jaú” where the specimens were collected. Variations. Body length varying from 1.6 mm to 2.2 mm and wing length varying from 1.4 to 1.7 mm . Remarks. Hemerodromia juanensis sp. nov. is similar to H. cercusdilatata sp. nov. by T1 without basal denticle; subepandrial sclerite with 2 finger-like posterior processes; and membranous hypandrium. Hemerodromia juanensis sp. nov. differs from latter by cercus narrow, with a short finger-like process bearing a long spine and bluntly pointed subapical process incurved; and phallus with two lateral and two ventral flattened plates and a dorsal process apically. In H. cercusdilatata sp. nov. the cercus is greatly enlarged and phallus is sclerotized basally with membranous area covered with small spicules apically.