The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany, and Geology Author Gunther, Albert C. L. G. Author Dallas, William S. Author Carruthers, William Author Francis, William text 1885 1885-03-30 TAYLOR AND FRANCIS LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO.; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO.; KENT AND CO.,; WHITT AKER AND CO.: BAILLIERE, PARIS: MACLACHLAN AND STEWART, EDINBURGH: HODGES, FOSTER, AND CO., DUBLIN: AND ASHER, BERLIN Reptiles and Batrachians from Brazil 1 96 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.14926803 14926803 Eledone rotunda , n. sp. The Body is spheroidal, very little longer than broad, and the ventral groove is not marked. The mantle-opening ex ­ tends one third round the body, ending some distance directly below the eyes. The siphon is slightly tapering, and extends one third the distance to the umbrella-margin. The Head is short, nearly as broad as the body, and the eyes are round and rather prominent. The Arms are equal and about twice as long as the body • they are very stout, and taper gradually to blunt points; their section shows a triangle projecting inwards and a rounded surface looking outwards, the former much more prominent than the latter. The umbrella is wide, extending one third up the arms, a little further dorsally than ventrally. The suckers are comparatively small, closely set, and deeply cupped. There is no trace of a hectocotylus. The Surface is perfectly smooth. The Colour is dull purple, palest on the body and deepest on the inner surface of the umbrella. Hab. The Southern Ocean, 1950 fathoms (Station 157); one specimen, sex? South Pacific, 2225 fathoms (Station 298); one specimen, arms only, sex?