The Goblin Spider Genus Zyngoonops (Araneae, Oonopidae), With Notes On Related Taxa Author Fannes, Wouter text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2013 2013-06-18 2013 379 1 117 journal article 10.1206/805.1 0003-0090 5403438 Zyngoonops marki , new species Figures 65–77 ; map 5 TYPES: Female holotype : D.R.C., Ruwenzori, près de Kalonge, 00 ° 209N, 029 ° 489E, Feb. 4, 1953 , berlese, elev. 2000 m , Vanschuytbroeck P. and Kekenbosch J. (PBI_OON 28562, MRAC 224.204). Paratype : D.R.C., Ruwenzori, ruiss. Karambura affl. dr. Katauleko, près de Kalonge, 00 ° 209N, 029 ° 489E, Jan. 30, 1953 , elev. 2060 m , same collectors (PBI_OON 33278, MRAC 230.065), 1 male . ETYMOLOGY: Named after the author’s brother, Mark Fannes. DIAGNOSIS: Males resemble those of Z. swammerdami but have slightly longer medi- an projections (fig. 66C–F) and slightly larger P2 and P3 projections (figs. 66C, E, 67A, C). Females can be recognized by the tongueshaped epigastric scape (figs. 72B, 75E, F). MALE (figs. 65–71): TL 1.40. Habitus as in figure 65A. Carapace without stripes. Six eyes; ALE less than one diameter apart; PME oval, touching or almost touching; PLE round to oval, well separated from PME. Endites as in Z. swammerdami but median projection slightly longer, needlelike (fig. 66C–F) and P2 and P3 slightly larger (figs. 66C, E, 67A, C). Booklung covers relatively small. Ventral lip not constricted (fig. 68E). DS long, covering almost entire dorsum, fused to ES (fig. 68A). PES fused to ES, forming single ventral scutum that covers nearly full length of abdomen (fig. 68B). PLS with two spigots. FEMALE (figs. 72–77): TL 1.31. Habitus as in figure 73A. Carapace without stripes. Eyes as in male. Booklung covers relatively small. Ventral lip not constricted (fig. 75C). DS long, covering almost entire dorsum (fig. 75A). PES long, most of ventral abdomen covered (fig. 75B). Epigastric scape tongue shaped (figs. 72B, 75E, F). Internal genitalia as in figures 76, 77. Genital pouch present (figs. 76B, 77A, B). Distal part of genital duct highly coiled (figs. 76D, F, 77E). OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: D.R.C.: Ruwenzori, près de Kalonge, 00 ° 209N, 029 ° 489E, Feb. 12, 1953 , Berlese, elev. 2000 m (PBI_OON 28560, MRAC 224.209), 1 female . Same locality, Jan. 30, 1953 , Berlese, elev. 2080 m (PBI_OON 28514, MRAC 224.214), 1 male . Same locality, no date given, humus sous bambous, elev. 2210 m (PBI_OON 28576, MRAC 224.212), 3 females . Ruwenzori, ruiss. Karambura, près de Kalonge, 00 ° 209N, 029 ° 489E, Jan. 30, 1955 , Berlese, elev. 2060 m (PBI_OON 28578, MRAC 223.397), 1 female . Ruwenzori, ruiss. Karambura affl. dr. Katauleko, près de Kalonge, 00 ° 209N, 029 ° 489E, Feb. 14, 1953 , Berlese, elev. 2060 m (PBI_OON 28518, MRAC 224.203), 1 male . Same data except date Jan. 30, 1953 (PBI_OON 28521, MRAC 224.205), 1 male . Same data except date Jan. 30, 1955 (PBI_OON 28579, MRAC 224.208), 1 male , 1 female . Ruwenzori, Bwisonge affl. dr. Butahu, près de Kyandolire, 00 ° 209N, 029 ° 459E, Oct. 14, 1952 , terreau berge rivière, elev. 1750 m (PBI_OON 28613, MRAC 224.210), 1 male . Ruwenzori, Mulaku affl. g. Kakalari, près de Kyandolire, 00 ° 209N, 029 ° 459E, Feb. 14, 1952 , Berlese, elev. 1750 m (PBI_OON 28639, MRAC 224.206), 1 male . Same locality, Oct. 15, 1952 , terreau berge rivière, elev. 1750 m (PBI_OON 28608, MRAC 224.211), 1 male , 1 female . Ruwenzori, ruiss. Katsambu affl. dr. Butahu, près de Kalonge, 00 ° 209N, 029 ° 489E, Feb. 12, 1953 , Berlese, elev. 2000 m (PBI_OON 28616, MRAC 224.207), 1 female . Same data except date Jan. 26, 1953 (PBI_OON 28538, PPRI), 1 male , 1 female . Ruwenzori, Ihongero, piste vers Mahungu, entre Kalonge et Mahungu, 00 ° 219N, 029 ° 349E, Feb. 1, 1953 , Berlese, elev. 2480 m (PBI_OON 9644, MRAC 224.158), 2 males , 1 female . Same data (PBI_OON 28507, MRAC 224.202), 1 male , 1 female . All material collected by Vanschuytbroeck P. and Kekenbosch J. Fig. 37. Zyngoonops beatriceae , new species , male (A, C–E) and female (B, F). A, B. Habitus, lateral view. C. Carapace, lateral view. D. Same, posterior view. E. Same, dorsal view. F. Epigastric region, ventral view. Abbreviations: do, dorsal stripe; l, lower stripe; la, lateral stripe; m, middle stripe; u, upper stripe. Scale bars: 50 Mm (F), 100 Mm (A–E). Fig. 38. Zyngoonops beatriceae , new species , male. A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Carapace, dorsal view. C. Labium, ventral view. D. Mouthparts, ventral view. Arrowhead: posterior margin of transverse bar. E. Detail of D, showing setae of anterior group. F. Left endite, projections P2, P3 and P5, ventral view. Arrow: seta 4. Abbreviations: P, projection; tb, transverse band. Scale bars: 2 Mm (E), 10 Mm (C, F), 30 Mm (D), 100 Mm (A, B). Fig. 39. Zyngoonops beatriceae , new species , male. A. Right endite, P2, ventral view. Arrowheads: setae 1–3. B. Right endite, P3, ventral view. C. Right endite, mp and P2, lateral view. D. Detail of C, showing P3 and P5. Arrowhead: serrated edge of P2. E. Right endite, projections P2, P4 (asterisk) and P5, median view. F. Left endite, projections P2, P3, P4 (asterisk) and P5, anterior view. Abbreviations: mp, median projection; P, projection. Scale bars: 5 Mm (A, B, D–F), 10 Mm (C). Fig. 40. Zyngoonops beatriceae , new species , male. A. Left endite, projections P2, P3 and P5, anteroventral view. B. Abdomen, ventral view. C. Pedicel tube, ventral view. D. Epigastric region, ventral view, showing sperm pore (arrow), additional orifice (arrowhead), anterior spiracle (asp) and posterior spiracle (psp). E. Pedipalp, prolateral view. F. Cymbium, dorsal view. Scale bars: 5 Mm (A), 10 Mm (C, D, F), 25 Mm (E), 50 Mm (B). Fig. 41. Zyngoonops beatriceae , new species , male (A, B) and female (C–F). A. Embolus, prolateral view. Arrow: ridge. B. Same, dorsal view. Arrow: ridge. C. Habitus, lateral view. D. Carapace, lateral view. E. Mouthparts, ventral view. F. Detail of left endite, showing setae 1–3 (arrowheads) and setae 4–5 (s4–5). Scale bars: 2 Mm (B), 5 Mm (A, F), 25 Mm (E), 100 Mm (C, D). DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the Kivu region , D.R.C. (map 5), where the species is sometimes sympatric with Z. beatriceae , Z. swammerdami or Z. chambersi .