Updated taxonomic checklist of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) associated with Bruchinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Author Pérez-Benavides, A. Lucía Author Hernández-Baz, Fernando Author González, Jorge M. Author Riverón, Alejandro Zaldívar text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-17 4638 3 301 343 journal article 26180 10.11646/zootaxa.4638.3.1 b5e739da-88f7-4427-b260-5972e0e25e03 1175-5326 3338806 21094B25-B0C7-4224-9000-A4491AF1BAAB Pteromalus spp. Hosts. Bruchus brachialis Fahraeus ( Thompson 1958 ) ; Bruchus lentis (Frölich) ( Thompson 1958 ) ; Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) ( Thompson 1958 ); Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) ( González-Valenzuela et al. 1988 ) ; Gibbobruchus speculifer (Gyll.) ( Santana et al. 2000 ) ; Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman) ( González-Valenzuela et al. 1988 ) . Distribution. AFROTROPICAL: Lesotho , South Africa . AUSTRALASIAN: Australia . NEARCTIC: Canada ( Alberta , British Columbia , Nova Scotia , Ontario ), Greenland , United States of America ( Arizona , California , Colorado , Florida, Georgia , Idaho, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming). NEOTROPICAL: Argentina , Uruguay . ORIENTAL: India ( Andhra Pradesh , Kerala , Punjab , Uttar Pradesh ), Pakistan , Taiwan . PALEARCTIC: Armenia , Austria , Belgium , Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Denmark , Egypt , France , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Iran , Iraq , Italy ( Sicily ), Japan , Kazakhstan (Tselinograd Obl.), Korea , Latvia , Lebanon , Morocco , Peoples’ Republic of China (Gansu (Kansu), Hebei, Jilin (Kirin), Liaoning, Shanxi (Shansi)), Poland , Portugal , Romania , Russia ( Rostov Oblast , Saratov Oblast ), Slovakia , Spain (Canary Island, Balearics), Sweden , Switzerland , Turkey , Ukraine , United Kingdom ( England , Scotland ), USSR (Siberia), Uzbekistan , Yugoslavia .