New State Stonefly (Plecoptera) Records For Pennsylvania, With Additional Records And Information On Rare Species Author Earle, Jane I. text Illiesia 2009 5 16 169 181 journal article 6786 10.5281/zenodo.4759416 07c83cbb-d592-43c1-894e-9fbcd0f48339 1854-0392 4759416 Allocapnia zola Ricker ranges from New Brunswick south to Virginia and Kentucky . The only previous Pennsylvania records are from 3 small forested creeks in Carbon, Perry, and Westmoreland Counties ( Masteller 1996 ). Allocapnia zola is found mainly in small clean cold water creeks; however, in Pennsylvania it also has been found in medium creeks and in streams receiving alkaline coal mine drainage. Most records are from Blue Mountain in southcentral Pennsylvania , the southern-most ridge in the Ridge and Valley Physiographic Province . New records: BEDFORD : (P) Fifteenmile Creek , 1 st bridge upstream of Maryland state line, 20 January 2006 , 2♂ ; Piney Creek , PA Rte. 26, 6 February 2005 , 2♂ ; FAYETTE: (O) Little Champion Creek , SR 1050, 24 February 1997 , 1♂ ; Champion Creek , 50 m downstream of Little Champion Creek , 24 February 1997 , 1♂ , 1♀ , FULTON: (P) Trough Run, PA Rte. 484, 24 March 2006 , 1♂ .