New State Stonefly (Plecoptera) Records For Pennsylvania, With Additional Records And Information On Rare Species Author Earle, Jane I. text Illiesia 2009 5 16 169 181 journal article 6786 10.5281/zenodo.4759416 07c83cbb-d592-43c1-894e-9fbcd0f48339 1854-0392 4759416 Leuctra alexanderi Hanson has been previously recorded from only 5 small cold forested creeks or spring runs in Pennsylvania ( Earle 2004b , Masteller 1996 ). The Pennsylvania distribution of L . alexanderi is the Potomac River basin, west and north of the Allegheny Front through the Ohio and upper West Branch Susquehanna River basins, and east to the upper Delaware River basin in northeastern Pennsylvania . Leuctra alexanderi is not as widely distributed in North America as other Leuctra species , having been confirmed from only 5 states from Pennsylvania south to Tennessee . Leuctra alexanderi is common in small spring-fed creeks in western Maryland ( Grubbs 1997 ). New Records : BEDFORD : (P) Fifteenmile Creek , Old Big Mountain Rd. , 24 May 2002 , 1♂ , 1♀ ; spring run to an unnamed tributary to Blues Gap Run, 800 m north of Elbinsville , 6 June 2001 , 2♂ ; FAYETTE: (O) Back Creek , 800 m upstream of mouth, 4 June 1996 , 2♂ ; WESTMORELAND: (O) Grove Run, 75 m upstream of mouth, 13 June 2009 , 2♂ ; spring run to Indian Creek , PA Rte. 381, 1 km north of PA Rte. 31, 4 June 1996 , 1♂ .