New State Stonefly (Plecoptera) Records For Pennsylvania, With Additional Records And Information On Rare Species Author Earle, Jane I. text Illiesia 2009 5 16 169 181 journal article 6786 10.5281/zenodo.4759416 07c83cbb-d592-43c1-894e-9fbcd0f48339 1854-0392 4759416 Taeniopteryx metequi Ricker and Ross is one of the rarest Pennsylvania members of the genus, having been reported from only four counties ( Masteller 1996 ). Although a 1966 collection from one site in Snyder County in the Susquehanna River basin was included in Ricker and Ross (1968) , all recent collections have been restricted to the Potomac and Monongahela River basins in PA. Interestingly, T. metequi has been reported in all river basins except the Potomac in West Virginia ( Tarter and Nelson 2006 ) and only in the eastern Ridge and Valley portion of the Potomac River basin in Maryland ( Grubbs 1997 ). New Records: FULTON: (P) Sideling Hill Creek , PA Route 484, 6 February 2005 , 2♂ ; Tonoloway Creek , SR 2004 at Johnsons Mill, 6 February 2005 , 2♂ .