Neastacilla Tattersall, 1921 redefined, with eight new species from Australia (Crustacea: Isopoda: Arcturidae) Author King, R. A. text Memoirs of Museum Victoria 2003 2003-12-31 60 2 371 416 journal article 10.24199/j.mmv.2003.60.29 1447-2554 12210258 Neastacilla kanowna sp. nov. Figures 9–11 Material examined. Holotype . Australia : Vic., Oberon Bay , 39º04.2’S , 146º19.4’E , 21 m , 5 Feb 1982 , NMV J3418 ( 1 female , 14 mm ). Paratypes . Australia : Vic. type locality, NMV J3213 ( 2 females , 15–16 mm ; 2 males , 13.5–15 mm ), NMV J3214 ( 1 male , 14 mm ), NMV J40679 ( 1 male , 10.5 mm ), NMV J40680 ( 6 females , 13–15 mm ; 7 males , 11–15.5 mm ; 2 immature females, 9.0– 9.5 mm ; 1 immature male, 11 mm ). Swan Bay , 38º14.0’S , 144º39.0’E , 4 m , 26 Feb 1991 , NMV J20908 ( 1 female , 13 mm ). Eastern Bass Strait , 38º15.0’S , 147º22.5’E , 16 m , 31 Jul 1983 , NMV J8820 ( 1 female , 13.5 mm ; 1 male , 11 mm ; 1 immature female, 10 mm ; 1 immature male stage 1, 7.5 mm ). Tas. Central Bass Strait , off Three Hummock I. , 40º31.1’S , 145º04.0’E , 29 m , 3 Nov 1980 , NMV J8819 ( 1 male , 15.5 mm ). SA . Flinders I. , 33º40.50’S , 134º22.0’E , 20 m , 19 Apr 1985 , NMV J16578 ( 1 male , 15 mm ) . Figure 7. Neastacilla inaequispinosa ( Guiler, 1949 ) , female (NMV J39217): A, lateral view; B dorsal view; C, ventral view with oostegites; A1, A2. Male (NMV J40691): D, lateral view; E, ventral view. Scales: a (A, B) = 1 mm; b (C) = 1.0 mm; c (A2) = 1.0 mm; d (A1) = 0.5 mm. Figure 8. Neastacilla inaequispinosa ( Guiler, 1949 ) , female (NMV J39217): P1, P3, P5, U. Male (NMV J40691): PL1, PL2, Pe. Scales: a (P1, P3) = 0.5 mm; b (PL1, PL2, Pe) = 0.5 mm; c (U) = 0.5 mm. Figure 9. Neastacilla kanowna sp. nov. , female holotype (NMV J3418): A, lateral view; B, dorsal view; E, ventral view with oostegites. Male (NMV J40679): C, lateral view; D, dorsal view. Scales = a (A–D) = 1.0 mm; b (E) = 1.0 mm. Description of female. Head without dorsal elevation, anterolateral lobes rounded, small rostral point present; lateral margin of the head and pereonite 1 not incised. Pereonite 1without anterolateral expansion. Pereonites 2 and 3 similar width, without dorsal elevations, without lateral extensions. Pereonite 4 about 9 times as long as pereonite 3, without dorsal elevations, small anterolateral extensions present, slightly wider than pereonites 2 and 3. Pereonites 5–7 progressively shorter posteriorly, without dorsal elevations. Pleon length greater than combined lengths of pereonites 5–7, without dorsal elevations, with small proximal lateral wings, apex truncated. Figure 10. Neastacilla kanowna sp. nov. , female holotype (NMV J3418): left MXP, MX1, MX2, MD, A1, A2, P1, P3. Scales: a (MX1, MX2, MD) = 0.5 mm; b (MXP) = 0.5 mm; c (A1) = 0.5 mm; d (A2) = 0.5 mm; e (P1, P3) = 0.5 mm) Eyes small and subtriangular. Antenna 1 reaching to the distal edge of the second peduncular article of antenna 2; aesthetascs present distally and laterally on flagellum. Antenna 2 slender, more than half as long as body; flagellum of 3 articles plus claw, with 2 rows of scales along full length. Maxilla 1 mesial lobe with 3 terminal setae; lateral lobe with 11 robust setae. Maxilla 2 mesial lobe with 22 setae; middle lobe with 7 setae; lateral lobe with 3 setae. Maxillipedal endite with 14 mesial setae; 1 coupling hook; palp article 2 with mesial setal rows; article 3 with mesial setal and lateral setal rows; articles 4 and 5 with mesial and lateral setal rows; article 5 with mesial and distal setae. Figure 11. Neastacilla kanowna sp. nov. , female holotype (NMV J3418): U. Male (NMV J40679): PL1, PL2, Pe. Scales: a (P5) = 0.5 mm; b (PL1, PL2, Pe) = 0.5 mm; c (U) = 0.25 mm. Pereopod 1 propodus shorter than carpus; dactylus almost twice as long as wide, without unguis. Pereopods 2–4 with dactylus. Pereopods 5–7 dactylus not denticulate, with unguis and secondary unguis; secondary unguis greater than half length of primary unguis. Uropod exopod with 5 setae. Oostegite 4 with sutured small posterior lobe. 10–16 mm . Male. Smaller than female but similar morphologically. Pereonites, mouthparts, pereopods all as for female. Pleopod 1 exopod with lateral notch and 2 plumose lateral setae of equal lengths. Pleopod 2 appendix masculina with ridge on posterior face, with fine setae, curved, and extending quarter length past endopod, apex simple. Penial plate widened proximally, distally bulbous with fine setae, apex with shallow notch. 7.5–15 mm . Distribution. Australia : Victoria , Tasmania , South Australia ; subtidal. Etymology . “Kanowna ” is an Australian Aboriginal name for the sea. Remarks. This species is most easily distinguished from all other species of Neastacilla by its large adult size (around 15 mm ), unornamented body and truncate pleotelson. The presence of five setae on the uropodal exopod distinguishes this species from all other Australian species of Neastacilla , which generally have two or three apical setae.