Three new species of the subgenus Jaynesia Allen, 1969 of the genus Tiphia Fabricius, 1775 (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae: Tiphiinae) from China, with a key to all known species Author Han, Qian Chongqing Key Laboratory of Vector Insects; Chongqing Key Laboratory of Animal Biology; Institute of Entomology and Molecular Biology, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China Author Chen, Bin Chongqing Key Laboratory of Vector Insects; Chongqing Key Laboratory of Animal Biology; Institute of Entomology and Molecular Biology, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China Author Li, Ting-Jing Chongqing Key Laboratory of Vector Insects; Chongqing Key Laboratory of Animal Biology; Institute of Entomology and Molecular Biology, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China text Zootaxa 2021 2021-05-14 4970 2 313 324 journal article 6316 10.11646/zootaxa.4970.2.5 390495f8-06aa-4387-a57c-d8771fe0d7ac 1175-5326 4761803 Tiphia ( Jaynesia ) rotunda Han, Chen & Li , sp. nov. ( Figs 22–30 ) Diagnosis. This species can be recognized by the following combination of characters: posterior margin of tegula without transverse impressed line ( Fig. 25 ), lateral carina of propodeum obsolete ( Fig. 26 ), S1 ( Fig. 28 ) without lateral groove on posterior half, and T2 1.7× wider than long and its lateral margin rounded ( Fig. 22 ). Material examined. Holotype , , China , Gansu prov. , Zhangye City , Linze County , Xinhua Town , Xiaoquanz- itan Village , 39°2′48″N , 99°9′35″E , 1394 m , 27.VI.2019 , Xue Zhang ( CNU ). FIGURES 22–30. Tiphia ( Jayneisa ) rotunda sp. nov. , holotype, ♂. 22. Habitus, dorsal view; 23. Head, frontal view; 24. Vertex, dorsal view; 25. Pronotum and mesoscutum, dorsal view; 26. Mesoscutellum, metanotum and propodeum, dorsal view; 27. T1–T3, lateral view (spm: subposterior margin of T1, spg: subapical groove of T1); 28. S1, ventral view; 29. S5, lateral view (ld: lateral denticle of S5); 30. T6–T7, dorsal view. Description. Male ( Fig. 22 ). Body length 5.27 mm . Forewing length 4.0 mm. Black with erect long whitish setae, with flagellum, tegula, tibiae, tarsi, pterostigma and wing venation brown; mandible reddish brown; coxae and femora dark brown; wings translucent ( Figs 22–23, 25 ). Head. Mandible without distinct medial transverse groove, at most with obsolete intermittent impressed line; W: OW: L: IOD=40: 16: 21: 25; OOD: POD: Od=12: 13: 6; AOD: WAS: IAD: CL: CAW=26: 20: 11: 25: 18; clypeus ( Fig. 23 ) with dense punctures and evenly distributed, ventral margin medially convex and slightly emarginated in middle, lateral margin convex, without thickened; frons ( Fig. 23 ) without one medial longitudinal narrow groove or carina; upper frons with sparse punctures; lower frons with denser punctures; vertex ( Fig. 24 ) with sparse and small punctures on lateral side of ocellus, postocellar area relatively smooth, rare punctures, upper anterior-ocellus with sparse and small punctures, with interspaces smooth. Mesosoma. Pronotal dorsal face with sparse and small punctures, almost evenly spaced ( Fig. 25 ); pronotal lateral face ventrally with dense oblique striae; mesoscutum with notaulus and dense punctures; mesopleuron with dense and minute punctures; metanotal trough and metascutellum with sparse and small punctures ( Fig. 26 ); lateral carina of propodeum obsolete, and posteriorly with short striae connecting transverse carina; propodeal areola slightly convergent posteriorly, APWL=1.58: 0.9: 1.63, medial longitudinal carina reaching posterior 1/2 of areola; surface of propodeal areola medially flat and smooth ( Fig. 26 ); propodeal lateral face anteriorly with long dense oblique wrinkles, posteriorly with dense and minute punctures, without short medial longitudinal carina; tegula ( Fig. 25 ) smooth, with erect long whitish setae on its anterior and inner margin, without transverse impressed line; forewing ( Fig. 22 ) with pterostigma, and apex of marginal cell not exceeding the second submarginal cell. Metasoma. T1 ( Figs 22, 27 ) with sparse punctures, subposterior groove with a row of minute punctures; S1 ( Fig. 28 ) smooth and impunctate, and without posterolateral groove and medial carina; T2 ( Fig. 22 ) 1.7× wider than long, and its lateral margin rounded, anteriorly with transverse row of short longitudinal striae; T1–T7 with erect long whitish setae; T2–T6 with sparse punctures ( Fig. 22 ); T1–T6 posteriorly with thin lamellae; posterior margin of S2–S5 with sparse recumbent long whitish setae; S5 ( Fig. 29 ) with lateral denticle, nearly longitudinal and slightly curved inwards, without distinct hollow; T7 ( Fig. 30 ) with one medial longitudinal impunctate area. Female . Unknown. Distribution. China ( Gansu ). Remarks. This species is similar to T. ( J. ) borealis Chen & Yang, 1990 by having the following character states: pronotal lateral face ventrally with dense oblique striae; mesoscutum ( Fig. 25 ) with notaulus and dense punctures; apex of marginal cell of forewing not exceeding the second submarginal cell; T2–T6 ( Fig. 22 ) with sparse punctures. However, this new species differs from it by having the lateral carina of propodeum obsolete; propodeal areola slightly convergent posteriorly, medial longitudinal carina reaching posterior 1/2 of areola ( Fig. 26 ); S1 smooth and impunctate ( Fig. 28 ); T2 1.7× wider than long, and its lateral margin rounded ( Fig. 22 ). Etymology. The specific name rotunda is derived from a Latin adjective rotundus (= round), referring to the lateral margin of T2 that is rounded in dorsal view.