Review of subfamily Prodiamesinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Russian Far East and bordering territory Author Makarchenko, Eugenyi A. 0000-0003-2765-8729 Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 100 let Vladivostoku 159, 690022 Vladivostok, Russia & makarchenko @ biosoil. ru; http: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2765 - 8729 Author Semenchenko, Alexander A. 0000-0001-7207-9529 Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 100 let Vladivostoku 159, 690022 Vladivostok, Russia & semenchenko _ alexander @ mail. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7207 - 9529 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-07-31 5323 1 1 26 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5323.1.1 1175-5326 8203829 AABE0C7B-9A90-4CF9-9707-936FF912853D Monodiamesa improvisa Makarchenko ( Figs. 13–14 ) Monodiamesa improvisa Makarchenko, 1984: 99 , 1985: 104 , 2006: 279; Ashe & O’Connor 2009: 324 . Material examined. Russia : 2 adult males ( holotype and paratype ), Russian Far East , Primorye Territory , Ussuri River ( Amur River basin) near Lesozavodsk City , 45.459681 N , 133.393526 E , 23.VI.1983 , leg. V . Bogatov and M. Tiunov . Comments. This species was described by 2 adult males in Russian and slides were not in good condition. We found it expedient to make the redescription in English and, if possible, as detailed as the material allowed. Description Adult male (n = 1). Total length 5.0 mm. Total length/wing length 1.7. Coloration. Light brown, with a yellowish tint; palpomeres brownish grey; postnotum brown; wings grayish; legs brownish yellow. Head. Eyes bare, with long parallel-sided dorsomedial extention. Temporal setae including 4 coronals, and 7 verticals. Clypeus trapezoidal, with 10 setae. Antenna with 13 flagellomeres and developed plume; AR 1.9–2.0. Palpomeres lengths (in μm): 41; 65; 145; 145; 200. Palpomeres 1–5 length/head width 0.83. Thorax. Antepronotum with 7 lateral setae. Acrostichals absent, dorsocentrals 14, prealars 7, supraalars 1, scutellars 9 (in 1 row). Wing. Length 2.8 mm , width 1.6 mm . R and R 1 with 12–16; R 4+5 with 0–2 setae in distal part. RM length/MCu length 1.78. Anal lobe developed, outline rounded. Squama with 33 setae in 1–2 rows. Legs. Spur of fore tibia 75 μm long; spurs of mid tibia 55 μm and 50 μm; of hind tibia 80 μm and 50 μm long. Hind tibial comb with 11 setae. Lengths and proportions of leg segments as in Table 4 . TABLE 4. Lengths (in µm) and proportions of leg segments of Monodiamesa improvisa Makarchenko (n=1).
fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta 5 LR BV SV
P 1 958 1184 995 479 391 277 189 0.84 2.36 2.15
P2 970 970 542 290 227 164 151 0.56 2.98 3.58
P3 995 1235 718 403 315 176 164 0.58 2.79 3.11
Hypopygium ( Figs. 13–14 ). Tergite IX with 19–20 short setae and short anal point, which at the base without setae and without apical seta ( Fig. 13 ). Laterosternite IX with 6–7 setae. Gonostylus narrow, only slightly curved, with large megasetae and 2 long setae near to it, rarely covered with short setae. Gonocoxite with large rounded superior volsella covered with short setae. Inferior volsella narrow, slightly longer than gonostylus and slightly curved distally outward. Median volsella setiform, on pedestal ( Fig. 14 ). HR 2.2. Pupa and larva unknown.
Distribution. Known only from Ussuri River of Amur River basin.